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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. There is nothing wrong with wipes of ports. It's not like you loose anything, you want to retake that port just attack it again and flip it. I would do them every three months to let folks play and enjoy those ports owner ship. If they want to take another port they can, it's who every flips the port first gets ownership. Ownership doesn't mean any thing to others cause they can still use the port, they just don't get the tax's and ability to control that port. Honestly the three nations without admiralty should not be on the PvE server, but like you said it could give them a chance to own a ports and use the admiralty shop in there clan owned ports. Others of the same nation could use that port too.
  2. As long as we can still get some of the resources from say AI traders as loot it helps. The other thing I think @admin once mention doing a BR mechanic on the port that goes up with the more money it make and maybe resources you pump into it. This means any port built up gets a higher BR as it gets built. Which means small super clans can't hold down one or two important ports, they actually will need the rest of the nation and they can't piss off those players. Other wise bigger nations will just use numbers against them which they should be allowed. Only none important off to the side ports should have small BR's. This is a PvP/PvE server (War) so folks will have to grind AI if they want to rank up or do pure PvP. Maybe it would force more of the so called Hard Core guys that just gank all the time to actually fight each other to get rank. Though one thing we should prevent is capitals being used as only hunting grounds to pick off newbies and casuals just cause the hardcore players can't stand they are doing PvE to level up. That is going to run off more players than anything. Give reason and incentive for folks to take higher risks in game.
  3. I really don't get this? Why does every one have to have the cookies too? You can still have faction play and none PvP. Let them do PB's as if it's against Neutral ports and resest the map every 3 months. That will give folks/clans stuff to do and purpose. Right now with every one using every port there is no purpose on that server. Either way I would be willing to go over and test even the concept ya'll have so far, any content for players is better than almost zero content on that server. If you actually give players more content and things to do but leave out PvP I bet you the numbers are going to grow big time cause folks want content and some might just give up PvP for a more relaxed server cause they don't want to play full hard core mode, but they want content and things to do and purpose.
  4. Why don't we just make the whole map single player for them. I mean lets not interact with other players. There is what 300 something ports on a the map. Having one port owned by a clan isn't going to effect players if they can go use any of the other ports still. It doesn't effect other players cause any one can still use the port. I swear these PvE guys just want nothing fun to encourage more players. I personally would be more interest if they where Port Battles against AI and you just keep the map. Other MMO's have it where you do enough points you take control of complete section of maps for your factions. You get points by killing AI and this i pretty much what they are talking about. There is zero PvP when your fighting bots/AI. Player(s) versus player(s), better known as PvP, is a type of multiplayer interactive conflict within a game between two or more live participants. This is in contrast to games where players compete against computer-controlled opponents and/orplayers, which is referred to as player versus environment (PvE).
  5. The other problem is one PvP kill can set you back almost completely. We had 96% agro on a port and some one got killed and it pushed us back to 30 something. Every one gave up on the port and ported in and logged off. I agree there are issues that need to be looked at with the agro system. US hardly gets a port flipped cause our missions will get jumped by French, Prussian and, Pirates and most the time it's the nations we aren't doing agro on. So sinking the other teams ships does nothing for agro. I think if some one joins a missions it should effect the agro or they shouldn't be allowed to join at all. Kinda half wish we can bring back war supllies but make them a one time pop and you can't just keep dropping them. Have it go to 50% once and that is it. Or other means like POTBS had where you can drop goods against or for a port, but they more effective control points and such in the battle than hostility.
  6. When the game is wipe and you start over your going to need that XP for leveling up and fastest way to do that is killing AI. So folks need to get it out of there head that the game is PvP only. Your going have to kill AI once in a while. Even better if you get PvP while doing it cause that gives you even more points. Which is why I think it's silly that some of the folks bitching so much about lack of PvP won't go flip ports of the main clans that will come out and fight....to me they just want fights on their terms only....you want PvP go flip a major econ port and I bet you will get PvP. RvR is actually PvP.
  7. The problem is many of those toxic players are the ones that don't leave, they stick around and keep being toxic as we loose more and more players. It's a power thing to them, they have power right now so no reason for them to leave the game. Devs don't help by taking away more and more things that protect the average, new and casual players that we need to stick around to have proper numbers in game.
  8. Lets see what these new mechanics mention in the Devs post yesterday. Though I have suggested this with having maps reset every 3 months. This way ports can be owned by a clan and controled. Believe me you won't be missing out on things cause there is still tons of ports out there that will stay neutral or open to all. It will give more content for the PvE server and allow ya'll to get more group play. From what I seen it is more solo play over there cause there is nothing really to do as a group for the most part.
