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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. You can have your dedicated boarders take the perk to collect the ships if you want to keep them. Though they should have a means to sale the ships if you don't keep them. Though what we seen is some folks will come behind you and collect all the kills and this will stop that since they can't collect other ships. We leave ours unlock in fights in case you need to bail out and get into a new ship. Just got to call it out and the guy that capped it unlocks it and you can put crew on it. Pretty much means you have to pick and choose who you want to keep. This will cut back on some of the large numbers of rage boarders in fights too.
  2. I add any clans I see that is active even if it only has a few members in there. I need to update with what TFG means though.
  3. Part of why BLACK can sport a small decent force in the mornings is we have a good number of AUS, NZ, Philippines players with a few other SEA and EU members. I'm sure the large nations like US and GB have more than we do, it's just getting them organized to show up so others don't have to get up in the mornings. To be honest if you can't field the teams to support the protection than maybe a nation shouldn't be spread out so thin. I updated the nations regions again today. I'll try to keep it to every Sunday instead of the end of voting cycles. Counts are of today with Port Battle changes and all regions total is including Capital Region. Danish : 8 Regions Dutch: 7 Regions GB: 22 Regions France: 3 Regions Pirates: 6 Regions Spanish: 1 region Swedes: 5 regions US: 19 Regions While we all know US and GB are the largest nations without having to argue even if they aren't the most organized. They still have more regions than almost all the other nations added up. They could loose a few more to help with the server population growth of the smaller nations. It looks like some folks are on board in US to give up a few regions to Spain. Now if they can get the other guys on board that would be cool. They are starting to get some more players this week. I think 5 regions should be the min any nation should be pushed down to. We will be honest that is partly why we picked our operations to be three regions only and no more. As that is not a key number that would hurt any one nation we might attack (of the three we are fighting with all the time). So unless Dutch act up we will no advance on the regions we have taken down south. We will prob give those up to France if it looks like they can hold them. Specially if we get new source of Silver and can hold it without constant attacks. As for times of fights we will still have some after server resets for our SEA/AU players for now cause we think it's only fair since many of them get up early to make it to our US prime time battles and many of them can't make it at all. We do pick small regions that aren't key so that a small force can fight each other over that region.
  4. We still have the magical medical kits to do that if need be. Though I think you should never be able to get back crew tied up in your tow of prize until those crew are done with the tow unless you make it part of the tow system than don't cost crew.
  5. It's currently this as I just tested it since I had two ships in my fleet and was in a port i didn't have an outpost so had to change my perks to get out of port. 3 points for 2 ships and I took frig master (5), Preppered (1) and Double Charge (1) for my 10 points so that isn't bad in my book. I think if you want to run with less perks and get a 3rd ship for say a cargo run than you should be able to. My one ship with all the perks going to out perform yours and if I have team mates we will cut down your AI fast too. This will cause less folks to bring fleets cause it cost them points along with the crew. That is way to many points cause than you can't even run cargo hold and other skills if you want to do a big cargo run. I think the current 1, 3, 6 is perfect match up for points. This will allow new player sand RA's to crew there ships and fleets. Prize ship can take min crew but make it like the delivery system. You can't send it with any cargo and it takes until next server reset and your limited on how many. Even tie it into the tow mechanics so that way you can only have 5 ships in tow or prize return. I'm excited about the cargo trade in capture and having to bring you prize back with escort. Means most can have one 1 with them to bring a trader back they captured with it's cargo and not have to give up command of there fighting ship to do so.
  6. Can't say WRONG and not say why? Many players as I'll point to folks like fox2run just want the biggest best. I'm sorry they aren't the majority. Most of us do enjoy playing in frigates and having a challenge than just pushing a button and beating on each other broad side until one sinks. To me that is boring as hell and takes very little skill. Don't you want CoD lobbies and such? Hell do you even still play the game? I mean all I hear is you bitching and wanting things that aren't there. Sounds like all you want is lobby play, go find something like World of Warship if you don't like the OW immersion play others want. And that is less SOL's on the OW. Frigates where the back bone of the navies back than so they should be the majority of the ships every one should be using. Funny how your so called big powerful boats keep getting captured by our frigates in the OW. So each ship has it's uses. Big and powerful isn't always the best tool for the job.
