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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I would assume the woods and trims would be the same as before with the slider to change them. With the new crafting sounds like you will have a third bar/tab that you pick the refit and than you will need the refit note to make that refit and what ever crafting mats that are needed. Though this is all just guess work until the testbed server is updated with the new patch.
  2. I didn't catch that the first time I read it and now I'm thinking..... A REPUTATION SYSTEM?
  3. Pirates never had alliances so it never bother me and my play style.
  4. In other games the PvE Ships where trader/merchant ships while the PvP where warships. So this would make since. Kinda wish we can get a better combo ship that falls into the better gun large merchant ships. Maybe not as much cargo space as say an Indianman, but more guns to put it in the SOL class, but this would mean we need some proper loot changing hands at battles and some things where you might need such like the Trader class chars had a SOL for port battles that could double as a merchant ships on POTBS.
  5. I have had chars on all the servers and in mulit nations and I have never used it this way so why would I start, but by thinking we would I would be tempted to go do just that. The numbers that would go out of there way to do such is so small it wouldn't make the votes much difference.
  6. More like the concept of the French Wine, Iberia Meat, India Tea and such they where talking about for the l'Ocean, Santi, and Vict...
  7. You will get ships blue prints as you level up. So if your level 50 you will know all the basic ships that you use to have to build or break a ship up to get the BP for. Rare BP's are still going to be rare but there will be multi ways to get them in game now. Other than just this random drop on shipchest from PvP/E Events and Port Battles.
  8. Yes so you keep your current XP/Rank you need to make a char on them and do one battle. I would advice joining in the newbie shallow area as it's easier to find AI and do a low level missions there in the basic cutter. Do one missions or attack one ship. You don't have to win just get xp and than you have made sure your current rank/level is locked on steam with that server. Than when the patch happens if you want to play on PvP later you will have a redeemable to level you up to that rank that was locked in before the patch.
  9. I wish they do this in a hotfix like the did with the battle timers. Would be nice to let every nation fight each other up till the patch. Notice they are doing the same thing they did before the regional patch was dropped and every one took a break. They are trying to roll all the ports. I guess it will make them feel better before they have to face the reality they won't be top dog any more and have folks to fight after the patch...lol Devs also stated that they might turn it back on for small nations after a while. Remember this is testing folks, so lets test things. Maybe we will get a good balance for most of the nations that alliances won't generally be needed other than the verbal type that Pirates have to use all ready.
  10. Yah I don't think they should be tradeable. Maybe the rewards you can trade, but not the marks. I'm tired of the modern kids that want every thing every one else has. It's the fault of these scoreless sport games and every one gets a trophy/ribbon crap. I'm sorry you can get every ship if you want, you just have to do the missions and content to get them just like in every other game out there. Yah right now other than say the Pirate Frigate there is not enough ships to go around to start making them nation only tied in crafting. I do think the Pirate Frigate should be a Pirate only craft-able ship. You still ca capture them and buy them, but they should be a Pirate only craft-able ship. It's kinda hinted at cause the BP is in the Pirates Shop so maybe this will be the only way to get the BP is as a pirate, but I think it should be made none tradable. Pirates all ready got so many restrictions and pretty much zero perks for being pirates.
  11. Might want to update the first post to warn folks to burn all there labor hours before doing this so that they don't loose any as it resets your LH to zero when you create a new char.
