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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. But if you use the hours up on one server you can't use them on the other. All we are doing is sharing ranks and labor hours. It's fine if you level up in peace and than just hope over for war. I don't mind the XP reset, just want to give reason for more folks to want to stay and play on PvP since @adminis so set to run off the casual players that make up the bulk of the player numbers. It's either extreme hard core PvP server with PvE (he said he won't be removing the PvE part of it) or you play disney soft core PvE. There is no middle ground. In my mind than there should be really three servers. The noraml one we played for years that had PvE and PvP, The PvE only and last NA:L PvP only...oh wait that failed didn't it? I'm still a big fan of the turning GoM into a PvE zone and have the rest PvP, but that got shot down by the few active PvErs back than. It seems they have there own element of Hard Core guys like the PvP server is too. No middle ground for the majority of us that like all aspects of the game.
  2. Honestly if they allowed us to attack ports and capture them as clans and reset the Peace server map every 3 months I prob move over there cause with my work I don't have the time for full blown RvR and lack of PvP means we are pretty much playing Peace server. IT's just to boring and bland over there. Clans should still have options to capture ports and own them even if they only fight against AI.
  3. I got to thinking about the War and Peace servers and since it seems that they want to make one server extreme peace and the other extreme war and not a mix of PvP/PvE for the most part. How about we upon release have the two servers linked account wise with just you level? So if you want to level up in peace you can, but if you want to jump over and enjoy some war action you still can at that level, but still have to get your ships and supplies. Of course most folks might just use redeemable DLC ships this way. This will make many players happy that don't want to deal with constant ganking or might not have time for a dragged out battle but could go kill some AI for a little xp. Of course all gold/reals, Doubloons and other things will still be locked per account. I would even go back to share labor hours so you can only use them on one or the other or until your out. There are a lot of players that like PvP, but just don't want it forced upon them. This might even encourage the PvE guys to play some on the War server cause they can still go back to peace side and level up on there own. The down side to this is that upon release both servers you will be wiped to zero xp and have to start over.
  4. Not to mention it's hard to get them invested when a wipe is said to be in the next few months. Than a few months pass, a few more and than a few more than next thing we know it's been 9 months and we get a wipe. All the while devs keep changing things that wasn't broke and not fixing the broken stuff. I'm not joking when I tell folks I still think Star Citizen will be released before this game.
  5. You ever think that it's the changes to making PvP server more and more hardcore and changes that encourage toxic play is why folks leave it? I mean all you had to do is make all the green zones like the capital so folks can do what ever they want in peace in them and I know a lot of players would stayed. You can't force folks to PvP, it will never work, but you need those numbers and bodies or the server goes bland and dead. Each time you make changes you do them to make a small 10% Hardcore PvP players happy while you piss off the majority of your main causal players. I mean you even called the zone "GANK FREE ZONES" that shows how much it was a fail the way you made it. And reporting does nothing if they are still the main players still around and camping the capitals killing casuals and newbs. You just gave them the front role seat of the beffet by removing all green zones. PURE PVP doesn't work that why this game isn't a lobby game (where PURE PVP works). If you have PvE element you need to have zones where folks can level up and have fun without the toxic players, instead you remove those zones and encourage even more toxic play. I know a lot of folks that are talking about going to PvE but they do enjoy PvP and RvR, but they don't enjoy the toxic players that don't make it fun for others. Your game changes keep encouraging them to stay and be more and more toxic to the mass majority cause your trying to make them happy. Instead why don't you stop trying to please the 10% minority of the hard core PvE and PvP guys and work on a game that will please the majority of the players you have. You wonder why retention rate is so bad, well this is why, you try to pleaswe a few guys while ignoring the large majority of your game purchersares and player.
  6. Well back when the biggest ships was the snow any thing bigger than that looked big. I remember when they gave us the Bucc and Reno. Reno I couldn't crew yet and well bucc I was able to take out and look at and than stored for many weeks/months until I could crew it. I had captured a few during that time of folks going out undercrewed in them. Back than I would say every thing did look bigger cause I was in the smallest ship in most of the fights not the biggest lol
  7. I had them there before hand, but you never know when you need new ships. Pluss at the rate of these devs the release/wipe won't be until next year. I mean didn't they say a month or two and it's been a month or two? It's all ways a month or two and ends up 6-9 months later so don't hold you breath. More like 5 of them and they did not give you reals to comp for the doubloons. So that sets folks behind. For me I don't care I got over 100 ships sitting on my chars, but for some solo casual players it means they pretty much set back big time. Than removing doubloons from the trade/delivery missions means they have no resources of getting them other than depending on sales. I bought 4K doubloons in CT and that was it on the market, hardly any one sales them. I have one level 3 ship yard put up on my crafter now just in case some one wants to or needs a ship made that I don't have on stock to give them. You mean the "GANK FREE ZONES?" Your exact words you call them. You never made them to work properly with how easy it was to gank folks in them or use ships like LRQ that can so easly escaped. The zones where and have always been a joke @admin. The only folks that didn't like them where folks that think every one has to play full blown PvP 24/7. You need casuals or you have no players. 300 players in EU prime time is all time low...something isn't working with that low of a player count. So your forceing folks to play combat style only? Folks should be able to trade and make it too. I like that you bump up the reals for delievery, but you should make it more a balance of both rewards. Any enemy ports you get Doubllons too, any friendly it's just reals. I seen around 20-170K reals with the largest one being 1K doubloons too. That is LR to Crown Haven Cargo Delivery. The cargo is 800 so you can't use a T Lynx any more. I like the Reals bump as I was finding it really hard to get reals even with ship grinding to support my econ (and I'm only running it on one char right now). RUSSIA, POLAND, PRUSSIA are HARDCORE NATIONS you pick to play them. Other nations need to be new player friendly and help retain players. Getting farmed every moment is not how you retian players. I remember how US coast line was when we didn't have zones. I was killed 22 times in my basic cutter trying to go to missions to level up by Brits and Pirates. 22 FREAKING TIMES before I made it to a mission. If I wasn't so stubborn and knew this game was just starting back than (and it was when we had over 1K players on EU server) I would of quite, but instead i moved over to the US/PvP2 server where it was less populated and you didn't get farmed as bad. This is toxic play that runs players off not keeps them. I mean hell our numbers are at 300 right now on EU prime time. That is US old prime time numbers. PvE server is hitting higher numbers than the War server at certain times and they use to barely crack 150 players max.
