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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I use to travel alot for work and I would play on games other servers. Like WoT I had a SEA and EU account for when I was working in Africa/Spain/Ireland I would use the EU server. While I was in AU, India, Singapore I used the SEA server. That and it helps keep from destroying your stats by playing on very bad pings. All the while my main play was on the US server. I plan to have chars on all three servers (not counting the testbed) even though I plan to play only the global. Cause you never know what is going on and where your going to be.
  2. whispers, "Pirates are a nation too." I know we butt heads on topics but thanks for not forgetting Pirates are a Nation too, bastards of a nation, but still one. I believe the smuggler flag is going to return, but it's going to be in it's old form where any one can attack you cause devs mention something about it in the PvE zone stuff that it's the only way you can get attack in the PvE zone area is with the smuggler flag on and it creates a pirate FFA style battle. I really think ya'll are not giving the PvE(not the PvE server guys)/care-bears/traders players that play on the PvP servers and aren't all into the PvP and RvR stuff enough credit. They make up the majority of the player base after all and while they can still fill the spots of the main PvP/RvR players they are apart of the game too. They are the back bone of the crafting and econ system. You give them a means to make money, they will. I will bet you folks will craft rare goods, smuggle them to ports and sale them. You will get folks that will be putting up buy orders in free towns to get filled. Cause remember all you have to do is get it to a free town and than you can ship those goods any where. Now one thing that would really really really hep this if the trader missions was actually based off buy contracts in local ports in that region or area of the map and not just some random missions. This will help stimulate the economy if I know say you have a buy contract in a port close by for 500 silver. I'm over here with a silver mine and I got 5000 I'm not doing crap with. So I haul 500 over to that freetown and drop it off and fill your contract. I get a little crafting and rank xp from the trip and you get your contract filled.
  3. I mentioned something like this by taking Pirates/Privateers (cause let admit the none outlaws are basically Privateers without jobs) if they had a true raid system the raids can cause a neutral like agro that can cause a region/port to go neutral. Allowing any nation to snatch it up. Maybe if a pirates raid was successful it puts 25% agro on that region for all nations that don't own it. Giving them a jumping point to start a flip cause that region would be in sort of unlawful/chaos after a raid. Again this would all would really need a reputation system. Bring back the means to go pirate in game. Allow pirates to take a letter for a nation to become privateers. Once they get high enough reputation they can join that actual nation. Pirates/Privateers don't own any regions per say. They get Kidds, Mort, Marsh Harbor areas as perm pirate regions. Sorry nations should not be using Pirate refit and this should be something specially to only them. Than allow them to use free towns as there home ports so they can spread out. There could be pirate haven ports but lets jsut make it simple and have them work out of free towns. Freetown can only have ships of 4th rates or below in them too. So no more staging your SOL"s in a free port folks. The only way for them to get a port is with a raid. Make the raids a 12 vs 12 man team and that while a port is raided they can use that port for three days and than it goes back to the owner. While in raid status all production stops in that port. A team/clan can only have one raided port at a time though this can prob be bump up to 2 or something. The point is to keep from having a zerg of raids all over the map. While a port is raided that region has a base agro of 25% start for all nations against it. Thus making a raided region more easy to flip. While a pirate is working for a nation as a privateer they can use those ports of that nation for only trade. They can not make out post or build in a nations region. While a privateer there is still no restrictions as to who can attack you or not. So if there is an alliance system it doesn't matter if your working for Spain and they have an alliance with US, the US player can still attack you. So basically all it does is allow you to join and filly there battles and only for the nation you have the contract for. Cause we need a reputation system the more you help one nation the more chance you get to a status you can perm become apart of that nation. This will allow you to switch nations in game, though slowly, but you can do it in game instead of some token or deleting your char and making a new one. Now for the raids, they will be like old flag system where you can buy a flag/token and it announces you are doing a raid over the game. You have 2 hours to do the raid and you can only have 12 man teams (full group). Tokens can only be bought in your ports owned. This is why I mention some other ports that would be pirate havens instead of just freeports. maybe some key freeports will have dual status. The raid has to start pretty much from that port and than head to the port your raiding. When you plant the flag/token a battle starts. This is pretty much like a mini port battle. Though drop the two out side circle and only have one circle to fight over. The first to get to 500 points by controling the circle or sinking ships wins the raid. This is an all out 12 vs 12 fight. Raided ports can have more restrictions than just the Lineship, 4th Rates, Lightships. Maybe have some ports resticted 5th rates in below. Maybe others you can only bring 3rd rates and below. This will give a more mixture of fleets than the norm of every one bringing one type of ship. Maybe some ports will have other goals than the capture the one circle. Could drop the A circle on some ports and just have B/C and you have to capture one or the other. Remember the takers all ways win if no points are gained and you have to control one more circle than the other side to get points other than by sinking ships. Raids should not be easy and I like this second options cause most ports A is defended very heavily by forts and towers. Keep the regional port battles with the 46 hour window for the big fights, but raids can be one way to flip a port (if you allow both nationals and pirates to raid a port), but no matter who does the raid the port gets 25% agro on the whole region once it's down if it's successful. If a prot is defended it gets the same three day cool down and no one can raid that port until the cool down is off. Though I would be more key to have this a Pirate/Privateeer only function since as above they can't do conquest of there own. It will also get some nations to contract out to some pirate clans to run raids on a nation they are at war with.