  7. I like this better as long as it locks folks from dumping cargo. Which is kinda annoyin but not as much as the guys that just surrender at the start of a fight without even trying.
  8. The out come list who you killed and total, but it's a test. I'm not a big fan of kill boards myself, but would be nice to have stats that we can look up. To many folks become baby seal clubbers and stat padders when you have things like killboards.
  9. Biggest problem is folks want to be in the biggest best ships no matter what. Other than Port Battle limits there is nothing to encourage being in anything else. Some folks flat out refuse to play anything other than 1st rates. Many of us love other ships. I'm not a big fan of slow big targets (even though I spent 4 years of my life on a floating target). I think incentives like PvP Deep water event should of been limited to 4th rates and below. Just like the shallow one is for light ships. This will give the frigates more reason to be used. I think in some port battles since they can't do shallows they could have more things like islands and such you need to get around to get the objective, something 1st rates aren't known for there agility and great wind directions. And you know what I think the biggest thing we can do to fix all these 1st rates and such problem. WIPE THE DANG SERVERS. We got so many folks with so much resources stocked up from the old days when many mechanics where broken. Make it so we have to actually earn those mats again and collect them to build ships. Right now every one is sitting on stacks of ships and resources that has been playing the game more than as a casual player. Every one just uses each other regions instead of fighting over them. There is many issues that can be addressed and change other than keep changing the current mechanics. A SERVER WIPE WOULD WORK BEST. If folks leave than they weren't here to test the game in the first place. Though I admit Pirates need new mechanics before you do this and well this would be a great time to bring in those new ship crafting mechanics.
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  10. Some of us are taking it into our own hands and pushing for them to give us the data needed.
  11. Yah we where doing fleets missions tonight to flip a port and we had 9-12 guys and it was doing it too. Like I said we are use to a little when it's 25 vs 25 first rates, but seems the game been laggin bad even in smaller fights. I haven't been in a big 4th rate or below fight in a bit to test that but we have one coming up so will check.
  12. I saw a baby taco tonight and just didn't have the heart to kill him. TACO's LIVES MATTER TOO.......
  13. Well he has to delete his char, sorry should of added that in there. He can't just leave the clan, so yah that option needs to be added. So some one can step down.
  14. Those reviews and post from him and other guys like him are over a year old. The game has changed a lot since than. I would never take a review that old on an EA game to heart.
  15. Clan creater can leave and it goes to the next officer in line, though would be nice if he could appoint some one as his replacement. Maybe along with that option a log of who puts stuff in and takes out of the clan warehouse folks been asking for. Would be nice if we had a few more positions like have your leaders (senior officers) that can do every thing the creater can but they can't disband the clan. Only the creater can do that and only he can appoint senior officers. Than have junior officers that can do the recruitment. They can add folks or remove them from the clan and get into the warehouse, but they can't edit the clan info or promote. Some times it's best to lust let a clan go. I personally wouldn't trust a clan that has a leader that doesn't appoint any officers to deal with the day to day stuff. So if there is no other officers in that clan it might be time for it to just die out. I wouldn't want the 30 day thing, but having Senior officers with the same powers as the creator other than they can't appoint other senior officers or disband the clan would help. Than have juniors officers that can add and remove folks from the clan. Only Clan Creater/Leader and Senior Officers can promote normal clan members to Junior Officer status. All officers can recruit and remove normal clan members. Would be nice to maybe have a recruit/probational rank too. These guys can't even see what is in the clan warehouse like normal members or even put stuff in it. It's meant for new members. As above we need a log of who puts stuff into the warehouse and take it out that only officers can see. I think if you had this more clans would be willing to trust to make more folks officers or even junior officers. Specially will be handy since we will soon be able to put stuff like notes and paints in clan warehouses.