  8. Really? So crafters get shafted once more? Level 3 shipyards aren’t cheap and you took away a easy source of them for crafted with the missions changes. Think I’m just going to wait for release. Tired of grinding stupid stuff out. If your going to wipe stuff than do it properly. And still no proper map reset that is needed? Going have to see how much numbers drop now therr is no longer any gank free zones. Guess we all can go to level up over on the peace server since crafting
  9. And the problem is last time they announced a wipe which should of been in a few months, didn't happen until almost 6 months later. Folks get tired of that. I really don't feel like working on getting all my resources back just to have it wipe or wait half a year for them to finaly do the wipe cause they keep changing crap. Though the main reason I'm not around a lot is cause I work 3rd shift job now and busy. So I don't get a lot of free time and there are so many other games that are out or comming out that been stealing my time when I don't pop on to check things out or show up for a battle here or there.
  10. Just thought I toss in here my US United stats gave me something like 55,651 insurance for a Cedar/Teak ship. I been wondering when some one will make a cost spread sheet for crafting, but with all the changes and well lack of active crafters it seem to be something no one is wanting to work up.
  11. They could have a craftable version that is a third rate with "wartime armament", just like they could do that with the Wasa, have a lighter armament as a 4th rate. Unless they are going to have pretty much the same stats as to making the Wasa the wartime and the Ratt the peacetime. That would mean they should have the same hull stats than.
  12. All ships should be craftable in game unless it's some special reward or rare thing that we can't get from DLC or normal play. The DLC's should be 3/5+ chance at perk only. Only craftable ships can be Purple/Gold. That will set them a side from being more powerful than craftable cause all you do is click.
  13. Bad players are still bad players. Hell I demasted a Herc with a Trader Brig one time just out side Little Harbor area. If he didn't have two AI sinking my other two trade ships like a dick, I would prob of stayed and camped him until I sunk him. Just cause some one is in a DLC ship does not make them a great player. Though I think he had no clue who I was at it was an alt of mine and not a name seen by many even those that sail with me. I'm an average player in my books and I beaten LRQ's with none same sailing profiles. You snap that front mast before they can run and they are sitting ducks in water. That is exactly what I did with that herc when he was chasing me. Not every one runs Pirate on there LRQ's either, in fact i don't run it on any of mine. I run French Rig instead cause I know how weak that front mast is. Not every one makes there ships to run away from every fight. I have some that are Cedar/Teak you won't chatch unless your of a softer word, but those are for solo trade ship hunting (board fit too) and others are just Teak/Wo for battle other ships (the guys with carros). If you are smart and you face some one with carros with longs you can easily control that fight. This is all not the point of this post anyway so a bit off topic, we beaten the LRQ thing to death so need to move on. I just want to see a refit of it that is more trader than raider.....
  14. Number of accounts doesn't matter, you can't trade them. It's all about crafting and being far. If you can redeem them fast than you aren't takeing an economic hit when you loose a ship and folks will just jump right back into a ship. And since you want to get personnel about how I play with or without my accounts. I play as if I'm a small group of players. I can't do anything extra that a group of 5-6 players can do, I'm just a bit more organized and willing to share. So drop the personnel attacks as I do a lot to protect the casual players on this game cause they are the meat and bone of it.