  9. I think they are going to allow attack on neutral ports and fight AI, but economic sabotage makes me wonder if they have something else thought up. Give clans a limit of only owning say 10 ports, this way other clans have to own the ports or they have to have special alt clans to own more than one and the folks to keep them in order. That will also allow smaller clans more chance to own a piece of the pie. Yah that is called a port battle. Maybe that is a good thing to bring up, even if a port is successfully defend if the forts and towers where destroyed they get reset and have to be repaid for. Maybe some other things get destroyed and have to be rebuilt in a certain time. Thus making mulit attacks on one port could weaken that port/clan. Pirates was not part of the alliance system they couldn't have any alliances and every one was at war with them. This messed us over a bit cause Danes couldn't join our battles a lot of times to help us cause they where classed at war with us auto back on global even though we had a long standing alliance with that nation. Though what we would do is let them tag other nations and join. Really alliance system other than clan based is not good. I think they said for it to work they would have to scrap nations and lets not try to get them doing amy more coding than they need too or this game will never release.
  10. Cause that was an actual paint that was used on a ship. I actually like it too, use to have all my board fit ships pink pre-wipe....so if you saw a pink ship I had gold or purple marines on it.
  11. and if you get caught you get banned...you can't make a system off a few bad players. You deal with them by being strict on the rules of abuse in the game.
  12. When you attack a place what happens? Econ stops, places get destroyed by cannon fire. People get killed. It should not stay the same. They need to rebuild the captured ports if they want them to do better. I actually liked that concept but also understand how folks bitched about it's fairness. I don't think it would work so well now a days, but I could see clan perks for those in the clan using the port over those not in the clan. Forts need the range of the Mortars more than anything, that way it's a risk to attack them and you have to make sure take it out before they sink. The accuracy is only good cause it's a none moving targets. Take away the accuracy and you will be never be hitting any thing. It's actually not easy to target things since we don't have the red aim dot any more that we use to have. You have to actually spot in your shots and draw closer from the last shot. Did you not read the first post? For PVE server we plan to convert the map to the historical map allowing access to all ports and allowing capture through economy sabotage (without changing nations) giving partial access of this feature even on the PVE server.
  13. I have to highly agree with you that it seems they look at both sides of the extrem and not the middle. Hard Core PvPers are only prob about 10% of the game. Hardcore PvErs are prob about 10% by the looks of the PvE only server. So why aren't we makeing the game for the middle 80% of the players that make up most of the population? One way they could do this since they plan to add more ranks is make it so that 1-10 cross servers. Than have the 11-15 (if there is 5 more ranks) only towards that server. So you have to actually play on that server to gain max ranks. Does any one know if the Final Exam effects both serves since it's tied to your steam? That would be another way to encourage folks to play on both. I honestly don't see a pure PvP server working unless it's NA:L for those that want the duel/battle rooms.
  14. While I don't know who much of this is true, but from many times using it for such it seems to get better results. Random fire doesn't fire in an order from Stern to Bow or Bow to Stern. What I found it's good for is when your broad side to broad side with another ship you switch to random and it spreads the damage out over the ship. Thus getting more chance to hit multi hit box's (crew, cannons, other things) and get more crits. I use it when I'm about to board and getting crew down (need to try it now we can fire in boarding but not sure you can change that part). If I'm not planing to board I'll do it also cause of the cannon crit hits takes cannons out on that broad side of ship. Other wise just stick to Bow to Stern and Stern to Bow fire.
  15. As stated by others you can always capture one, or you could buy one. I remember my first real ship I had crafted. Surprise I collected all the mats for by my own resource buildings and capture and breaking down ships. I went to a larger clan (at the time I refused to join a clan as I tend to play most games solo at start). They only asked for a slight profit on the LH contracts to build the ship and even hooked me up with some basic mods. There are many clans that will do this for others in there nation. I won't build you the ship for free, but if you bring me something in trade or most of the mats I'll do it. most the time I won't even charge you the LH cause I got so much of it as is. All you got to do is ask and get to know the right folks. Hell show up around PB's and some folks will even hand out ships before or after them to support defense of ports. I can see how some of these clans that can build really good cheap ships would want to have as many screeners as they can get. Even solo players are always welcome to screen for a battle or help with agro for a flip. They need to go back to the old point worth for the towers 75 and forts 150. Right now the points are way to high they can get 500 points before you can even get points on the cap circles depending the map set up (Forts are something like 225 now). That and they need better range cause some of them are pretty much useless and only easy points for a mortar brig to take out. I would give them the same range as a mortar brig so you either got to work fast or in pairs to take a fort down or have some one drive the argo so they don't sink the mortars brigs. Now the towers can keep normal range, but they need to be at key chock points and cover cap circles. Right now most towers are pretty much useless cause of positiion and range. Believe me just cause some one has a top of the line decked out ship doesn't mean they are better than you. I captured a good number of ships over the years better than my own simply cause they where poor players.
  16. Also remember until last week many of us had so much resources that we never had to make runs. I had like over 100K of each of the basic mats in my clan warehouse in US coast and the one in the bahamas so that I could pump out 1st rates in either one. Only the Bahama one was the one i had to make runs and it was normally short runs for stone or lith stock pile. This sounds like an issues with the players. People always over charge to try to make the best profits and than they buy up any stock if some one tries to sale cheap. The best answer to this is get them out of the port or teach them how to set up contracts. Back when I was pirate on global I would fill any contract that was just above cost for new players, but I wouldn't put it for low cost cause idiots from other nations would buy it and than haul it back to there nations to sale for profits. We policed Pirates capital econ very well to keep every thing pretty much at cost or for slight profits, but that was also cause one major clan ran pirates at the time. Resources are not expensive, the problem is more Reals seem to be harder to get these days. I can get Doubloons easier than I can get Reals right now. Though I admit I haven't tried trade runs yet but might do some test runs with them.
