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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. While I'm not big on making PvP zones like this as I like the fact most of the map you can fight in no matter what, but I do think we need the red ping spots for hotzones. Agro doesn't update very good in game so you have to log out and back in some times to get the current agro and some times folks don't eve notice what is giong on until after the port is flipped for a port battle. Not to mention hunting for these guys is a pain in the ass specially when the battle only stays open for 5 mins in the missions. They are closed by time you find them. If it showed where most of the agro is being done for that region it would make it easier to hunt and get PvP that way, but than aren't the devs changing the system soon and taking away the missions? Even with the flag system would be nice if the port a flag is bought for become a red zone to let folks know it's a hot zone for PvP. Oh and thanks for reminding me what POTBS looked like...man that was ages ago, while loved the game (before it went F2P) but it had some really good things and some really bad things about it. Like the redzone pings where awesome. The fact you can get a fallback version of ships up to a certain level basic cutter, Basic brig, basic Cerberus would be a way to do it on NA. Cause with the 1 dura system if you get sunk a lot your basically stuck in a basic cutter until you can get a new ship. I also wish we had some type of reputation system in game like POTBS had. There is no story content in NA either, POTBS had stories and missions that you could do as you level up. While I'm fine with the way NA is as it's more about the action, but this would be nice for the solo players to have some more content. The other thing that POTBS has that NA needs is map resets every couple of months. If they reset the maps and allainces every couple of months it keeps it fresh so it doesn't grow stale in game. I would go as far as allow you to have more than one char on a server but at this time is when you can switch. So if you want to play a french one map cycle you can and than change it to a Pirate the next map cycle you can. Though I would prefer a more in game means like how I brought up bring back the going pirate old system in game and than make a system (needs a reputation system) that allows you to change nations once your a pirate by being a Privateer for that nation. If a player wants to just stay a privateer and work for higher they never have to accept the national status. Or folks can just stay true pirate and work for them selves. If you have a bad rep with a nation you can't join them (sinking to many ships from that nation). Your reputation should go up and down for nations that you sink ships of. If I sink a lot of british ships as a pirate I can get US reputation cause they are at war with each other if i never attack US ships, but if I attack I would get low reputation for both of them but maybe my pirate reputation would go up. Higher reputation might mean bigger rewards (bounty) when some one sinks you too. The old kill missions on POTBS was good way to get rewards for being PvPer. Right now the PvPers get nothing special over the PvEers in fact we do all the hard work (RvR and PvP) while the none PvErs/traders get all the rewards for the most part. That is why I don't want to go ot a flag system of turning PvE/PvP on or off. Lets try out these new zones and see how it work.s It might be great or it might be a complete train wreck. Though the new Admirality Shop is going to help on the reward part, but I still not a fan that folks can turn in there PvE marks for PvP marks. Even if it's costly...I could easly grind fleets and get ton of PvE marks by what I been testing.
  2. This is the same thing that happend back when they did the last big patch. They said they where going to release it next week and it took a month and most folks just stopped playing. They really should release a small patch with the current testbed stuff. I mean why shouldn't they do so to give us some new stuff. Like get use to the new ship structure stuff it hey plan to put it in. Let us pirates kill each other. Hell even the Admiralty shop stuff could be better tested if gone live. Just not enough folks on testbed either to test stuff.
