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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. and we don't even know what is hiden behind what yet. We just know that some permits will only be through chest drops, but which ones? Would be nice if we had a list of these info from @admin. So far I can't craft replacement Reno's cause there is no Permits. So is it under chest drops or still being balanced? Tutorial puts you at 250 crew so yes every one will be in Pandoras, Hercs, LRQ for the first week. Once you get the cannons for them your off. I think it's best to say my first day will be getting the econ set up to craft cannons and repairs. Going against AI you can prob even skip the repairs and just port in after each battle. Than by end of week one we will see folks in Herm's and than Ratt's. With it's stats than why would you need any other ships than the Ratt to grind out things? Why would you be doing trade with a basic cutter any way? It doesn't take much to just cap a Trader Brig and be on your happy way with a ship to trade in. Hell we where capping LVG the first hours of the last wipe using 10-15 cutters swarm.
  2. Yah that means you have to redo the tutorial after release. Which I'm pretty much sure that is what every one of us is going to be doing the first moment we hit the deck of the servers going live. Than setting up our econ to build cannons and repairs.
  3. Also once you do the tutorial you will always hold the rank of MC so your not exactly starting completely over if I remember correctly.
  4. The only other tax I would like to see in game is Clan Tax. Where you can set that all in clan give up a part of there rewards to clan.
  5. Other than some special ships we should be able to craft all ships in game. DLC ships and any note ships should only be 3/5 ships with perks. The only way to get anything better is by crafting them.
  6. The only issue with ship contracts is they trims are random. While I can make the Carg/Fir Snow for you but I can’t promisee very cramp. Or even cramp. Maybe if it wa implemented it would be for basic builds. Just the ship and wood types not random parts. When I use to build a lot of clan ships you got what was rolled up hen we built something. We might put aside some better perks for certain players that have more use but other wise every one got the Wo/win h ratters or LO/WO l’ocens built for the clan.
  7. Yah that makes since....need to goof around on PvE since I don't have chars crafting level up on there to see how it is now.
  8. I still think they should have there own perks system that isn't tied into the combat ranks perks slots. So some one can be a Master at Sea (max rank 10 perk pooints) and Naval Architect (max craft rank, hell just give it 7 perk points). Still wonder why they cam up with 7 instead of just dropping it from 50 to 5....oh wait....aren't they going to add two more levels to combat Ranks? So it would be 7 than.
  9. I think the zones are good for the casuals and newbs. Who cares if some RA wants to grind fleetss in them. They wouldn't be a good fight anyway if you caught them out side as most guys like that are total scrubs in a fight. It's more about making the salt of taking away the goodies from such players. Honestly I'm surprised as big as GB has been on both servers back when we had PvP2/Global how weak they always have seem cause the clans just don't want to work together. I wish I copy that stats of the nations pops @adminposted a while back. I was really suprsied just how small US was compared to other nations. GB and Pirates seem to be the top two that should have problems holding there own. Though I'm wondering after release if it's going to stay as stale as it is now or will there be new fire of life sparked into every one to fight/rvr/PvP each other.
  10. I never got the reason why folks hate so much on there old nations. I seen it over and over when guys leave their nations cause they get sick on tired of loosing to other clans/nations. Only to join those nations/clans to make them even stronger but they dont' go after big targets or strong nations/clans. They instead join in on picking on the weaker old nations like they have some vendeta against that nation cause some one touched there "NO NO" spot or something once a upon a time. The problem is this dev team doens't know how to make Rookie zones or even reienforecement zones balanced by what we seen in the past. Even if they did this than the same hard core PvPers will bitch cause they don't have enough easy targets until it will get removed again.
