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Everything posted by Anolytic

  1. Sweden and BF/RUBLi worked together last night didn't they? Even so far as several swedes being willing to ignore the rules and risk repercussions by doing green-on-green to help BF. That seems pretty cosy to me. As we see it, Sweden gave RUBLI Grand Turk as a gift.
  2. Shallow ships do not go in deep-water PBs. Only exception is Mortar Brigs. Smallest ship you can get in a deep water PB is Cerberus.
  3. Devs made hiding in battle legal, not us. When we first came across it against your friends in RUBLI and BF we put it in tribunal. We only used it after it was decided that it was completely legal. We would have preferred if it wasn't. There is a line however, and Swedes just obliterated it by blocking the slots in the battle and then doing green-on-green to the ships that did manage to join.
  4. Swedes, Brits, Pirates and Danes make it almost half the nations on the server, yes.
  5. With the help of Pirates, brits, Danes. Practically half the server. And that was when 1st rates were easy to come by and all replaced by us within another 2 hours. And they were all disposable Live Oak ships without any upgrades. The 4 ships that REDS lost at Cartagena yesterday were worth more than all the ships we lost at Les Gonaives. Multiply that by 6 to get the Swedish losses.
  6. We don't need to win fights? 2 days. 22 1st rates lost by Sweden. Against Russia, without help from half the rest of the server. Considering most of these ships were PB-fit and the cost of Victory marks. I think we've set a new record for carnage on the server.
  7. Victory is still more manoeuvrable and is far from obsolete or unbalanced. If anything it has become more balanced. You haven't been around much then. Santi is used in PvP about as much as the other 1st rates.
  8. Need to refurnish the place before we can invite guests over. Right now we're trying to disassemble the furniture so we can pack it down and return it, but these instruction manuals that were left behind are all unintelligible...
  9. Why would we ever have 25 people together in open sea where there are no circles to prevent kiting, no forts or land. Your question really is if there will be a rematch, and I would be very surprised if not. Cartagena was the beginning of a campaign, not the end. Sweden is going to want to take it back, and Russia will want to keep fighting. I am sure there will be more chances for fighting, and I doubt Sweden will make the mistake of getting tagged out of a defensive PB again.
  10. Stop with the bullshit. Almost all our timers are in EU primetime. None are set for strategical reasons. Hat Island was grinded and captured by North American players, therefore the decision of when to put the timer was left up to them. Naturally they choose to be able to defend in their primetime.
  11. OMG. Welcome back! You've been missed. From Russia with love.
  12. I'm not sure if this topic is misplaced, or if Sweden's plan is to give up on NA and fight back in Legends instead. At least there they can't loose any ports and can't get screened out of their battles...
  13. С новым годом!
  14. Pray to the RNG-gods.
  15. Docking range is fine as it is I think. Otherwise we would have more ports where you can dock from the back side or from weird angles or directions. If there are specific ports where sailing to the docks is particularly cumbersome you should mention those ports in the topic that devs have created for feedback on this. Many ports have been made more accessible in the past at the request of players. Though docking range is fine as it is in my opinion, I'm not sure we need all the shallows near port entrances really. Especially in shallow bays they are annoying and may force you to spend five minutes sailing just 500 meter into the bay to dock uo. With bad wind you have no possibility to tack yet need to manoeuver siggsagging through shallows to get through the bay and dock up. Just widen the bays and remove a lot of the shallows in OW. Near ports at least.
  16. Anolytic

    Issue with forts

    I've seen this happen before and put in an F11 report. A fort will shoot at players with the same flag that the fort carries if the players are borrowing the flag from the nation they are supporting in battle. Makes for a very odd situation.
  17. What ships were you both in? Speed, angle and the position of the bowsprit will affect the chances of it breaking. Niagara will loose its bowsprit at the slightest touch of another ship. Some ships have a more elevated bowsprit so that two ships can ram each other head on and one will loose the bowsprit and the other will keep it. If you ram someone's side keeping or loosing your bowsprit can depend on your speed and damage caused to your bow.
  18. Brits tried to grind Turneffe. We spotted them in their first mission and sailed there. Their scouts spotted us, so they sent reinforcements to the edge of the safezone. We feigned a withdrawal and then engaged the reinforcements and the hostility fleet in the OW:
  19. Apropos realism. Could we do something about: -Unrealistically accurate guns that make the demasting fest a thing -Unrealistic OP RNG-dropped modules that give magical stat bonuses to ships -Unrealistic Port Battles where attackers start with the wind in their face or in any other way unfavourable wind conditions in a well prepared assault (-Unrealistic absence of whaling boats and slaveships) -Magical safezones? (To be honest I don't mind them, I just wished the game encouraged players to leave them from time to time)
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