  16. Nah last night was way longer than that. I'm talking about a good long time before you saw your shots fired and such. That is something we are use to in the big battles.
  17. Yah there is a slight performance drop that i"m use to, but this wasn't that. This was like major lag in performance and actions. Even in normal ones I would see my cannons connect and get the hit count. We are currently not even seeing that and than yous ee your guys fire several seconds later. IT's like if some one from SEA/AUS was playing on PvP1 with really bad ping and the delay. It's that same lag and we don't normally get that bad even with the big battles. Even if you have good connections this shouldn't be happening and sounds like they have some big time op[optimize issues if there is that much lag in the game play. How is the game going to perform when there is 1K's of players if we ever get back up to those numbers and several port battles going on at once? You will loose players like crazy compared to other games that run smooth with big battles.
  18. I would say take @JobaSet up on his offer. You don't want to know the number of times we have had some lower level player come out and fight us. Only to get stuck in irons. We stop the fight. Walk him through how to get out of being stuck. Than we go right back to sinking them. We prob have helped more plaeyers learn to be better PvPers than there own nations cause hardly any of the old timers come out and help them. These guys that keep coming back to fight us our your nations future, they are the ones you want to get out there and level them up and keep the fighting going. They are the ones you want to listen to also. I get some guys don't want to fight us, that is fine, but fight some one. That is why the Brit/US alliance part (I have no problem with Dutch being with on or the other, but not all three). Cause if you want to fight equal level/expierence palyers than you need to be fighting each other. That is one of many ways to get better. I am no way a great player, I call myself average, but when I'm in a well organized group like my clan we are very effective in our fights. That is the other thing, stop calling folks pirate lovers and talking down to them cause they want change. Change is good...doing the same thing for 9 months is not working. It's time for some changes, but you have way to many folks stuck in there old way. Many of them are the vocal ones on this forums that can't get in there head that there old ways just aren't working. Sooner or later so many folks will get bored and they will end up being the small nations and wearing the same shoe and we are trying to prevent that and get a better server health population. That is why I'm pushing to post these battles, to show what numbers really are like. Who keeps showing up over and over to the same fights. Who is actually fighting and who isn't. Who is running every fight cause yes we are starting to notice the same faces pop out mid battle or even before things start. Leaving others behind. Those aren't the guys you want leading your nations. Hell I would love to arrange some shallow port battles or even regional with 4th rates to get some more mid level fights in prime time, but we don't own all the shallows that is Brti/US. They need to be the ones who decide. I have said several times let folks know ones you want to us and arrange it with the other nations you can fight, but right now US/BRIT/DUTCH vs say French and maybe Spain won't be fair fights cause they can't field the numbers. If Pirates flip one ya'll all freak out or just don't show. Instead of saying something won't work just try it for once, you can all ways go back to the old ways.
  19. You should of heard our coms at the port battle, "SUCH AND SUCH STOP SHOOTING ME." It was the gfx from there shots a few bits ago showing finally. I also noticed it while I was in boarding even though I was doing good I could tell there was a lag causes of all the cannon fire going on around me while I was in the middle of it. Not using it for any excuse in the battle, but if we are starting to see performance issues on the server and it's server side issues we need to let the Devs know. IT's been like this the last few weeks but gettting worse and worse, but not as noticeable in the smaller number Port Battles or ones no one fight in. I can norally leave my other two game char on during a port battle. I have to log them out when the fight started to help keep the lag down.
  20. We been noticning in the larger battles, mainly ship of the liens lately there been some pretty bad lag. I mean to the point tonight we couldn't see our shots and some times looked like some one was shooting us cause the lag of the shots going off. You see the register hits on top of your screen but you never see the actually fire of the cannons. I run a pretty high end system at ultra settins and do get a FPS drop when in big battles but that is cause of all the cannon balls going off and such, but this is just pure lag and I wasn't the only one that was expierience it tonight. I mean it was worse than if I was in a small battle on PvP1 where I have a higher ping. Is there some issues going on with the servers. We have been having this isssues the last few big port battles we had. The smaller ones don't seem to have as much of an issue.
