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Everything posted by Anolytic

  1. I very much look forward to testing this. I hope frigates become useful again with this patch.
  2. Anolytic

    Clan issue

    Afaik you cannot have clans with the same tag in different nations, so if the tag is taken by a swedish clan it won't be possible for a dutch clan to claim the same tag.
  3. Can we please get more possible spots in our friendlist? I'm maxed out. I also want to reiterate yet again the wish that we should be allowed to add players from other nations to our friendlist. Some of us already have enemies on our friendlists from when we had the alliances or from players that have changed nations. So there is no logical reason why we shouldn't be allowed to expand those lists.
  4. Pointing out that there are rules on the forum is not a threat, it's enlightenment. And what's up with the name-calling? It doesn't even make sense. I'm evidently the more grown-up of the two of us.
  5. First of all: What do RUS/REDS have to do with Danmark-Norge? RUS left that nation long ago and REDS was never in Danmark-Norge. Second of all, throwing around false accusations of exploits is against the forum rules. Please check them out here: With the new BR rules for PBs screening is incredibly OP. This was pointed out while the mechanic was still just a theoretical suggestion and we've kept pointing it out. When the pirates and danes first started to circumvent the whole screening issue we checked with the devs and they endorsed the method before we ever used it. Otherwise we would not have. That is not to say that we do not agree with you that it is a bad mechanic. Screening should be viable, but balanced. Now it is either OP or useless. I do not get why we spent months waiting to get the 30 minute timer to enter PBs after logging in at sea, just to then open up this new method of circumventing screening. At this point devs should just remove that timer so that players can be logged out outside of PBs just as well as sitting AFK in battles. Or make PBs lobby based. Or come up with something that fixes screening.
  6. So basically you're waiting for us to grow tired fo the local scenery and leave of our own volition?
  7. I guess it can be hard to be one of the most notorious players on the server. This was the first thing I felt was missing after the introduction of single durabilities and I've suggested it myself a couple of times. I think (hope) they are working on it with the rebalancing of ships. The speed/stability should be decreased and the BR should be increased in relation to the other 4th rates. Or just simply cross-nation clan alliances would be great. +1 I don't see the need. I like that there is no "official" commanders in-game and also that communication is valuable. I think making it too technical and complicated, or with too many aids just make the battles more mechanical, generic and boring. Total War-games have naval battles now, so if I want to order AI ships around on a map I play Empire Total War.
  8. I thought for sure your wishlist was going to have on the top 1 more set of Forged Papers.
  9. Turneffe PB video: @BABAY is back, how did you brits like your brief visit to Atwood yesterday?
  10. We just tried a battle with Sipak and there was no issue. The bug appears to be fixed.
  11. Our PB at Turneffe was unfortunately interrupted by the battle instance crashing, just as we were about to dig into the dessert and engage their big ships. Anyhow, the brits were saved a bunch of ships: Video will follow. And here's our screening fleet for Turneffe:
  12. Turneffe PB. Brits tactic was to try and lure our fleet away from the circles and then run in with frigates to capture the circles rather than fight us. It didn't really work... Also, our screening fleet:
  13. This happened at Turneffe.
  14. It's not. It just happened again at the Turneffe Port Battle.
  15. Kristen Carr, the NPC, has been named honorary member of REDS after fighting bravely and surviving the entire battle.
  16. I think dvs should require that the equation is submitted with the sum of PvP-marks asked to avoid any side inflating their compensation... Or maybe have an impartial 3rd party do the calculations. I'd offer to do it, but I don't remember the exact prize for ships other than the victory. Btw, I think that what is found funny here is asking 35 PvP-marks for a victory that was lost. Loosing a Victory is not worth 35 PvP-marks, sinking one is worth 24 PvP-marks. The cost of loosing a 1st rate is infinitely less than the prize for killing one. If the Victory had been lost to a bug, then the compensation would have been the ship and the upgrades or the 15 PvP-marks cost of the navy structure refit that was equipped. However, the Victory was sunk in a battle, before the bug happened. If you read admin's statement carefully, he offered compensation of the PvP-marks that should have been delivered as prizes for ships sunk in the Port battle, as well as restoring/replacing ships lost as a direct result of the bug, meaning only ships that RUBLI lost because they were kicked to OW from the PB instance after it crashed, and were unable to enter into Barahona to protect and repair their fleet, as they should have been able to if the bug had not prevented them from taking possession of the port.
  17. Well, you picked us, so i don't know... Capt Jim lost connection. He got back in and did a good job. Sipak's broadside was not wasted. And there was no rageboarding. We had a flexible fleet and when the Brits came with such heavy 1st rates we needed to adapt. There is no upside to brawling against 100+cm armoured L'Oceans. Boarding is a valid tactic. We didn't even need to demast anyone to board, they very helpfully sailed into the irons. Unfortunately brits gave up the wind right away yet again - even though the rng-gods had given them the best possible wind conditions for the fight - so there was no fight for positioning and a very short brawl. Babay is not in REDS.
  18. Video of the clash. @Admiral Horatio Hornblower Were you there?
  19. We needed to drop some points so we could get more of their big ships. We were discussing about surrendering the Reno to give us time to kill the last L'Ocean when the battle was already over.
  20. Longest ever PB...
  21. Pirate Traders be like:
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