  15. The best way to balance these ships in the shallow and well other ships like DLC ships is to give them a much higher BR that you can bring two 6th rates over one 5th rate. Which could out gun that 5th rate in a battle if they focus. The problem is that isn't the case in the shallows. Getting the new damage model helsp with the deep water ports, but many of them still have very low BR so you can't bring a good fleet of players and ships. I have no issue with the DLC ships not being able to be captured or traded. This is down so you can't abuse the free ship that cost nothing once a day. Keep it like that. Hell even if you allow to craft them with BP's you could keep the none capture/trade thing, but i think any ship that you craft shouldn't have this restriction. It wouldn't be hard for them to code in the two version. You make Herc.1 the DLC ship. You have Herc.2 as the crafted one. The .1 can not be captured or traded. The .2 can be captured and traded as it's a crafted ship, you also get reals for it when it's sunk cause it's a crafted ship. They can both have the exact same name Herc in game, but have them as two diffrent ship models in game. ;Maybe name the craftable ones refits so that you see a Herc and a Herc Refit you know one was DLC and the other is craftable and can be captured.
  16. Pandora and Hermione are 6/5th rates so they will have about the same as the Herc/LRQ of 24 hours. Rattvisan we don't know what they give her, but it needs to be way more than 24. They should of added 12-24 hour per rate starting at 7th rate, Yatch being 24 hrs.
  17. One thing that isn't fair about the Redeemables is that you have to buy them to play the shp. The LRQ is such a unique ship it's used a lot in PB's and other things and there is no in game version of it that isn't paid DLC. One way to help fix this and not have certain ships hiden behind a P2W wall is that these ships BP's should be able to gain in game. Maybe have them in the admiralirty shop for purchase for a lot of doubloons/CM's/VM's. That way you can craft them instead of buying the DLC. You also once mention they will have notes in loot box's, which is good too. How about when we finish the final exam we get the BP for the Herc. Would be a good start. The other thing is Notes/Redeemabels should only give chancec at 3/5 ships. Any thing better should only be gained through crafting. That will give folks a reason to craft ships instead of just buying DLC's and using only them.
  18. Oh and the reason folks don’t craft big ships to level up cause the cost of permits and doubloons. Some one leveling up doesn’t have a big supplies of such to be using them to level up. Those ships are almost made in house with clans or to order.
  19. That explains nothing. I think I know a thing or two about raising crafting levels. Done it 5 times. Lynx and such isn’t great once you get into higher levels. That is where you actually build big ships. The bigger the more xp the faster you level up. Don’t like the ship just sale it on the market. 5 guy I level up mainly on heavy rattlers, niagara and princes though in the shallows as therr wasn’t as much a demand for SOL. This still doesn’t work lol us how fuming it down to 7-8 levels make it better. Right now level 50 crafting is no better tha. Level 35 (when you can start mainly SOL). In the past we hit 50 to build master craft mods and ships. I did like it when you had to craft certain ships to get the next tier BP, just not the random drop chance of getting the BP. Will crafting and perks be separated from. Combat perks now and on there own? oh and who the hell is coco? Just repeating a name isn’t t long us anything?
  20. I’m wanting to know about this down level it to 7 levels and more details myself. This pissed me off more than a 3rd rate as a 4th rate DLC.
  21. That actually isn't a bad thing to do is make a new class in game. Have the super frigates and the retired 3rds that got bump down to 4th rates in a 4 1/2 rate class. Than give us somoe more true 3rd rates and 4th rates.
  22. I still think you should of named it Gustav Adolf for the 3rd and Had the lessers Wasa at 4th. More ships is always better, than just have one a note special event and the other BP craftable. Well honestly all ships should be craftable. We should be able to buy the BP's and craft them if we don't want to just buy notes.
  23. Wrong ship, like with humans names can be used over and over and over. There are many ships that has had that name. The one in game is a Swedish ship (think it was captured from Russia or the other way around). The one you mention is past the 1700-1820 game time frame. When you go to do a shallow port battle and have over 20+ players that showed up and only a few have the DLC ships which are you hard core PvP players, while none of the casuals have bought them cause I quote, "I'm not buying a ship just to do port battles." It's called real world expeirence. That was what you heard most of the US port battles and screenings when trying to set up to do things. Now the guys left actively playing have them for the most part is around 50/50, but we can't get 20+ players to show up for a PB, at most around 10. Even than less than 25% of those have DLC's ships when you ask who has them. That is why I'm normally taking the slot of LRQ cause not every one has it in our nation. As for you being casuals? You prob not as casuals as you think you are. Casuals are guys that only log on 2-4 hours a week. How much time you spend in this game daily/weekly?
  24. DLC's should also only give you 3/5 ships, we should only be able to get better ships through physically crafting them. Admirilitry shop ships should have the same limit too. You can only get 3/5 ships from notes. To get anything better the ship should be crafted in game by a player. Thus keeping DLC/Notes not better than what can be crafted. Some Notes/DLC should have in game BP's allowed. This is prob the best way to balance the P2W wall between these ships and the guys that don't want to pay for ships with real money.
  25. It's not Casuals that buy the DLC, it's the hard core PvP players that do. Most casuals don't want to spend a lot on a game. They just want to pop in play and have some fun and get there 40 bucks worth. I mean look at guys like me. 5 accounts worth about 250 dollars and I have about another 250 dollars in DLC content. I have over 9K hours in this game (mainly cause I wasn't working for a year and half) and I'm far from what one would call a casual. Most my alts have over 4K hours. We are the ones buying up the DLC content not the casuals and newbs.
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