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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. and what irks a lot of folks is they had given out notes of the ship so folks can redeem them and use them early on. Though this was suppose cause of bugs found or suggestions made, but it's funny it's all ways the same guys that get them early. While the rest of us where risking our good ships to get something half decent or nothing at all. IN fact one clan mate lost three ships trying to get notes and a half decent Reyuter which he never did. He didn't loose them to AI, he lost them to folks ganking AI's or returning to port low on repairs and crew after fighting elite ships that don't get elite rewards. I was jumped twice, but told the guys I just got off 12 hour shift, sailed a good 30 mins to get over here and just want to try to get a note or ship. Wasn't really in the mode for PvP and they where nice enough to let me go. In three days spending 2-3 hours I should of used for sleep I got one SC note and one Cag/Oak De Ruyter (no port bonus or perk). I started grinding AI in hopes the ship would get released soon and I have some slots open. Now I know it's going to be an even ship I'll prob never see it again much like the same with the SC. Funny thing was on the way back from the event treasure fleet popped and I got a deadmans chest.....it ended up giving me a SC note....didn't even need the event after all lol
  2. In the past I just all ways added a zero behind what ever they said. Oh it's going to be in 2 weeks, you mean 20? We will see the patch next month? Oh so you mean some time next year? Yes I'm exaggerating a bit, but we are use to them taking for ever to do patches they hint where going to drop in a week or two or the next month. The honest magic number seems to always be around 6 months from when they announce something. Will this timer thing only effect players vs players? I can see where this might cause problems with folks doing PvE being trapped in a fight they are trying to escape cause they aren't doing to well. It should not effect any one doing PvE or AI's. This seems something that should be only PvP. The repair thing is what my biggest concern is. Last time you adjusted the repairs you didn't adjust the AI and they become extremly powerful While I know some guys think they are easy and a joke, but for a casual players they could be extremly hard and than you decress the repairs even more. Fighting ELITES ships you pretty much have to have a fully kitted out ship your self (this is why the rewards suck when they give you plan woods or something soft as hell). I seem folks loose ships fighting AI's so if you make it harder your going to piss off even more casual players. Yes I know AI don't get repairs, but AI should not be out DPS a fully kitted out Season wood ship built with all the ship yard perks. It should be balance (the normal) off a none perk Oak/Oak ship with no shipyard bonus. The elites should be balance off something better than that. There is a big curve in what we fight and what we get in reward against elites and such. 12 weeks would put us about 3 months, that about normal
  3. Uh make more ships with money from DLC. I would buy the combat indianman in a heart beat if it was a DLC and we been saying they should do a trade ship (none combat) DLC for some time. Something like a shallow water ship but the size of an LGV would prob sale like hot cakes for the traders and casuals. Hell even some of the combat guys. I would than put a trade xebec in that can be crafted.
  4. You must think all we want is PvP? There are a lot of players that play both sides the PvE and the PVP of the game and remains on the war server cause to be honest. PvE only and the way the server is set up is pretty freaking boring. What features you have over on the PvE server have actually been suggestions that us PvP players have made to give more PvE content to both servers. As much as some of the guys over there hate me I do make a lot of suggestions that would help ya'lls servers out.
  5. Sorry to tell you it just doesn't work that way. Most folks don't want to leave a winning team to play on a loosing team and than continue to loose cause nothing was done to split up the winning team. Look at Sweden recently a lot of clans from other nations join to fight Russia, but it still wasn't enough to fight them. There is also the issue Russia has allies in other nations helping to make it even more zerg. Now lets look at other games, POTBS is mention a lot as it's the only other game that was like this and it died off a lot when they went F2P and did a lot of changes, but my point is they did map wipes every 3-4 months (can't remember which it was). They had a winner declared by who had the most points/ports and than all ports got reset back to original owners. We could actually do this and keep port bonus and such in those ports cause if they are neutral own than you can just flip them back, but it also gives others chance to flip them to if your not fast enough. POTBS also gave a bonus to the weakest nation every time, we always made sure when we won it was French so even when Spain or Pirates beat British we made sure they never came in last to get that bonus. Cuase they where the biggest nation zerg, just didn't have the best players as Spain and Pirates had (was on Roberts Server). As for rebuilding ports with investments? You tell me how many folks are sitting on mounds of resources that can't just rebuild most of that pretty quickly? The Devs can balance this by not allowing any impossible nation or Pirates in an alliance/faction. The other core nations can have alliances or dev appointed factions and team up again each other. When a new wipe comes the factions changes up so that it's not always the same nations teamed up with each other. I would honestly go with three factions not four and than have the impossible nations not allowed to be in along with pirates. You can do something like: Swede, Dane, Dutch GB, US Spain, French Than the next reset it's something like Swede, US, GB Dane French Dutch, Spain Maybe putting the three weakest nations together and than haveing the two strogest paired up with the two middle nations. This leaving all the pirates and impossible nations as the wild cards. While they can still screen OW battles and help that way, but only faction members can join each others battles and PB's.
  6. I mean it's more honest, look at the history of most there updates they state would be in a month or two but end up being 6 months later.
