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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Not sure what your Cerberus was made of, but Teak with copper plating is only 12.79. I think some of your numbers are off a bit.
  2. That would be a good way to do it in the future for new chars, but we are talking about the wipe so something like a one time switch until release for free could be a good thing for returning players.
  3. I like this too, but forgot to add..>>XP FOR CAPTURE SHIPS<<.....yah I'm going to keep repeating this. I should get the same reward for my xp as some one that sank a ship for the kill as a capture. Don't care about the gold or marks as the ship is my reward for those part, but you should get xp no matter how you kill some one since it's all based off Kills and Assist right?
  4. THey had it, but I think there was some issues with it or something. I would love to just see storms in OW again. Had some crazy scary moments in storms before in the past.
  5. Spent about 200 on a few ships so when it hits live it should be interesting. We should be expecting stuff by the end of the year when 3.0 comes out and SQ42 comes out. This prob needs to be moved into Tavern area than GD....
  6. But the problem is you don't know what that nation is like when at that selector screen. Some times even the most populated nation isn't for every one. I'm prime example of that. I started as US and I'll prob never go back to US. I like pirate, but if I ever switched it won't be for US for sure.
  7. What I think they should do is give every one a one time token to switch nations. All times after that will cost them the xp for rank and crafting. That would keep folks from double up there xp and ranks and such with two redeemable of each. This way if a month or two down the road I want to change i can. Redeem my token and I'll get the choose to change nation. Than after that I'm on my own. This would still work after release so folks don't get stuck into one nation or another. The tokens can be later bought instead of the one time free.
  8. Better watch it, you might get rich off all that fine fabric there.....oh look I'm internet famous....glad I wasn't saying something stupid. Remember when your board if your still both moving some times it's off cause your rubbing each other and they might actually be going faster than you are. Game can be screwy with the acc/decceleration between two ships locked up with each other. I haven't had a problem boarding any dead in the water after I demasted them and I done it with no fleet perks and with 1 or two. I did find out something. If you have a fleet and send it to retreat before the battle is over. Than capture the ship in the fight, it doesn't make a new name for that ship, it puts it as the ship you retreat and that is why when we get to the battle screen both ships are missing. I think they get thrown into ship limbo or something. So if you have a ship you don't want in the fight while you capture a trader you might want to make it stop instead of retreating it. Than once you captured the new trader you have both ships retreat. Tested this mulit time and it's the fix around from the missing ships when one retreats before battle is ended bug.
  9. If we had clan flags and was able to do a flag for when BLACK alts had Danish chars in the clan I set up with my Dane char in SORT. This would of been the flag I would of made for the clan. Something like this but cleaned up a bit more.
  10. but is this a lefty cigarette or a normal one? Cause if it's a lefty than might make things ok for a short time...lol
  11. That sounds about what I'm getting and every one of them I could carry the cargo on my warship so don't even need a trader to take the cargo cause it's so small.
  12. I have not seen cargo that fetched me more than say 30-40K so not sure where your seeing this 100/200K cargo at, maybe RNG just hates me. Though the 10-20K would be more of the average price you get from the cargo I'm seeing. No PvE AI ships shouldn't replace raiding, but right now with 90 players on there is no PvP Raiding. Unless I want to sail half way across the map to find a Player around there capital area and than I can only work out of a freeport until I run out of repiars or my ship gets sunk. With so small odds I would prefer to do other things with my time right now. I'm going to bet this will be the same mentality most folks have and many folks do enjoy only the PvE grind in game. I do it on the side between big fights to kill time, so why can't i be profitable and we aren't saying get rich off my investment? By time I pay for repairs and crew though that little 10-20K cargo is more like 1-5K profit. Not even worth it and to boot I didn't get any combat xp from the captured trader/ship.
