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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I understand that,but when do they go live? NEVER? That is how it seems. In fact every one was expecting a patch last month of the 3 dura 1st rates and every thing that is currently in testbed, but ya'll stopped that and put every thing on hold.....yet again putting patches on hold to go live for another month and half. Which means we have not had a patch to live in 5 months (well in 5 days it will be 5 months). I get the 3 dura part was a fix for the duping problems, but why couldn't the structure and Pirate vs Pirate parts be put to live. No one uses testbed so it doesn't properly get tested with a few guys on there. Max I seen is 11 and I'll be honest three of those where my chars as I had them all logged on to test fights between two pirates and anattional for the FFA. That and the Marks system. Yes I fought my own char to see if it worked and than the 1 hour cool down no rewards and that works too. So yes some of us are going there and testing and I do F11's every time something comes up. Hell glad the PvE missions are getting dropped cause now I can stop reporting on the issues every time I tried them. As for 5 patches on testbed. I put on there what you posted in the patch section for the live server only. I only seen two patches listed and that is when testbed went live and the Feb patch. WHY DON'T YOU POST YOUR PATCH NOTES WHEN YOU MAKE THEM? I know there are more hotfixes and patches that where made on both live and testbed but I only posted the data we have in the patch notes section of what you posted to inform us. Some times you do hotfixes without telling us and that is ok for hotfixes. I believe that was the way you fixed the dupping mods/ship proble with a hotfix not the actual testbed 3 dura solution. See the problem here is communication and ya'll for the better word suck at it. You need a Community Rep to pass your info on and to be clear and not get hot headed every time some one says something bad about your game. I love this game, but it has a lot of issues specially when dealing with the Devs vs the Customers. Devs have never made good Customer Reps. But who cares maybe we will get 9.98 in May at this rate. I mean it's not like Tesbed has been updated by the time you promised (first by the 10th and maybe by the end of this week). Ya'll keep adding things to the list and adding them. That is your mistake. You need to do stages and release those stages every couple of months with hotfix's. This ship crafting stuff was announced back in November. So why has it taken so long to get it implemented? Many of us are asking, "WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN WORKING ON?" Show us with the patch. I'll happly shut up when it comes out around the 19/20th or end of month or even May since it keeps changing. And I did notice I missed the testbed deployed one, but like some one said patches are hard to find and well Devs have actually not posted every time they patched to the details there is is a few patch notes that are off on datesd cause we buggeed them to post the patch notes several days after the patch came out last year.
  2. @admin Ok every thing aside we are half way through the week (going off the server time) and no word on the update of testbed. Is the patch going to be on testbed by the end of the week?
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  3. Premium as in bought with real cash? As for the moral thing, I assume ya'lls cause right now I think the player base isn't to high right now. I'm pissed about a few changes and the means, but I wouldn't say my moral is up there to high either. Though I'll still play and test these new changes. This patch that might make it by the end of the month or the next one the storage is going to be reworked? Ok well if that is how docks space is going to work than I don't mind that, but still what is that magic number going to be and I assume it can be adjusted if not enough or two many. Upgraded with real money or in game money? I'm not liking the concept if it's real money. In game money I can see getting the 5 per pout post and being able to expand certain out post or even better just give us a dry dock we can store extra ships in at our capital. So there won't be a slight perk in stats between a store bought/NPC crafted ship vs a player built one like there is now? Of course by getting it crafted you get what you want in build and trim vs shop has only selected options for you.
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  4. Actually there hasn't been any updates to test server since Feb 17. I'm on there all the time, but kinda hard to test things when there is only like 2-4 of us on and they have not updated it since almost two months ago.
  5. That was kinda my point of posting the patches. They did a pretty steady job of adding stuff last year, but we really haven't gotten much for new content since the end of last year. Even the current testbed is 2 months old
  6. Are we getting extra dock space for all these extra ships? I only keep 1 Indiaman right now to haul stuff maybe two per account, but if I'm going to need to haul stuff, have ships and back up ships in hot spots than I need WAY MORE DOCK SPACE. Right now by the way I see it I'll have to tow a bunch of ships to a port, than if I get sunk 5 times (lets say 4 cause 1 is a trader) I'm out of ships in that area until I can sail more to replace which will take time cause I have to haul all the mats to my ship yard, make the ship and than haul it back to where it's needed. This isn't an hour or two time sink we are taling about we are talking about HOURS UPON HOURS and little time left to actually fight and have fun with PvP cause I'll be spending all my time crafting and hauling things around and not out fighting since I do both Crafting and PvP. I'm lucky to have more than one account so I can make one char a dedicated crafter/trader. Not every one has more than one account. Don't get me wrong I like 99% of the changes, but the chat part I don't see being good since it cuts interactions against players of different nations. The others I'm willing to test to see how things work and if they might return if it doesn't work than fine, if it works out than fine also that is what we are here to do isn't it?
