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Everything posted by Anolytic

  1. Remember when we had rookie capitals? Give new players 2 starting outposts: Nation Capital + Shroud Cay. (Impossible nations only the latter) Also make teleporting to Shroud Cay free (no doubloon cost). ONLY teleporting into Shroud Cay.
  2. I'll leave my 2cents on this specifically. It's of course up to you and the devs how you want to run this forum, but I ran a gaming forum as community manager for a some years and I never observed what you are describing as a potential issue here. My target was maximum possible transparency on moderator decisions and we would almost never delete topics unless they were just duplicates or viagra spam and creating cluster and pushing legitimate topics down the list. We would close them and leave the explanation there with a specific rule citation. If they served no purpose as examples we could delete the topics completely after a week or so - again to avoid clustering up the forum. I also very rarely deleted comments, unless there was a certain quantity of consecutive spam, but would rather delete the contents of the comment or edit out the specific offending part of it and add a note about why and what rule was broken. We developed a very good understanding with the community, and there was no ambiguities about the rules. That's all I have to say here, other than I hope Liquicity will be pardoned eventually.
  3. I get this part, and I quite like it. When you sail it, it's like a modern cargo ship. You may be carrying 10 different types of goods, but each type is stored in equal sized containers. It makes some things a lot simpler now that everything has the same weight. I also like the idea of availability and supply of goods based on realistic consumption and deterioration. And the fact that trade goods profits were reduced to about 100% return instead of 200% return is also quite alright. It means that we have to thing of value, risk and inflation in different terms than before.
  4. Thank you! Looking forward to testing this. Looting in PvP is most of the time not an option, but so I hope it is adjusted to a level that compensates for this.
  5. I'm all for cosmetic DLCs, but tbh, a captain avatar seems like a waste to me. It will impact performance. Especially if it is done with any kind of effort, to make it worth buying DLC to alter the visuals of it. In my view, I am the captain of my ship, not some NPC on deck. Btw, why post this in a new topic? This is essentially the same as this one from just earlier today:
  6. There is a danish flag with the monogram of Christian V, the king of Denmark until 1699. Is this even within the game period? Why do we not get the flag with the monogram of Christian VII, the (mad) king after which the flagship in-game was named and who reigned 1766-1808, smack in the middle of the game period. https://digitaltmuseum.no/021026957462/maleri/media?slide=0
  7. Here's my tribute to the Christian VII:
  8. Finally! Thanks! Handsomest ship in the game by far!
  9. Put the onus on clans to recruit and welcome players that want to take part in the social aspects of the game, not on all new players to join the first clan that approaches them, without taking the time to find out if they are a fit for each other. Reward clans that are actively recruiting, advertising in the forums, etc. Alts are not an issue when it comes to joining clans. I am sure there are more "alt-clans" than "real clans" in every nation.
  10. 1. Does it really have to be from the leaderboard? Leaderboard shows only 10 clans. Clan diversity is fine. Not everyone has to be in a mega-clan. 2. Really? Solo players are fine. Not everybody is a team player. Not everybody needs to be in a clan. If you don't intend to be in a clan, and you don't have alts, putting up however much it costs now to create a clan is a waste of money. This should not be a forced requirement. It could be strongly advised, even a pop-up message that you have to click away once that asks you if you want to find yourself a clan now or wait till later. 3. You should not push clans on people too soon. Some players want to level up and learn the game on their own before they feel like joining a clan. Some players join a clan to get help and find someone to teach them the game, others want to wait till they are accomplished in the game and can actually be an asset to whatever clan they join from the get-go. Personalities differ. Preferences differ. Don't push one single playstyle on everybody. 4. Most clans that will be on the leaderboards in the long run will be clans that require certain things of their members, such as having Teamspeak. Some players are going to have a hard time finding a clan that accepts them. Some big clans will grow out of this that amass players, but with no organisation and no collective. Many players that end up in such clans will not gain anything from it, and may even be put off from the game from the experience. Wait, isn't this kind of contradictory to the purpose of capital waters? Also, if the game endorses this, some players might not anticipate that they shouldn't bring their best ship to do this. Some players find port battles meaningful, other players don't. This is going to diminish the game for all parties if port battles become part of a NA tourist checklist. I guess it is fine as long as this is not a required operation though. Ok. Please give us 5 more outpost slots, so that we can have these outposts and also the ones that we choose ourselves. Even though my main account has no production outposts, I cannot currently cover all of the patrol zone connected freetowns because of all the other outpost I need to have to get around the map. With different NPC-fleets in different parts of the map, even more outposts are needed to be able to grind knowledge on all ship classes.