  7. This has nothing to do with entitlement. If any other company ran there business this way they would be in the ground and out of business. It's not the first time they said a week or two, gave zero updates and than you get the patch 6 months later and half of it is not even what was suppose to be on the patch in the first place or they totally change stuff that was working just fine. Right now if my company told the customers we can deliver something in 1-2 weeks and we don't....than we don't give a reason why or when a new ETA is than they would pull ever contract they have and take there business some where else. Game Labs is providing a service, that service needs to be on a timely manor and truthful with it's customers. Other wise they should stop expecting us to give good reviews and such. I show my support with my wallet, not with reviews. I have spent well over 500-600 bucks on this game and expect that the money should be going towards in game content and to make the game better, not items they feel to make DLC or hide behind event content when such items was promised to us as craft able. and that isn't even the last update they where suppose to do.....they had a whole list of stuff early this year....and I say early this year cause we are all ready into the 2Q of the year and nearing soon half the year gone by. WHY WASN'T THE MONEY FOR DLC SPENT ON EXTRA PROGRAMMER? It seems we get that told to use once a year and still they only have one programmer (ti was 2 at one time way back in the days). I'm going to bet they made a pretty penny off the last DLC and will make it off the next so there is no excuse for them to hold back in game Continent that was promised to be craftable or to be dragging patches they need to implement to deal with balance issues. PS: @admin Oh I updated that review, while I gave it thumbs up I didn't change it, just added more info. I can't lie and tell them something isn't true when it's not. You did take 6 months to update the paints when you said in only 30 days and you continue to do this over and over with things promised to come. As a business it's your job to provide good service to your customer, not our job to kiss your arse and hope you give us what you promise. Now I don't give a crap if content is delayed to make it better, what I do give a crap about is proper information to let your customers (WE THE PLAYERS) know of the delays if there are some. Delays are expected, but lack of information or miss information cause you change your mind is not. It's funny I've played other GL games and don't have this issue with the dev teams on those games. Some of them are actually hot fixing patching stuff daily and posting notes up and giving updates. So it's not a Company thing, it's the team involved with this game.
  8. The best solution was even brought up by Admin at one time. We just have to many nations and players spread out to far to do anything against a zerg power nations. So a solution would be to have DEV set Factions that can change to give the game a balance. Though I would say any of the Impossible Nations should never be in a faction. Them being the hard core nations to play after all...Pirates shouldn't be appart of any factions either. Four factions is a lot better than having 12 nations.
  9. The concept of the event was good. My only complaint was that EPIC fights should have EPIC loot. I feel a lot of us felt this way. The Dianna and SC where fine being epic fights cause you got a chance at a note that you could later turn into any build you want. The De Ruyter on the other hand felt like we where being shafted. We had to fight an EPIC ELITE AI and than capture it (without it sinking as I had two that I couldn't get a board on and had to sink with broad side for fear it would sink my ship). Than after we captured it, it turned out to be extremely crappy builds no where close to what we had just fount. That or the ever crappy loot, getting semi basic mods drop or just repairs is not good loot. In any other game when you go do an epic dungeon/boss you get loot to match the fight you just did. I feel that is one of the biggest problems with this game and how the RNG loot tables work. That are you have to split what little loot you get between 6 other players and it doesn't split equally so some one gets shafted. Even worse if you loose a completely decked out ship that cost millions and you get a stupid Swedish d**** PUMP (what I call the pumps I get all the time in loot drops). I have had over 100 of those pumps at one time in storage, why am I getting basic loot for fighting a high tier ship (like a SOL) or an EPIC or ELITE SHIP? Use the event to intro new ships and than put them in the loot tables if you have to. Though I still think any permit except special rare ships should be able to be bought in the Admiralty shop. Loot drops should just be a free way to get those permits without paying for them. Was hoping ya'll used VM's to do something like this allow some permits bought with doubloons, some with CM's and others with VM's so there is more than one means to get them than just RNG loot drop chances and some of the permits are restricted to only certain chest that can be hard for solo players or the basic casuals to get.
  10. Well unless your at 900 crew level, but even than I been undercrewing a Santi, just never get close enough for AI to board me, but if it's any battles planned against players I bring the Christian instead.
  11. As a 9k+ player with 6 chars and three of those have 3-4K hours. Your telling me my 600+ (I’ll add it up tonight after work) dollars means nothing cause you don’t want to put a crafted promised ship in game. So for me I feel like giving. A negative review instead of going back and giving you a positive vise with still one programmer and talking months to do update I don’t feel your spending the DLC money properly to invest into this game and it’s future. so why exactly should I change a review that was correct at the time? You promised new paints 30 days after the dlc release. It took you something like 6 months to add them. How is that a way to convene me to make a positive review? i can log into all 6 of my steam accounts tonight and give positive reviews and even review each of the DLC since I own them all on three chars and most on the other. That still won’t change your choice to make promises craftable ship such. Or would it? back to work as some of use are essentials.