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  7. Okay I took the time and went over all the patches and when the notes where released for each one. Now remember back in the start of the year they release a plan for the year and told us they will try to get more patches out in shorter amount of times and give us better notes and turn around. To be honest I love this game and want the best, but look at the history of the player drops and patches. They really need to work on how they announce patches and how often they release stuff. Right now a lot of folks are bored cause there is no new content on a game in development. The Ship crafting stuff was announced last November 2nd as being maybe a Dec/Jan patch but was put on the shelf. So tell me WHAT THE HECK HAVE THEY BEEN WORKING ON FOR THE LAST 5 MONTHS? Patch history for last year since EA started Patch history so far for 2017 9.62 Minor patch after EA Jan 28 9.97 Hotfix Dec 9, 15, Jan 6, 11 9.63 Iron Crisis Feb 3 Content plans for 2017 Jan 19 9,.64 Small Battles and Account XP Feb 11 9.98 Deployed to test bed Feb 17 9.65 Crew and resources production March 10 9.66 Hotfix changes March 17 9.67 Hotfix Changes March 23 9.68 March 31 9.7 - Land Sighted April 12 Where we stand right now 9.71 Hotfix April 14 9.72 Hotfix April 15 9.73 Hotfix April 20 9.8 Damage Model 5.0 May 19 9.81 Hotfix May 25 9.82 May 27 9,83 Hotfix Jun 3 9.84 Hotfix Jun 15 9.9 Officer, fishing, Provisions Jun 29 9.91 Prohibition cancelled/Rum Jun 30 9.92 Hotfix Jul 7 9.93 Bucentaure, accel rework Jul 28 9.94 Alliances, new ships Aug 17 9.95 Scial Perk and other Sep 1 9.96 New Conquest Oct 20 9.97 Events, minor crafting Dec 5th 9.97 Hotfix: Land in port battles Dec 19 Now I get that there will be a lot of tweeks between big patches and such, but if you look at this, we are in almost mid April and not a single big content patch since Dec 18th which was late part of the Dec 5th patch cause not every thing was ready. That is how you should do it. Release the main patch and than follow through with the 9.971 Land in port battles and other hotfix's. Don't announce your going to do something major and than keep adding content so that a patch comes out months later.
  8. Same thing happend with the Regional Patch. They announced that one will be out in a week and it took a month so every one for the most part stopped playing. They need to stop this taking months to put patchs out. They need to do them on a regular bases even if there isn't a lot of content. Give 1 to 2 week notice for any big patches/changes and than do it on that time. Not a month later. Most of us don't even epxect this one to make the end of April and that would put us with 5 months since the last actual patch (not hot fix) back on like Dec 19th.
  9. Here is the Nuevitas one. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/92729662228676143/66A2E825A74C2CAFE61EFC6FA3E2F38BE030E63A/ I'm to lazy to do the normal pic link, but hay it was fun even though we had ya'll out number ya'll still fought it out. Poor Sparky Dog lost two dura's on that Aggy before the port battle. But like we said it's all going to get wiped any way so lets burn them down. I think the night of the wipe I'm going to sale every thing to see what I can get for all my gold maxed out expect the ones going out in a bang (all my first rates lol)
  10. Global thing is off topic, but not a good thing. We have 99% civil convo compared to the toxic ones. I'm hoping we get the Panda sooner than later. It would be a nice ship even if they give us a perm redeemable of it. I'm voting you do both. Give the perm redeemable and the BP. That way we all ways have a copy to use of the ship no matter what, but if some one wants to make a special version than they can. I would vote to do the same with the Yacht too.
  11. Yah now that I think about it, it's better to do it now why we are doing all the other changes. I just think they should do a few points a little in the middle like the Tow request only to owned ports and can't do them to Free Towns. Free Towns should still get the delieveries but up the cost and make it take for every. The rest of the stuff other than the coms stuff I'm all for. Only complain is if they delay these patch changes more and more and more they are going to drive off more players. Release and than slowly add stuff until next big content change/patch or release. The restrictions will allow for nations to keep to there own area. We don't know how the econ has been changed and resources moved either, but I know one thing is I'm not going to buy a shipment of Live Oak on the east coast of US to ship down to say one of the Nations that start on the other side of the map. Some one better charge me a pretty penny for that Live Oak when I show up with it. Could be a way to make a killing if the econ is ever made and worked out decently that players can support it. The Trade missions should be part of an auction house that we can see to take goods to a port and make mo nony off of.3
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  12. Yah that is the simple solution. Maybe to many reports and they don't want to got through them or something?