  21. Baracoa Lineship Port Battle: 25 US/Brits vs 24 Pirates Got to say this was a really good Port Battle as is was pretty much equal numbers. Pirates was short 3 guys at start cause of screeners tagging so it started 25 vs 21. Pirates went and capped C as they started on the East side. US/Brits sent a small fleet to B and capped A. It turned into a big brawl in A. I think part of the ships we lost was cause of the towers/forts damage. I went out in a board with Agamemmon after I took two ships out in boards. Though I'll admit I got revenge as I called out to have him sunk. There might of been a gold marine lost in that exchange. US/Brits could of hold the fight off longer but there was folk heading to C to recape that just exit. There was several ships that exited on the US/Brit side mid battle too. This could of turned the tide in the fight, but Pirates held strong and keep control of A even though they lost it once and than capped B when it was left alone to keep the two circle control through out the fight. With the combine circle control and sinking of the enemy ships the battle was won at 1K points earned. There was 23 mins left on the clock at the end of battle. Once again good fight guys and hope to see ya'll soon in another one. I just want to add this battle had nothing to do with any operations. The Dutch operation is separate thing. This is part of us wanting a buffer around Mort for our new players. Remember US/Brits still have tons of other regions so it's not like they are loosing anything important.
  22. Well we did warn you to flip it in the eve when we had the other port battle planed. Though we also knew they would pick windward over there own other regions. Glad ya'll got the numbers you did. I don't think they expected those that showed up to as the Danes don't normally fight that far south. Maybe they will let ya'll keep it for a while this time. Could always pick a non important crafting regions to flip back and forth to do Port battles over.
  23. And every nation should be going at war with each other. Not the two largest nations being in an alliance since AUG and not one Port battle since. Than again we are hoping with SMS switch over they might get the BRIT/DUTCH part split or even split with US and let US pick up some one like Spain. Though your kinda wrong on the every one at war with the Pirates. Danes aren't and haven't been cause we leave them alone and they leave us alone. Hell we would leave most the nationals alone but they keep having to push us back to one/two regions. They caused the hornets nest to fall and now have to reap the punishment of the stings from it. Same thing is going on with the Brits/Danes. Have you even though of why we have yet to attack the Brits for the most part? They have there hands full with the Danes as is. Though I'm sure we will hit a region or two in the near future around the Mort area. We made it very clear we want our buffer around Mort than we will keep things to PvP OW and let the nationals have fun with RvR.
  24. We aren't all powerful, ya'll are just a bunch of cry baby PvErs that can't fight a fair fight and as soon as one comes along you run for the hills. Both those port battles where in your prime time so there is no excuse for you and your alliance to not show up with full numbers. It seems the only time ya'll want to show up is only when you out number the other team and or they are small nations that can't fill a port battle against ya'll. To me when some one has a bunch of regions and calls some one out to War they should back there words are they just proved they never had the balls to do it any way. Oh and lets remember the time you attacked Castries....it was when we had planed an attack on US region. Sounds like the old DUTCH for sure. Only pull port battles when some one is going to fight another battle and hope they don't show up since they can't split there forces. For three largest nations ya'll seem to fight very much like the cowards that only want to win when it's over whelming odds in your favor or some small poor nation with no numbers at all.
  25. Maybe ya'll shouldn't have declared war on us in the first place. Sorry we wanted something for our SEA/AU players to do. I seen ya'll fieled good numbers....oh wait that was only US/BRITS that did so. Hell ya'll aren't even showing up in prime time to your own ports. I heard a bunch of ya'll where raging and going to play on PvP1? Hell why are there so many PvErs on this server? If you don't want to fight than don't declare war on some one more powerful than you and not expect them to fight back when you attack a major econ port. Remember once again ya'll attacked us and declared war first.
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