  11. I really don' t get the guys that hate so much on the Causals, RPers and guys that just want to level up on the side and PvP when they feel like it. They aren't effecting there game other than maybe not giving them so many easy targets. Sooner or later they stop playing, the game numbers drop and there is no more sheep to hunt. Than you got the same hard core guys bitching about the dead servers and lack of RvR/PvP. Maybe if they stop farming the crap out of the casuals or let them grow a bit they would have more targets than we have now. Hell maybe if they actually fought each other once in a while they get some good fights, but no they just want to seal club the newbs and crappy RA players that aren't good at the game but still enjoy playing it even if that just means killing AI. Why should I have to go to peace server when I want to enjoy all parts of the game? Don't you mean more like 300 people, well 200 and there alts is more like it. Hell when was the last time we broke 400 on the server? Isn't this prime time EU right now and there is only 225 online. Well more like 175 if you take away the alts. You pretty much summed up how US coast line is too, except we don't have ports any more spread out that you can go away from capital area and hide. Half the server made sure of that by pretyt much one porting the US (well as close as you can get to one porting these days). It still cracks me up when you see 2-3 nations out side a US port and none of them attacking each other most the time just waiting for that perfect gank. Than they cry there is no PvP. Well go flip Cart, Little Harbour or Nassau or any other important port that is owned by a big clan and I promise you get PvP. They just don't want hard PvP, they want easy kills. Hell I been there back when I was on Global in BLACK. It got old after a while and wasn't fun so I tried to help out the other side....but I get so much shit all the time by guys that are toxic and seem to hate on others.
  12. You prob don't deal with new players much do you? Every time we tell them to leave the capital waters and come to some other area or just move north we hear things like: Your a coward, why not fight them? This is your capital they shouldn't be in our waters. etc etc....some just won't leave or understand the concept that you can't just jump into every fight and win. Most the time they never win and many of us vets get tired of trying to save them from ganks that we don't come out to help. That and many of us don't even have capitals as a port any more so we couldn't if we wanted too. So yah I'm going to take it your not in a clan that deals with a lot of recruitment of new players?
  13. Why does it have to be all or nothing with you guys? Though I think your reading more than one comments on this. The OP I understand means that both parties would have to have the flag to do PvP so it's not I put up a flag and any one attack me. When I mention that was something that was propused if they had turned the GoM into PvE zone on the server (they where going to merg PvE/PvP) so that folks can be attacked no matter what part of the map they where in even if in the PvE area if they so wished to be flag as such.
  14. Yah not that I go back and look at it I think ship slots shoould be shared too as they are ranking system. Books no they are rewards you get from playing the game per server. Oh and I 100% agree this will never be implemented for that exact reason. The little 10% of the hard core players would complain so much as they all ready do about RA"s doing AI missions in green zones. I don't get why they hate so much on others having fun or even the guys that RP this game. Most of them if you get them separated from there little gank groups actually suck at the game. Yes a few are very good players, but that is cause they are on almost every night when others don't play but a few hours each week.
  15. The flag thing can be program to always reset to Peace ever time you go into port or say log in. So you have to actively set it to be able to fight with some one else. Back when they talked about making the GoM a PvE zones the flag system was brought up and some of us said we would keep the PvP flag up prob even in that zone to encourage folks to try it. For any one that might say that port owner ship is unfair and they can't just get missions out of those ports. Beside the perm ports there is 300+ ports in game you can capture. Just flip one for your clan and you shouldn't have a problem. Also folks will not want to own all the ports in a region cause than all AI would be that nation and that is boring not having AI's to kill. Devs could even set a limit of ports owned by clans, lets say simply you can't own more than 10 ports as a clan.
  16. I suggest it only be your Rank and Crafting XP only. I would have to say knowledge should be learned along with ship slots per server. This will keep it fair on both sides as you still have to grind out those slots per server. The bonus xp could be a good way to encourage folks to level up on War Server if they want to level up faster and to encourage folks to play more on that serve so I like that too. Most clans use TS or some other program to chat in any way so I would want to add extra coding.