  13. What WoT did was to give you the option to turn it off. That is all they need to do. We all ready can do that with Global and ignore players, but we can't do that with battle chat.
  14. And I'll use the example of WoT, they didn't remove it, they added a feature to TURN IT OFF. Which we have that feature for Global. I don't think you can for battle though. That is all they ahve to do is just add feature to turn it off.
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  15. Yah I been away from the game the last few days cause of waiting on the patch. Didn't see the update about that until after I posted. Hmmmmmm they really should mark the changes to those post when they make them. I'll be honest if they remove it from even your Nation ports it's going to kill the casuals players. They all ready removed the send to outpost after battles for ships and such. Well glad I'm a Pirate now....guess I'll just capture ships and not even worry about any RvR in this game.
  16. 4 years active duty Navy and another 15+ Offshore Oil rig/drilling ships and merchant marine work and yah you hardly ever see anything other than shadows. I mean in the persian gulf we had a few dead calms that even than you didn't see any reflections. I had a few down off the coast of Brazil and India and it's pretty much all the same. Your to worried about the dang freaking 1000000 degree hot sun beating on you with no wind to notice any reflections any way. I don't think calm and north seas area allowed to be in the same sentence lol
  17. 1. I think this just needs a bigger limitation. Like longer travel time and such. I don't really see this as a big problem as you still have to get your resources from the home port you crafted them at to the free town. What i think would work good is there is no crafting or ship building in free towns. Folks use to use them as big trade hubs cause of the delievery system. 2. Well I can get no tow from FT to FT, but by what I read it's no tow what so ever. Well you better give us some dry docks, more outpost and more docks. Cause now with 1 dura ships we can't have the 4 other dura's left over if our ship sinks. We have to have ships spread out all over the place and if we don't have a way to get them there even though slow (tow feature) we have to sail every ship to ever port from where it's crafted and your going to drive off your causal/majority of your players (this is like the fine wood crap that pushed a lot of players way). 3. I like this as it pushes them more out to explore. I have used them for testing more than anything other than hostility and if I need a small boat to shoot at a low level will work still. 4. I never use them, but they have there uses but for no no issue here. Bring it to the OW. 5. I would of preferred to seen these pushed more into OW missions for folks any way. Hunt down so many traders, hunt down so many warship and etc and you get a reward type thing. 6. They should never be a quick replacement for players. Though I think we should have some basic cutters for a level or two higher up to say maybe the Cerberus (first 3 levels ships?) Cause with one dura folks are going to run out of ships fast if they get into a lot of fights or they just will not leave ports and not come out into the OW. 7.I wouldn't say useless as they will be a cheap source of ships and replacement for those that can't get them built. Though they should never be a source of income for the most part (PvP should all ways pay out more) I get this, but save the other game for after this one goes live or make it added materiel. Don't try to make two games at once that you weren't planing to make from the start. So is global. I don't even turn on hlep any more cause most folks just ask in global or nation chat and I just answer there. As a lot of folks stated that we do a lot more interaction between players than the small rare 1% toxic players. That and I spend a lot of time teaching folks the basics in battle chat when I tag a new player and will a lot of times let them live after demasting them. Now I can't tell them hay if you want to live stop doing missions in this area and I won't sink you type thing. Which I have done before. STOP ADDING MORE TO THE PATCH. YOU DO THIS EVER TIME AND THE PATCH COMES OUT A MONTH LATE. PATCH THINGS AND THAN ADD MORE AS YOU COME UP WITH NEW CONTENT. IT'S BEEN ALMOST 5 MONTHS SINCE THE LAST BIG PATCH. WE SHOULD OF HAD A FEW SMALL PATCHES SINCE THAN NOT NOTHING AND THEN WAIT OVER WAIT. I'm sorry but you keep making changes and it's pissing folks off instead of putting content out and than let us test and tweek it. This ship crafting stuff was brought up back in November for maybe Dec/Jan. So why is it taking so freaking long if ya'll had it planed any way? Put your patch out and than add to it. Don't keep adding and adding and adding and not putting the patch out. Than you throw more and more players off and they leave and don't want to return. I have no problem with testing new things and helping, but if you don't give me the means to test and give feed backs than I can't do my part as a customer and tester.