  11. BF is a big clan, with many recruits. REDS also have many new recruits recently, and I expect our numbers to normalise at more realistic levels soon, as players start solo hunting again. Those numbers are fun to look at now of course, but they don't give any real information about a clan, apart from if it is an active clan or not and what kind of gameplay they pursue.
  12. So, I know that this has been reported in multiple topics already, and I myself have put in at least a couple of F11 reports about it. But I am making a separate topic, because I suspect it this time may have affected the outcome of a PvP battle. Here is my screenshot of the bug: Long story short, it was a PvP-battle against British player Tethra123 of HAVOC on Indefatigable, only we were 2 against 1, so he sank. But before he sank he boarded and captured the other Russian in the battle, a Hercules. Tethra123 sank shortly after, and as the battle was over I went to loot both ships. So far so good apart from the annoyance of having to sail upwind to loot. I got to the Hercules, and all I got was the above shown message "failed". Every time I tried to load its hold ([X]). I tried at least 3 times. Only after drifting away and sailing in a roundabout way to get back upwind and close enough to loot them both was I able to loot the hold of both ships and even the Hercules' hold loaded. However, my assumption is that this bug also affected Tethra123. He will of course be able to confirm or deny this himself. But he was sitting in a sinking ship with no structure left, for about 20 seconds, within grappling distance of the Hercules that he had just boarded. And yet he did not change to the Hercules, as was the only thing that would have made sense, scuttle his Indefatigable, grab the doubloons dropping, and then escape from me right underneath my guns, which would have been a distinct possibility. I can think of no other reason that he did not change ships and try to escape, to effectively win the battle, than the possibility that the bug that I saw when entering the hold also happened to him and thus prevented him from changing ships. He had plenty of time to do so, and there was little that I could do in my much slower ship. Only Tethra123 himself or his clanmates (@rediii) can confirm if he was affected by the mentioned bug, but if he did it may have lost him the battle and I would assume that he should be given some sort of compensation for his loss in that case.
  13. Your data mean nothing to me. 5-6 hours playing = 199 doubloons. Thanks, but I'd rather uninstall. I don't want peace, I want PvP, but I can't even afford to teleport, let alone craft new ships.
  14. Your luck with the RNG-gods is about as good as mine then. Last time I gave up on this game was when they gave us the RNG-crafting again, now I'm three months back and suddenly *everything* is made RNG. I'm about to feel like Naval Action is playing some kind of cosmic joke on me. I played maybe 5-6 hours on PvE so far, trying to loot those elusive stacks doubloons that they say can drop even from AI traders. So far I killed maybe 20 AI and only the last one finally gave me a whooping 161 doubloons for my efforts. Since patch I've only used my main account. I've played 3-4 hours of PvP, and 5-6 hours PvE. In PvE I sank 3-4 trader brigs, a trader snow, 4-5 LGVs, did one kill mission against a connie, and killed 5-10 various sized frigates in OW AI fleets. All of this btw, apart from the kill mission, I did within sight of an enemy port - with reinforcement zone. I figured; more risk=more rewards, and even tagged an AI fleet inside the enemy reinforcement zone (while players were sitting at the docks - one joined in a fast herc and ran away). My first battle, a kill mission, gave me 38 doubloons reward. My last battle against 3 AI frigates, I looted 161 doubloons off my 20th AI kill approximately, an essex. This summarizes my total profits in doubloons. 191 doubloons in 5-6 hours. I teleported 8-9 times so far, so that leaves me 100 doubloons for 5-6 hours of effort. The good news is that in 450 more hours I can make my next L'Ocean. But it will "only" take me 15 hours to put a rattlesnake bowfigure on my ship, or 20 for to get navy structure. GG In my experience so far, based on 5-6 hours of play, AI ships are 4 times more likely to be absolutely empty than having doubloons in their hold. 1/4th of the ships I looted were completely empty. About other loot, I found some trade goods on some AI traders I killed. But my warship can only carry two or three of those back to port, and if I go back to port between every AI trader-kill I'll spend double the time on PvE. So I sank the cargo. I did loot a couple coles-bentinck pumps of some AI warships, but I don't imagine I'll get much doubloons for those.