  17. I'm game for the flag and allowing us to capture ports against AI. Than have the map reset every 3 months. I bet you bring those two things and you will get a lot more players. I don't caure if' I'm taking a port from AI, it's still more content and somethign to do other than just sit in port doing nothing on PvP cause of the lack of players. Only active players tend to be the same toxic guys over and over that can't get the fact them camping capital hurts the game doesn't make it better.
  18. Hell even I don't have 13K unless you add the alts. Main is 9467 hours. The rest sit between 2-6K hours. Even with just the Pandora, LRQ, Herc that will get us into MC level ships as soon as we do the tutorial. Pop in that 4th rate if you feel like buying it and we will be there soon after a bit of grind and we will be way a head of any new players period. Yah I'm ok with keeping books, but it's going to suck to regrind out ship knowledge. Going to do like I did when it had the stupid tree. Only grind out what I will be using and nothing more. Any one smart will set up cannons and repairs first to make money and you will be rolling in reals in no time. So I'm pretty much keep it as is and not make things more complicated.
  19. Last night before I left for work it was 9pm my time and US prime time. Only 160 online and 5 of those where mine. So let’s think how many more alts and it’s kore like 100. I haven seen EU prime go over 400 in ages and that is bad number a for a time that normally has 500-600 players on a weekend easly.
  20. A big problem is not every one is on the forums or see patch notes. They should be posted on the log in screen. I bet a lot of those that got farmed today, but not all didn’t even know the zones where removed. thoughb got to day combatneew was all over the place bout capital zone kills.
  21. And your point is? Premiums in other games are normally a historic icon of that ship/tank/plane and don't allow for load outs to be changed hardly at all. Your buy it for the name/look not for it's OP STATUS. None of the DLC's should be more powerful than anything in game that is craftedable. In fact they should be weaker than the counter part for the most part which is why they should all be 3/5 only ships with just the perk chance being random. LGV was a troop transport so it's not a real cargo ship or even pirate. Why wouldn't some one want an Idiaman refit that has 18 lbs, more crew, less cargo and etc? I would be game for that. They can take in game ships and just give the DLC one skin that you can only get by buying it as a DLC. Other wise you can just craft the plan boring one that my have paint support.
  22. Since the 30 patch feedback was locked can we get the actually patch note page updated cause I can't find the notes for today and I hate wading through tons of pages of stuff to find something that needs to be posted in patch notes too.

  23. Honestly I liked the NA:L concept but as I told @admin it was just wrong time and place. It's something that should come along after the game is released. That is why I don't get this hard core move on the War server. If they really want to they could bring it back and work on it to make it better once the game is released and all they have to worry about is new content drop like DLC's, ships, paints and such. Than that would be a good time to bring it back for the guy that like lobby style fighting.
  24. That was never how Labor hours worked when they where linked. YOu used you 2000 on PvE is was gone on PvP. You couldn't use perks either, well actually you could use them for one patch but that got fixed fast after It was reported. It's either use them on one or share them on both. Yes some one could do there leveling up on one server and than come play on the other, but who cares, now you have a RA to fight who doesn't need to sneak around and level up. He'll he prob has a bunch of DLC ships and can just jump in them and go, only econ he will need is to replace cannons and repairs. That is it.
  25. Well read what you want but it's not what I going here with. Other than to pop in and check numbers or redemables I have never really played on PvE so my chars have no XP. So how would this give me any advantage in leveling up a char? Why would it matter to you if I level a char in piece? If your max rank than your pathetic for jumping into lower level missions as folks try to level up. Than again most of the PvPers are nothing but gankers that don't want a fair fight so that is why they wanted the removal of the Peace zones and force players to mission out of them so they can jump them. You won't be circumventing the wipe cause you still will be wiped of all goods. Goods on both serves you still have to farm and collect, one you just happen to keep the other you don't. So I don't see your points as anything positive towards the discussion other than whining that others might actually have fun and stick around and play both servers which will instead increase numbers and bring more action for all.
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