  12. We still need a means to deal with dead clans owning ports and traitor/Alt clans first.
  13. I thought our thanks was by buying the DLC and making them some of the top sales on steam. Cause really other than stroking your ego it just seems like all ya'll care about any more is the cash grab. Why would I give a good review when a ship we been waiting on a long time suddenly becomes a rare event ship when it was promised to be a craftable ship? Even worse half the good craftable ships are all hiden permits between crappy RNG loot tables. So instead I'll just redeem my DLC ship in season wood and play that instead. Oh wait I break them all up to get season wood to craft with what little time I get to play the game these days. Cause I don't have time to go grind solo EPIC elite fleets and maybe or maybe not get the loot I'm hoping for. AGAIN EPIC FIGHTS SHOULD HAVE EPIC LOOT, not crap ship builds and no good loots. Fix your loot tables and give folks better chance to get these notes and refits and you might see more of them crafted.
  14. You mean the events that where pretty much nothing more than a gank fest? Most of us stop going cause we where getting ganked trying to farm the ships to get something that wasn't fir/oak after having just fought an ELITE SHIP. ELITE BATTLES SHOULD HAVE ELITE REWARDS, not Fir/Oak, or Carg/Fir.....I mean at least if my Carg/Oak Ruyter I got (all the rest where grey ships or to soft woods to grind AI) was season wood it wouldn't been so bad, but not one of the ships I captured was season wood or good builds. I did get a San C note but no Diana (I have a gold on on PvE any way). The funny thing was on the way back to safer waters I got a ship wreck I think and it had a San C note in the chest. Better rewards fro the random event than the main on. All this while spending three hours to do one hour grind. Clan mate lost a half dozen ships and didn't get any good builds or notes at all. As for crafting? How the hell do we craft a ship that is a RANDOM RNG LOOT DROP? I love the LVG refit and the Reno but i have never gotten a note or permit for them in loot drops. I have to buy my Reno permits off others folks. Luckly ya'll fixed the issue with the LGV refit by allowed a note and than having it drop a permit you can craft. I like crafting my own ships the way I like them not how RNG random chance of a capture. Make the notes easier to gain and you will see more crafting. Right now it's easier to just redeem you DLC ship in Season wood than is it is to crafting. Making the game very boring for crafters and removing a large number of your player base that actually like trading and crafting. I been waithing for a ship for a long time that can carry 32's on both decks and I love the stats of the De Ruter, but I want to be able to build it for what purpose I want to use it for (I think it would make a great boarder/raider ship). But other than the event there has been no other way to get one and like I said the one I got was a crappy heavy build of poor wood choices even for grinding AI. As for reviews? I don't really care to stroke your ego with reviews....I mean I have spent well over 600 bucks on this game with 6 accounts and most of them having majority of the DLC's and would be willing to buy more if there was a reason to buy them and play the game for fun during what little off time I get these days working 10-12 hour shifts (Yes I'm one of the essentials during this virus thing). That I don't want to have to come home, rewright reviews over and over every time an event or such comes out cause the negative actions out way the positive. Like how your acting towards your player base lately with a very aggresive manor. It doens't encourage us to come and write good reviews and want to play. Most my clans left to play other games and don't really want to come back.
  15. So when are we going to see these patches? Some time next fall? What every happend to the Wrecker suppose to be ready in Feb?
  16. I have one solution to this. It can only be used to switch to the core nations: Spanish, French, Dutch, US, Dane, GB, Swedes. impossible nations are meant to be hard core mode not easy mode it is right now cause of population unbalance. To switch to one of these nations you have to delete your char and start over (or at MC level of you did the final exam.) this would kee folks from nation jumping to those nations and make them true hard core. Cause if you where hardcore you have no problem starting over. Other wise just got play a pirate. bring back the only way to become a pirate is to attack a friendly nation. While a forge paper can be used to go from pirate to national (think of it as a pardon).
  17. I did kinda like the old officer thing, what I didn't like was how many I went through goofing around with the gunboat as I was one of the few that had the BP on PvP2 and I would take it out all the time when I was feeling like beeing goofy in fights. It had a bad habit or rolling over on it self....that and if you catch on fire it instantly stopped in place (couldn't fireship it).
  18. They could even add a few more around the map. Like for example if they where to ever add another freeport and make it shallows Cayo's Del Golfo would make a great place to have second mini shallows and port for folks to keep small ships in. This would also give another point small clans can fight over shallow ports than just Bahamas.
  19. He sounds like the guys that logs on, bitches about the game and is still not leveled up. Never leaves port and than wonders why no one wants to play with him aftere all the negative bitching he did about the game. Than demands he's giving every thing full active clans have. PS: OP I been working 7/12's and I"m a US player in a nation mostly with EU players. I still have VM's and I can get XP any day I log in and actually leave port and do something. My nation has fallen recently and I'm not even bitching about the game for those reason. I still think we need 4 factions (with the nations all being in those factions) and let it change depending on who's in power or not. 11, I mean 12 nations is just way to many. That and I want my dank combat Indiaman dangit and why is the Wrecker not in the game, it's April not Feb.....
  20. Really why does it matter? Why rush a release of a game? Let them work on it and when it's ready it will be ready.
  21. Just looking at that list it seems the person who did it in less battles/kills got the better placement.
  22. We can always give the Connie and USS US higher BR (like current ones), but make them 4th rates again.
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