  4. Try it in a gunboat in a big ship battle. You never notice just how big all them ships are when your just trying to beam down on them with that forward cannon and not to get crushed. I know some one that tried it with me and got motion sickness....lol
  5. @admin Ok are missions rewards turned off? That is two days in a row I didn't get any mission pay out and I placed in the top 10 in one mission. Would be nice to know this. Wanted to see if they changed anything about the chest rewards.
  6. Yah the split screen thing made me loose a whole corp that was left over on the other screen that could of pinched the other team between my forces. It's happen to me more than one fight. That and I hate it when it splits your corps up, I use to break divisions down into like one for arty, one for infantry and another for Cav/Skirms, but I found they can split so you have arty by it self in one place and the others on the split map. Lost a good amount of arty that way one fight. Just stopped the match and rolled back to the save before the fight and had to reorganized my units differently.
  7. I understand the devs reason, to balance certain ships. If some ships had them it would prob make them way OP. I kinda like the mix of the ships and load outs cause it makes folks bring diffrent ships to the table. If every ship had fore cannons we would see the same ships over and over even more than we all ready do.
  8. They said in the future they will have a way to change cargo around in the battle screen but for now this is just one step of the new system.
  9. Every thing will be wiped... Clans are tied to the clan creator so if every thing gets wiped than yes they will be gone and new clans will have to be created. True specially with a well organized clan but I don't think to the level some of us have them at now cause of old broken systems that where in the past. I started to just sale stuff to free up dock space and so it won't look so bad the night before the wipe. Maybe it will help some guys do there last minute crafting cause they can find the mats I'm dropping for cheap in the ports shops.
  10. Big ships next to land can suck. We had a big brawl like that a while back and some one got lit on fire and it didn't turn out very well for any one.... On thing that drives me nuts when I watch other folks videos and I'm not even the greatest at this game, but do you guys know what F5 does right along with F1-4? I hardly ever see these guys turn off there off side decks they aren't using. He would have faster reload, better sail response and faster board preparation and other things if he didn't have all his guns maned at all times. I think one of the biggest complaints on boarding from folks is cause they have no clue about how to do it and get the best reponce from each action and counter action.
  11. I don't think it's going any where. I think in it's current form it's going to be gone. I noticed back in the PvE merge stuff they mention the only way to be attack in this zone is by having the Smuggler flag on. I haven't tested it on testbed but I wonder if they reverted it back to the old smuggler flag days. Cause they said if your attacked with it on it creates the same FFA battle as Pirate vs Pirate does. So I get a feeling it's going to be around just not in it's current form as a free way for traders to enter into any ports. Doesn't matter to me as I never take it off, you know being a pirate and all.
  12. Is there any way we can get the alliances turned off too for a hot fix since they will be any way after the patch. Certain nations are going have to get use to not having each other back and picking on little nations so might as well let them start to get us to it now.
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  13. I don't think they are stopping any one from deleting every thing and starting all over. This is just an option for folks that don't want to loose all there stuff.
  14. The problem is that folks won't come out and PvP if they can keep it to PvE and keep you raising it if it's to slow. The blockaid thing makes them come out and stop you. I mean really with war supplies they can just sit in port and keep lowering it down to 50 until you get bored and stop. Oh and mega fleets will give you up to 40%...that is the fleet of 25 SOL. We do it all the time after grinding it up to 50%. We been wanting to do one from the start to see exactly how many points they give you for hostility. We have brought up the blockaid thing many times. What I would love is a 12 man raid system. Like the old flags. That is a full group and you attack a port (not region and it has a battle with one circle (not three) the one who controls that circle wins. It is auto 25% agro. Each port can only be raided once a day. If you have more than one raid than you can flip the port and get the current port battle system for that region in 46 hours. To stop a raid only 12 guys need to get in and fight. RvR should never been done in the first place by having to do most of it through PvE. 12 man teams allows small nations to actually attack some one as they can do 4 raids in one day to flip a port. I also don't think 1 hour should flip a port blockaiding. Like the mine for war supplies and PvE missions it should only be a small part of the agro to flip a region. If ya'll remember on POTBS you can only turn in so many supplies in a certain time period so you can just instantly flip a port. It only counts for a small portion of the numbers needed to get a port battle. PvP should always be the fastest way to get agro. We have flipped many a ports just from doing this and just doing agro to get them to come out and PvP us. Than next thing we know an hour later we have a port battle cause we sunked a crap load of players trying to stop us.
