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Nick the cursed

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Everything posted by Nick the cursed

  1. Paints for 5th rates and more was nice, but i hope some good paints for 6/7th rates, too..
  2. To return at the topic, i prefer a wiki ingame than "Guide"/"Help", like a lot of other games have. Could be useful for new players to find infos about craft, trade, etc... AND for old players who could find stats for ships, upgrades... Maybe it's coming with the new UI, who know?!
  3. Contre le "rage boarding" (abordage express comme tu expliques) je suis d'accord, mais après 40min de combat pour en finir à abandonner, c'est un peu dommage, c'est le jeu, personne n'a perdu ^^ Mais... se donner tant d'efforts pour abandonner... Surtout que c'était un Frigate tanky pour taper du Gros Cul (pour du screen ou PB de bâtiments de ligne), impossible de lui ouvrir un côté, même avec mes long cannons à quelques mètres de sa coque
  4. Harrr I almost got it after the screening fleet and the PB fleet... Determinated Perk got me..
  5. Tu peux pas board un ship s'il a 30% (si je me trompe pas) de crew de moins que toi... J'viens de découvrir ce perk, avec ce foutu combat qui a duré, m'a donné des sueurs, pour pas un seul tonneau de rhum...
  6. Hummm... J'suis pas un grand fan du Determinated perk... Juste un exemple, j'ai passait, peut-être 40min à me combattre contre une Frig, détruire les voiles, ouvrir sa poupe et l'arroser de grape pour au final ne pas pouvoir l'aborder... Un peu mauvais, j'ai du abandonner le fight...
  7. Hummm... I had to give up the fight because he had Determinated Perks... After some hard work against a Frigate... Good fight, btw...
  8. Haahaarrrr, almost! Dont be afraid Hetwill, i'll next time... Be carefull if ya see a Pyrate player Snow in OW, i know where ya're, now... Hard to find inspiration, but i found it, in a barrel of rum in my hold! Haharr... I promised to finish this story but i didnt give a date, it's the suspense, too!
  9. Plutôt content, oui, ça permet plus de variétés de combats, du challenge et de mieux choisir ses positions de début de combat selon le vent/les terres/les forts. J'en ai discuté avec d'autres joueurs en OW qui aiment aussi chasser en solo et ils sont tout autant ravi que moi que de pouvoir engager des navires un peu plus costauds. Et pour moi qui aime le RP Pirate, cela prend un peu plus de sens.
  10. 7th rates can be a wound against 6/5th rates with their speed, maneuverability, little "hitbox", etc... and you can easily escape if you're in a bad situation
  11. I play with (almost only) the Snow since 1,5 years, got some skills on it, haha! Best ship in the game isn't the bigger, it's the ship you know how to sail... But i'm a bit sad to win due to your issue...
  12. Arrr you was fighting against me... I didn't understood why you set your sails to stop, i boarded you and i won, finally... You was disconnected, didnt see something ingame, was thinking you was surrendering. Contact me ingame, same name, i'll give you back some rewards for this "technical issue" Edit: BTW, was a fun fight for me (before i learned this issue), please Devs, allows us to tag bigger ships on small ships, i want to try to cap some 4th rate on my Snow or Privateer, only way for now, is to turn around and wait for the biggers to tag me... AND a gank's fleet of Wasa, Surp and more can tag a noob Snow/Rattle/Brig...
  13. Please, stop to tag my Snow, thinking it's an easy target...
  14. Really?! Nice story, continue!
  15. 7th rate: Privateer without doubt, very fun to harass bigger ships with it and escape upwind! Funnier in manual sails since the sailing profiles update. (i like Pickle and Yacht, too, just for their looks) 6th rate: Huummm... Not sure... No!!! It's the Snow for sure!!! (my favorite ship in game) Amazing turn rate, good sailing profile, very pretty, bow/stern chasers, overgunned... Funny against the 5th rates! (Prince is nice, too, but i prefer to sail a Privateer for this type of sails) 5th rate: Maybe Frigate, looks nice and pretty heavy... I like the LGV refit, looks nice too, but i need more practice on it to make some big traders hunts... I don't sail a lot of 5th rates, btw. 4/3/2/1st rates: I don't sail them, too big, too slow, too boring for me... But i'll say Constitution, Pavel and Victory just because they're beautiful! ^^
  16. Prince, Snow et Privateer si tu cherche de bons petits navires de chasse! Teak, Oak ou Sabicu en crew space et quelques améliorations de vitesse/profil de voiles, un peu de reload, du turn rate (quelques améliorations d'abordage si tu veux pousser le vice) et à toi la fortune! Parole de Pyrate! Haharr! Après, avec un peu d'entraînement, tu peux facilement capturer un Le Gros Ventre avec les navires que j'ai cités ou même pourquoi pas des frégates plus ou moins lourdes! Ils suffit de trouver leurs faiblesses et rester hors de portée de leurs canons.
  17. Le système est cool en tant que récompense, mais dommage de voir de la triche ou même des joueurs farmer des plus petits ships juste pour les pvp marks... J'ai eu un Endy FR en Snow, 10x Pvp marks, belle récompense, mais derrière, un Wasa et un Aggie GB ont tagguent mon Snow, ils m'ont clairement dit qu'ils été là juste pour les Pvp marks! Certes peu à gagner, mais aussi peu de mérite, déçu qu'ils aient gagné quelque chose...
  18. Still alive! Never underestimated BLACK with a lil' ship... Hahaarr!
  19. Dont join Pyrates if you want politic... Hahaarr
  20. You can buy a basic ship from the shop, too, with luck, you'll find a nice wood with crew space (which is'nt bad, btw)
  21. Why not try to play without marks... Just dont think about it and fight, if dont have any for a Wasa, try to find a Connie, Frig, Belle Poule, Cerb, Snow, Pickle... Personally, i dont need PvP/Victory mark for my PvP... Take marks as rewards, dont farm for it.
  22. I'll give an Aggie to the guy who'll sunk/board @Pagan Pete on a Privateer, only condition is to cap Lil' Willy...
  23. "Allows production" want to say you 'll have to build a mine/forest to produce this ressource. Only players will produce it, not the port... Basic ressources like Oak, Coal, Iron, Hemp... aren't produces by AI in ports. If you see some, it's a player sold some or put a selling contract.
  24. Arrr! Never used them... Dont want to follow their laws! Prefer to be hanged than serve these freedom thieves, they dont pay well! Hahaaar
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