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Everything posted by Liq

  1. well if it doesnt can i get a refund?
  2. Also, it has 52 nominal guns, not 50
  3. Remember different quality upgrades? gray - green - blue - purple - gold? In the end they got removed, because noone wanted to be using anything other than exceptional (gold) Remember fine woods? Removed for similar reasons Now why seasoned woods? /discuss
  4. aha interesting but I suppose the difference is not that huge in square riggers?
  5. Today I noticed, in the trader lynx, you go quicker in a slightly adjusted manual sailing mode rather than default autoskipper Has this to do with leeway? Are there other ships (square riggers) that this applies?
  6. Means cannons will have more pen? What are you going to do to masts?
  7. I think you need regular wood logs to get the seasoned ones, no? so you kinda "process" them to a better quality level? Still, way over the top, unbalanced
  8. i dont understand, why would you care about Battle Ratings on PvE server? Like, not meant offensively, im genuenly intersted
  9. Is this how shallow pvp should be? I got mast mods, they didn't aha
  10. 3 Years ago we had a christmas truce, during which we agreed on no RVR activites. I think it'd be quite annoying having to leave family reunions in order to defend a pixel port 🐵 Maybe NPC raiders can agree to this aswell? @admin
  11. If you dont have mast mods and are facing someone that does it's already gg - 5 ish mast hits with carronades and game over
  12. because you lowered it by replacing a better upgrade with a worse one as others said navy planking is +6cm thickness, cartagena is +6% thickness cm =/= percent
  13. Mach dir dazu keine gedanken, ist laut devs legitim - hab schon den ein oder anderen mit 3x requin gesehen
  14. San Juan 18.11.19 Not even Close to sinking
  15. Liq

    Possible Loki in Mission

    Would have gotten reboarded
  16. Understanding Oversupply Although the context can vary, oversupply results from overproduction and leads to the accumulation of unsalable inventories. Price levels and oversupply are strongly correlated.
  17. 16.11.2019 PVP: [HANSA] [LAMA] moved from DK to GB [HAVOC] moved from DK to SVE [DNP] added to DK [K33N] added to Pirates PVE: [RDNN] added to DK Feel free to post any other changes of clans that moved or stopped playing or whatever
  18. Tbh I dont really see the point either, might be a nice feature for pve server - but just because my gf likes her new high heels, that doesn' t mean, I'll want them for myself too..
  19. Ai dont demast and if done right you can easily demast them with a few broadsides
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