  15. I'll just re-link the screenshot that Bobzilla provided, which seems to indicate that some captains got the extra rum as a skillbook also after the patch (though no idea if it can actually be equipped). This seems to show that there is a skillbook called Extra Rum. Which would seem to be a bug or some kind of ghost item. I think admin is right to ask for some understanding here. This is a small dev studio. They don't keep office hours around patch releases. Admin was probably home for hours already and half way to bed when he responded and asked for a screenshot. He had no way of anticipating that you would be able to provide them so quickly. Be pleased that he is responding here in this topic while he is at home and judging by the timestamps probably half way in bed. You can't expect him to sit and wait by the computer for your answer when he can just as well look through the topics in the morning as he would anyway.
  16. I saw your posts, and your information is very interesting and your evidence seem to indicate that there's been a bug with the transformation of rum rations into extra rum, letting some players keep it as a skillbook regardless. This is a big bug you've found and you might want to put it in a separate support topic to make sure it gets the proper attention. Suggesting devs are ignoring you on purpose is a bit too soon though. Chances are admin didn't see your reply yet. You'll notice he gets a lot of questions, criticisms, etc thrown at him these days. Or maybe a developer has registered it but decided to investigate the issue and not respond until more exhaustive information has been unearthed.
  17. @Wraith, @vazco and others have some good points about the new UI and about the amount of clicking for each operation. But they are perhaps conditioned to be more critical of this particular aspect of the game than what the average user will be. Personally I have no gripes regarding the new UI (apart from the lack of text to accompany the icons). I liked the old one and I like the new one. I really like the fonts you used though, I wouldn't mind knowing what fonts they are? But regarding statements like the one above, wouldn't just answering questions raised about UI with that there are hotkeys be a bit of a cop-out? Forgive me, but isn't the point of the UI that it should be smooth and intuitive (I'm not saying that I think it isn't)? If it's clunky so we have to use hotkeys instead of the icons, wouldn't that suggest that usability isn't optimal? On a personal note, I'm not sure I'm going to get used to using the hotkeys, but I assume that I will soon be sufficiently familiar with the icons to use them efficiently. Also, I think that I know exactly what @vazco means about splitting repairs being "hard". I've noticed the same. I have big stacks of repairs in most ports, and splitting off the amounts needed for my ship to leave port just feels like it is that little bit too slow and difficult. Part of it is getting used to new things, like the fact that scrolling when splitting stacks is now opposite of what it was in the old interface if I'm not mistaken. Now scrolling the mousewheel "up" increases the stack size, while before scrolling "up" moved the slider towards the left, and scrolling "down" moved it towards the right. It's however also the annoyingly long lag every time the hold or warehouse updates, which is every time you move something. Moving hull, rig and rum means 3 lags for splitting off the stacks, 3 for moving them to the hold, and then for those of us who are a little bit neurotic another 2-3 lags when rearranging the stacks into the right order in the hold. Getting the right stack size of repairs by just moving the slider with your mouse pointer is simply inconceivable if you have more than a couple of hundred repairs in your warehouse. You won't even end up in the ballpark, so you either have to scroll for a very long time to get to the right number, or you have to resort to writing the number of items you want in your stack, which is probably what you should get used to doing anyway. And then there's one more thing I realised has been bothering me in the UI: If I have more than 2 windows open. I.e hold, warehouse and chest. And I want to drag something from one of those windows to another. Then if one of those windows are behind both of them, and I drag something from my hold to my chest, then as soon as my mouse hovers over the background window it gets pushed to the foreground, covering my other windows. So if I want to drag something from one window to another I have to only have those windows open, and close all others until I'm done, or I have to make sure the two windows overlap so I can drag from one to another without hovering over the third window. I'm not sure this can be improved, and I might just have to learn to live with it. But it's been causing me some consternation
  18. The precedent that allowed green-on-green on loot-robbers has not been formally or officially revoked, but the topic that established the precedent was removed in November last year. So I think we are to take it that we aren't allowed to anymore. The thread you're talking about has been hidden: http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/21414-green-to-green-damage/ Technically not correct. There is active precedent that says otherwise that has not been revoked, only hidden. As evidenced above, players that was around back then remember this precedent and will act according to it unless the tribunal updates the rule or formally revokes the precedent.
  19. Have F11'd this same bug several times in PvP and PvE.
  20. I presume so. I only played a few hours yesterday before I gave up and logged off, so I didn't craft anything. I have no particular opinion on this part of the UI at the moment, or about the number of clicks in a process. I only wanted to point out that the assumption that nobody crafts the guns they need when they need them was false and therefore isn't a good argument.
  21. I do. All the time. And I know others that used to have gun forges in freeports and would craft guns whenever they redeemed a DLC-ship or used a PvP-ship-note.
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