  15. I think the problem on the armor loosing for me looks like the AI is hitting every shot like they have 100% accuracy with every shot even at a distance again. I had some shots I would range the first ball or two to make range and he hits perfectly before I can fire my broadside back. I tried using the longs on the essex this morning and was shreaded with the frigates had my armor down and I only got a notch or tow off him. He just hit perfectly with every round and that was annoying. I think the make of the ships are random to. I might of been in a harder woood one time and than that last one soft wood. I never got my reward yesterday from the PvE missions I did. So I did another one this morning and will check to see if I missed something. As for the stern racks I think it's the hit box locations. I notice if I hit the stern kinda high I kill crew but not get any hull hits or damage. If I aim kinda lower than that I get hull damage but no hardly any crew kills.
  16. Dev's had said many of the other (none common) can be gained through the admariality shop and other means. Didn't ya'll have the PvE missions to do? There was a small chance that those ship chest dropped BP instead of the ship note. They will prob have some ships int he shops to get with PvE or PvP marks. You can trade PvE/PvP marks in to get trade notes for ships BP or something like that. So you will have the same chance to get the same BP's as every one else. Just less on the part you don't have PvP or RvR on your server which is just another means to gain them. He's talking about the level you have to be in crafting to craft the ship. Like right now it's level 45 to be able to use the 1st rate BP's, but 49 for the exceptional. So on the new system will it be at level 45 you learn to craft 1st rates, or was it moved some where in the middle. I would think a Vict could be learned before a Santi cause it's a smaller SOL. Though I would more just say why don't folks just wait for the testbed patch to hit and go check it out. To much data for ya'll to be answering for every ship. Though it would be nice to know if any ships where added to the common BP's learned the old RNG way to get them but now through crafting level gain automatic. Will Gunboat, H. Rattler, Aggy, l'Ocean be added to this list or will they be only shop/chest and drops. What ships are Dev only ships (I assume the SC for sure). Will the Wappen be able to craft or is it one of the Dev only gifts. What about the Indy and Endy are they looking to be added to the craft-able ships any time soon? If you want to craft all the common ships folks I would say get your crafting to level 50 before the patch, simple solution to the problem.
  17. It would be nice if you can get a few more special brigades like the "Iron Brigade." and the one cav unit you can get. Maybe them historic leaders/units of that battle you can get and keep. I normally have my own theme for each unit and corps, but would be nice if we got special ones to fill the rank every other major battles.
  18. Dutch math, some times I wish I could use Dutch math in the real world.
  19. It never failed I craft a ship for some one else and I get a 3/5. I craft one for myself and I get a 2/4.
  20. Clans are tied to the leader so if every thing is wiped so is the clan stuff. You will have to form a new clan when you get back on your respective servers. This is a good way to clean house for some clans any way.
  21. NO you need a few more so folks can fight over and they shouldn't be close to the capital for the most part. We don't every thing crafted at the capital cause than traders will never get out and about for the PvP guys to hunt. We just need more than one or two means to get things. Key resources like this should never have been locked down to one or two ports.
  22. Yah I don't think 6-8 regions would be good, just 2-3 more would would help out a lot. Still now sure about Cedar though. Than again I think that might be something some smart traders will haul to a lot of the free ports and make a killing off of.
  23. Your going to loose every thing in the wipe any way. Though I would be honest I think since they are doing this 5 min timer thing they should break all alliances until the patch and turn it off to let every one fight every one and just burn through ships and mates over the next three weeks.
  24. ours was yesterday, but nastie as hell today. So I'm going to do some play testing on the testbed in the current patch form and some feed back. Really wish the up date the testbed soon so we got something to do for the next couple of weeks. They should break all alliances until the merger so every one can fight every one up till that point. Just like they did that 5 min window close thing for OW battles to get more folks fighting before the wipe.
  25. I didn't have a problem with my ships catching fire, but I did light the frigate I was fighting on fire. Than I put it into reload shock with a good broad side of the 32's. After that it went down pretty fast as it couldn't reload with the crew fighting the fire and than in shock. I think a built Essex would do well in this mission and get the norm of 2 kills easly. I know they are making these harder cause some of the scores on PvP1 are pretty good with the current missions on live servers. I can score on PvP2 but I'm not good enough in this style of fighting to score on PvP1 in the top 10, which is fin as not every one should be able to. Though when I was doing the log in and one mission thing on my third account (yes I have three) I tagged got a rattler against my cutter and buddy in the midshipman mission. It light on fire and I did a crew shock and just keep it down on crew and on fire. I basically stroked that fire until it looked close to the mag and I get the hell out of it. I never actually sat back and watched one blow. I been in many a port battles and such in the heat of battle and even been fireships myself, but to truly sat back and watch a ship blow was kinda cool. I have noticed a high rate of fires lately.
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