  12. Kidd's Island - 11 Pirates vs 18 US/Brits Well cause of some RL stuff I wasn't able to make it in time, but I was passed on this screen shots. Even with there over whelming odds US/Brits lost 5 ships (4 being captured and one sunk) with no pirates lost. Good job guys even with most of the players taking a break until patch. Though I think the fact most players still don't have a clue where Kidd's Island is in game helped us out on the numbers for sure and the fact it's a long sail. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/158030922586619809/5009F5CABC8606C4E4077C5F32DC8C9FDCE86095/
  13. Ships give you the most xp as you get 362 for a Lynx 4694 for 1st rates. So ship building is all ways going to give you the most crafting xp. You did forget delivery missions which give you 50 xp and crafting xp a pop. And yah it's about 1 xp per most mats you make. Mods where something like 10-75xp a pop when you make them so they really didn't give you much. It was all ways about making ships so that hasn't changed by what we have heard. Though the amount of xp might of changed you earn as they have tweeked the system. We won't know for sure until the patch gets to testbed. Now what I'm wondering about will we still get xp from ships we crafted for others and they used? Not that it matters if your RA and maxed out, and not that they changed the officer perk thing you don't need that extra xp other than for leveling up your chars Rank.
  14. Once you been killed no one can gain anything like xp/marks off you for an hour. It's all ready on testbed. Even if they tried that would make farming very slow.
  15. You never got much off mods any way and you still have to do resources and materials to craft those ships which are the other means to get crafting xp. I mean how else do you get it right now any way? I do know some of the delivery missions in testbed gives crafting xp too.
  16. Yes currently your level is tied to your steam account, but to get it to work across all servers you have to have a char on them. So as you level up all three servers chars level up no matter what server you got the xp on. After Patch this won't be the case any more as your leveling won't be tied to your steam account any more.
  17. No they paid to play a game and support the development. I never been in any Alpha testing that gave you max level just for logging in upon game release. Hell most wiped you clean and you had to start fresh just like any new player at release time. With maybe a few rewards for your time in testing.
  18. Except the fact that many folks have not done much to help with the testing of the game and it's growth so why should they be rewarded with max rank up upon release if they haven't all ready earned it by than by playing the game? That and all the alts that will be instantly leveled up that weren't all ready.
  19. My cat is to lazy to play NA, I tried...she just won't do it. Than again she hates seafood and catnip.....Really think I have a broken cat. So no worries there, but lets be honest if they are going to be making those mistakes than there prob no hope for them any way. Can't kiss every one arse to make them happy. I'm an old salty sailor and don't agree with every thing ya'll do, but I live with it after a bunch of grumpy comments.
  20. I figure those are things we will find out when the patch goes to testbed....which hopefully will be sooner than later....soon..... crosses fingers....soon....
  21. Who is saying there won't be a wipe at release? They prob will do it the exact same way. Wipe every thing and than day of release we log in with our chars and we redeem our levels and any gift we earned from being EA and testers. If you don't want to rank up to your tester rank just don't redeem those items.
  22. Off topic but why would they not be full? We are getting a hopefully better balance server with pop merger and maybe some players returning. Yes some times there won't be full battles and other times there will be way to many on each side. And the Devs said it's only temp for now, they might turn it back on, they might come up with something better, hell they might just scrap it all. I'm against folks getting free rank up any types that didn't earn the rank. Many of those guys prob don't even know how to manual sail and such that are still in cutters, they don't need to be Admirals the push of a button or crafting ships I busted my arse to get to level 50 crafter for. They should earn the ranks the same way the rest of us did.
  23. Is there a list of what current ships will be on the Admiralty or other list and which will be special developer gifts and what ships will be added to the normal Available list for when you rank up in crafting? I know this is a big thing cause of what ships tend to become the meta for battles (H. Rattler for Shallows and Aggy's for 4th rates). And could some ships be restricted to only one nation like Pirate Frigate to pirates only?
  24. If they been playing they won't have to start over. This is only for folks that don't have chars on any of the servers. If they want to keep there rank/xp across the board they need to log in now and make a char before the patch. The one battle thing is just a safe guard to make sure you register XP on that char and it syncs. It was the same thing you had to do in the past to get redeemable across the board.
  25. The only problem with a full wipe of xp and rank is that it will take for every to get crafting and other levels up to test anything so that would be counter productive. Think the current redeemable is a good option and i'm sorry if you haven't been active than you prob weren't supporting the game any way.
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