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  18. The only thing is kinda wish they had a send to Admiralty command if you don't have the perk to get a small pay out. I got a feeling we are going to see less folks boarding and those that do will be the only ones to have the fleet perks. We will also see less folks with fleets at they have to spend the perks to have the extra ship and if they want to capture a ship than they need to keep the slot open too. @admin any update on this patch this week? Ya'll normally drop them on Tuesdays nights (actually Wed morning) though haven't always been the case and ya'll done Testbed at random times since the server doesn't even go down for maintenance.
  19. If they keep the 46 hours port battle thing than you don't don't have to sail across map. If you have a close out post you tow it a head of time. I'm sorry if you don't have ships set up in that area your to spread out and shouldn't control those regions. Pluss the game is to be designed with a larger population than we have so you should't have to be the same guys fighting port battles every time over and over (like on PvP2) This where a larger population comes in handy and you can have certain clans that stay in certain regions. With a key larger pop of a more active game this shouldn't be an issue. This is why you should encourage every one to come to port battles that can instead of just the same ELITE GUYS over and over and over. One of the reasons I really liked the land grant every one comlained about for those that went to the port battles. While others could use the same area resources at a higher cost, it gave incentive for more people to show up at port battles and defend or atack and it rewarded the guys that actually did all the hard work and not just the guys that log in and ride there coat tails by using those captured held ports. These are the same guys that long and and complain, "Oh we lost such and such." All the while you have never seen them at a port battle or helping grind down or up a region for port battles. Though it seems to be all your fault for them not being able to use that port any more. So yah I thought it was a great concept, just think the devs should of brought it up after this patch not while we are all patch/content starved and want a bone or something. This 5 months every patch is going to kill the game if they keep it up . I mean major content yes, but there should be small patches every other month and such and not just hot fixes.
  20. Actually you can go on test and test Pirate vs Pirate. The problem is getting more than one or two guys on at once to do so. Though I think by the end of the week when the tested patch updates we will have plenty on. Weill need some national testers too cause I want to test a few things out about those FFA and other battles....hint hint hint...lol
  21. Presently PC built ships get a slight boost compared to NPC/STORE/NOTE ships (basically any ship not built by a player). They might carry this over so no matter what if you have a NPC/AI ship with the same build (Wood/Trim/Refit) as a player built it would have better stats on the player built one. We haven't seen if this will be in testbed yet. The other thing is it's a lotto with NPC ships as to what you get. If I want a certain build I'll build it myself and know exactly what I'm getting. Capture a random ship it's random stats and not always a good combo. Than again a free ship is a free ship. To me it's like this when you look at the three ships Aggy Tank Inger Glass Cannon, but hits hard. They can be tanked out to take a beating to, but most folks go for the Tank Aggy build cause it's so common. Connie is like the jack of all and is the fast nimble ship that can response fast. I think with rare BP drops and crafting they won't be META so much as folks think for a while and we might see other ships. Structure is a allready on the testbed. Something you might catch is the stats have changed, but I mainly was noticning the first rates armor went up. Thanks for making a few things a little more clear, but in the future can you highlight what you add when you update. Some of us are old and forget what was there before and what is new....lol
  22. A good thing with the wipe we won't see every one in a 1/2nd rate the first day or two. I'm going to bet they will start show up for some after a week. Though even my clan which can be pretty productive have said we are goign to work on getting every one in key PvP ships not really RvR for the first week or so. While stocking things up for RvR. It might just prove to be more fun bringing a mix of SOL/4th rates to a Lineship battle cause no one has all the big boys yet, but we all know every one will want the META to win so they will push to have only the best players or clans for RvR to get into those ships first. That is just human nature to do what ever to win and nothing will change that and I hope we don't go to hard caps myself, but I could see maybe limit that cap some how like. The 12 folks in the group that flipped the port area the only ones allowed to bring 1st rates, but than how to you count who gets to bring the 1st rates on the other side? I just see no way to do it without a lobby and I don't want a lobby system for this game. If they do a lobby system they better have a real PvP/RvR style raid system on the side too.
  23. For the ships make one more option Level 50 Crafter so folks know they will have all the common BP's. After the patch every one gets those. The ones that should be selected are the rare ones. That will free up most to just click on a few ships and not have to click on a ton.
  24. If they did it right you would be able to put on only one of each type of the perms what ever they are. He hinted at three but didn't mention anything about the others. Said there will be some special mods like the figure heads (they are perm mods) and some of the Admiralty stuff (Spanish sails) etc might be like stay/stubbing sails). So if they where smart about it only one of those slots can have a refit in it. The other two might be tied to something else. Though we will see, but if you can put three refits into those slots that is a bit OP in my book.
  25. You should make an option to list level 50 crafter cause I'm not going through that list and click on all them. I got the my country isn't there error too.
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