  3. From all my time playing this game the 7pm to 11pm CST (cause that is my timezone) is prob the most active on the PvP2 server and figure it's the same for PvP1 US players. That is why port battle shut off timers need to really be fixed with the Global Server if they want this to work cause right not the cut off it 8pm CST which means it's 6pm PST and most players of that time zone haven't even logged on yet. Putting port battles in other times than prime is a dirty tactic, but that is exactly what it is. It's war and you don't tell the other guy that your going to attack them after noon tea, you attack them during noon tea when they got there pants down when you can. Though if your going to use that to attack some one when they don't have enough players to fill the port battle than don't complain when they do the same to you and make you have to set your alarm clocks. People need to get over the night flip crap and such. We hopefully won't have to much of an issue on the new global server cause of the increase in players hopefully and that we might get the nations a little better balanced. That is if they don't put the server in the US. I all ready know that if they put it in the EU with the EU server many of us have stated we will stop playing the game cause we don't need to deal with the high ping. And I"m sorry folks saying ping doesn't matter seem to not fight. I shouldn't have a delay to see my shots miss there target or other things. I should get just as much enjoyment out of this game as any one else and I'm not even the poor AUS/SEA players with insane pings....I feel for those poor bastards and there crappy ping on either server. While I hardly play on EU, but for you guys have ya'll notice the battles are getting worse and worse on lag and such? I expect it in large first rate battles cause FPS drop so much cause all the cannon balls flying all over the place, but lately we are seeing it in 4th rates PB and even in open world fleet missions. It seems the game on the US server has gotten really laggy or something. And most of us that have notice it have top end gaming machines so it's not on our side. Really be nice if they would do some optimization of the game even if it's just a little bit.
  4. Yah we brought this up and was wondering if we get a little starting gold. In the old days I all ways thought it was unfair for a starting char to start with no gold too. They should of had enough to buy there first officer atleast or some upgraded guns for there basice cutter. I got a feeling every one will be out in there basic cutters trying to get that first bit of gold to put guns on there ships. Really hoping one is going to be a trader, but I'll prob go out and capture a trader straight off the bat. Have you been on test? Ports don't produce mats any more so you can just buy them. They do have trading goods but it's nothing like the ports right now. I don't think it would be that easy to get that much unless that is all that trader did during that day. Remember they have tweeked the econ from what we are use to right now. RNG also means the GODS HATE ME......I never get the lucky roll when I want one...lol I'm the guy that constantly rolls 1's on the 20 sider when I just need to hit the dang thing one more time to kill it.
  5. We been burning through labor contracts like crazy with the guys that are level 50 making them to give to any one that needs to level up there crafting. Might as well take this next few weeks to do that and rank up any one in your clan or nation before the patch. Who knows how hard it will be on the new system. I still have a have a handful of bottles I"ll prob go collect in the next few weeks too.
  6. Will they even be of use after the patch since we won't have mods any more.
  7. Would be nice if we could get a mini patch of the stuff on the testbed now so we have some new content since we have to wait yet /ANOTHER MONTH/ for the next patch.
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  8. I'm all for this, but than I'm a pirate so we don't have any lol
  9. Well that is diffrent than. yah would be nice to say this Frigate is my HMS SNOW and a second one I have over in another area is HMS RAIN or something. Yah that would be bad.
  10. Well next time I see you let me check my computer for the registration of your ship to find out if it was speed fitted or made of ceder or live oak. Really guys how would you know this from the distances other than things like how low it lays in the water, it's speed as you chase it, the way the balls bounce off the side....oh wait that is exactly how we guess the build of ships all ready in game. They said before they don't want to do names for ships cause of the screening of names would be wasted time as you will have idiots doing stupid names for there ships over and over. So it's best to just leave them as be.
  11. We have no clue what they every plan with the pirates. Half the time we think they might do some and the other half we feel like they just want to keep us as a half broken nation. I don't think there will honestly be any difference between the to. We I did say there will be a race to get clan set up.....now which one is more active at this time? I think it's something that might be in the talks about working together. Who knows what will happen next month. Hell we might all just roll national by than. NAHHHHH LOL
  12. There was a hint they might add like 5 more ranks. Remember top rank is rear Admiral right now, so they could push it up a few more to Admiral.
  13. The devs said that is how many chars logged in total in each nation for those days. So it's not some one longing in and out several times. It's the total number of active chars that logged in that day over the 24 hour period.
  14. Devs have mentioned they might give us a chance to do a full wipe on release and get a special veterans status and perk for doing so....or was that another game...lol I might just do it if the option is given. I assume by than the game will be more polished and they might have stuff that we will never see utnil release that we haven't seen and won't unless we go through normal rank up.