  17. This is good news, one of the thing that turns me off about the PvE server is logging in and seeing the white dotted map of a neutral server. I would prob still make it so that you can't use every port, unless you capture it. Keep the GoM ports for French and Spain as non capture ports so folks can always use those (along with Brit Belize) to get missions. Though I think by allowing clan capture of ports it is going to spike some of the players numbers on that server. Hell I might even get active until release over there during my hours (working 3rd shift blows) I'm not on during EU/US prime time most the time. @admin I think you hinted this to me when I was asking before. I assume this patch will bring a map wipe right? It would be only fair to wipe it and let us test these feature even if we are a small clan or weak nation. Right now with certain clans controlling most of the zones and bad timers it's hard to test things if you can't even get hostility done cause your ganked by a couple nations or cause the PB's are pretty much one sided skill wise and low BR bias to those more skilled and bias clans. I don't care about release this can go on, but right now we are suppose to test these things and it's hard when you can't flip ports or win PB's for some clans/nations.
  18. Devs all ready said no names and custom paints jobs pretty much for these reason.
  19. The wiki is player ran, but it seems to be acting up lately where I can't even log in or folks make new accounts. Many of us use to keep it updated but we stopped cause of how many changes been going on and well lack of interests. I use to update a lot of the ship info right after patches but as state log in is messed up on it for some reason. The creator of the page no longer plays so not sure if it's something he can do on his part.
  20. But the problem is your going to both sides of the extreme. Peace server is there for any one that wants ZERO PVP. War server is a PvE/PvP server for those that want both...it is not a PvP only server. So you should still allow areas for folks to level up and casually play the game and than the majority of the map is for those that want to live the life of a risk. The reason numbers are going up on the peace server is folks are getting tired of the stupid trend to push for a hard core game and force folks to play that style. YOur never going to have big numbers when you force folks to do things. How you get them to do those things is by having low risk low reward sections (the Green Gank Zones which should be full safe zones) and by having HIGH Risk, High Rewards (your OW PvP areas). Capital zones should not be the PvP hunting grounds for vets. If some RA casuals wants to grind in peace they should be able to, just give him crappy loot tables is all so he can't get any of the very good books/rewards to drop. If he wants those than he has to go out of the safe zones. I'll be honest if Peace server had better contnet like say we cant flip neutral ports and own them for a short time, but map reset every three months. You would get more players interested in the game on that server cause it gives clans a puprose and goal instead of just killing AI. Hell I would prob get active over there, but the thing is even those casuals and new players on War that like PvE a lot, like to WAR too, but they want to do it on there terms when they have more time to do it and not forced to do it. Just like the PvP gankers like to only fight on there terms and with easy targets around capitals instead of fighting each other. How about forcing those PvP gankers to fight each other intested of forcing the casual PvE guys to fight on the PvP gankers terms? I also don't know why some folks have so much hate against PvE/RPers and such....it's not like they are effecting your game. It's like if you take away there happeniess than the PvP ganker is happer....or more like the bully that gets pleasure out of beating up the school nerd or drama actor. So is it a good thing to encourge bullies style of game play? Oh and I bet you more mythical casuals left the game as a whole, instead of just going to peace servers. I know a lot of guys that love trade and crafting that have left the game instead of moving servers. Mainly cause they do like the war part of the game too, just don't like being forced to play the game for a few dozen guys that refuse to fight each other.
  21. While I didn't see to many of the actual battles but man when ya'll had those heavy storm waves in OW it was a pain in the butt. Couldn't see nothing, my poor little Trade ship was all over the placed while I was hunting for ship wrecks (back when you pop them and they could be on the other side of the map). It was as you hinted not the funiest experience. I mean once in a blue moon is one thing but back than it was very common to have a storm roll in just about any time you where online and have bad RNG luck like myself. I see it like the whole GPS map thing. While it might be fun for you, but it might not be fun for every one else. We all ready have a problem with folks that run into each other and fire upon team mates cause they don't check that map. Just think if we had fog of war added to that? Now what I would love to see is a fog of war to the big map. One that is effective by your exploring. List only capitals and main big ports on the map, but have every thing else show up once you explore that area or port. Than add some achievement/bag to it. @admin even if you can't do the map thing, the exploring Achievement/mission thing might be some added content. Have a reward for visiting every port on the map, or smaller rewards for certain regions.
  22. patch notes the other day said removed to rebalance ships or something.
  23. You would think they have these things called:Developer News and PATCH NOTES
  24. That was many many moons ago so it could have been. I was with Pirates for most of my time on Global/PvP2.
  25. I noticed this with the LQR was out doing some trade hunting
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