  15. I don't think as many are alts as folks think. I bet you a lot of folks pop in and just do econ and just pop out. I know we have never seen 100 pirates on in one day at one time and they sure as hell aren't being chatty. When we where waiting on the regional patch and stuff I took most of Oct/November off and I only logged in once a night to do econ and than logged out. So prob a bunch of folks that do that in all the nations.
  16. Most games do this cause they have some one that is in charge of this in case something goes bad and they are there ready to call the servers location to get them back up or do the back up boots needed to get the game back into service. The down time is to save stuff so if they didn't do it every night and there was a crash and they only did this once a week you could loose a week worth of game time instead of say a few hours since last maintenance. Most games it's more down to 15-30 mins unless you get a patch. If you are on at that time it's not even an hour. It runs normally about 30-45 mins down time and updates rarely take the full two hours. Game is normally back up in an hour and half unless there is issues. You have to remember they are doing back up of the game during this time and loading in any new changes, these things don't just happen at a snap of a finger.
  17. A french clan, but I don't think you will have a problem with that tag after the reset. It was kinda suppose to been a joke when certain nations saw it and than go, "CRAP OCEAN IS HERE." *whistles innocently* There can only be one BLACK....we plan to rush and claim it upon the reset as fast as we can before that other one can try. I would assume all clan tags will be wiped so it will once again be first come first serve. Also knwo they are only locked for that nation unless something has changed. Never tested this out but might have to see if you can have the same clan tag in more than one nation.
  18. I all ways felt area control should be an auto perk for every one cause if your that close to a ship you shouldn't be magicaly just popping out of a fight. That and Doctor perk should be auto at the end of all battles you get a little of your crew back as they aren't all dead, just was out of the fight. As for things that we might get to goof around with before the patfch. Can we get Pirate vs Pirate in a hot fix please? Also can ever all get the Santa Cecilia as a redeemable ship until than. Many of us on PvP2 have never even seen this ship or been lucky enough to fight one or own one. Since the only folks that have them was the few that crafted them the few hours the BP was accidently put in game. Hell just put the BP back in until patch for every one to have some fun burning up all our mats and killing each other. LETS BURN DOWN THE SERVERS so that the Devs have just a small amount of stuff to wipe when the time comes.
  19. I don't think the problem was every really the maintenance time, it was the fact you couldn't get agro after a certain time and that locked out having ports flipped and Port Battles during US main prime time since October. The 5 min battle thing is going to just make things gank fest, but hay I'm a pirate and we won't mind that one bit. Anything else getting added as in some of the stuff from Testbed right now maybe getting patched in before next update?
  20. I was trying to drop some love on you, I hurt the Vict in your group bad though as I was spreading the damage out when I could....lol Yah the biggest problem in that one was circle control and we had a lot of guys not in TS to communicate with each other. Your side had a lot of damaged guys that where close to sinking too. The points in the circle beat us cause folks keep leaving the circles and letting ya'll get it back and keep gaining circles. Other wise it was a good fight with equal numbers for the most part of mixed fleets.
  21. I really need to go back to bed, thought that said, "I will join SINK." I was like, "BUt aren't you part of....oh..." Yah I think I need some more sleep this morning.
  22. Was going to post on that. To be honest I think the current time isn't actually bad as most games do there down time around 2am CST (my time 8am UTC). They just need to move the lock out window to allow us to have port battle up to 2 hours before down time and than move the start of new port battles to happen after update time is over.
  23. I actually thought about doing a joke post that folks can list of every silly thing they been accused of like hacks, lag switches, IRON-SIDE SHIPS, KILLER BALLS OF DOOM....you know things like that. Oh and the fact we get accused of dupping by folks when none of us had a clue about that exploit but they oddly know about it....hmmmmm But no it can't be the reason you where sinking like a rock in port battles is cause you bring gunk like this.
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