  13. In Pirates Den we get Furnishings instead. And that is why I don't have the problem of not getting gold or marks for a captured ship, but we should still get our combat xp for the fight for a kill. Once ships get crafting and folks actually unlock stuff you might get a really good price that makes up for the credit/mark part of rewards. AI though shouldn't be carring 120 lbs of stuff when they have a full empty hull. I don't even wnat them to be rich trade goods. Load those bastard up with resource items and mats so you actually get something worth a dame and it doeesn't have to be a full load, just put it more reasonable and not just a few 100 (most I seen is 141 Food Supplies).
  14. I get that, the fight I lost 1 vs 7 I did sink 4 of them with a 5th one about to sink when they got me. I did get my rewards for the ones I sink. I like that. Still my only complaint is no combat xp for captured ships. I'm cool with no credits (if the cargo gets raised from what it is now) and no marks, but we should stil get the same combat xp for a kill as any one else. If you didn't do enough damage to regist a kill or assist than don't pay out, but if I take the time to demast, decrew a ship and board and win I should get my combat xp just like the guy that just sunk it. Than the price should be the ship and it's cargo to make up for the credits and marks rewards. This is pretty much what many of us are asking for.
  15. Again I'm not playing as a new player. I'm playing as some one all ready ranked up. Yes you get a small bit of crew back from the shop when you retrun to port as you rank up, it actually will stop if you die to much or it use to. Though after you hit that point and you loose crew you don't get it back any more. Other than at start when I bought 500 or maxed out crew I'm not buying them. I'm stating the cost of crew lost with the reward of the fights aren't matching. Again this is mid level 5th rate not kiddie pool shallow water ships. There is enough players that are doing that we don't need every one to do that. And yes I should of worded that differently.
  16. Wait until you open up a building and try econ. You will find there is a big money sink. Though no one is trading or buying so you aren't able to make money off it yet, but also I was just doing this with a char that was pretty much start and It cost me a lot to produce hull repairs. And why do we have to play as a newcomer? Isn't this game going to be for both the vets and the new guys? I actually do have one char that I was playing without any xp reclaims. One char I'm playing with all claimed but won't do any tradeing. Than the last and the one that actually has money is the one that isnt' fighting but all he's doing is crafting and trade runs. Why is the PvE guy the one rich and not having money issues? Shouldn't the guy that fights be making enough profit that as long as he wins enough fights he can make up for a lost once in a while? Again why do I have to play as a Newcomer? I have over 4K hours in game so I'm not a newcomer. Yes we need to test this, but we need to test the rest of the game for the majority of the players that will be playing and that is the mid level of the game.
  17. actually no one got the free crew, every one started out with 40 and that was it. SO you have to start out buy spending a good chunk of your income on crew straight out of the bat. I went with a frigate instead of the Connie for that reason. To keep it to the lower ranks of the middle, the 5th rates to get a better average player feel of some one not new but been playing a while. Again why should we be subject to get into lesser ships and play at lesser levels? We should be making money off our kills even it's just AI's Now lets throw in PvP, that is even bigger risk, but is the rewards enough? I"m sure it is as long as you keep wining fights. Which will be mainly the clan guys and not the solo. Right now PvP is pretty much Nill cause of testbed population, If I played it easy I wouldn't lost a ship today. I kinda lost it on purpose (fight 7 ships, did sink half of them) to test what the cost of a lost was mid level. Devs keep saying you should be able to just jump in port and buy a new ship and be back in action. Well you can't. Not when the Cannons cost three times what your ships cost and than you have to replace crew which cost more than your ship cost. IT all addes up. We are having way to many money sinks and not enough profit. Hell I was one of those that walked Ink through how I could make 5 million in 2-3 hours. You can't even do that any more and that was no risk cause no one was PvPing. If I was on live I would be hunting guys making those trade runs. Now you can't make hardly anything cause stock runs out what little is in there and that is only with the small population we have on testbed not even counting what we might have on a live server.
  18. And how do you plan to produce that live oak without money? It takes money to make money. How do you plan on them to pay for that Live Oak once it's delivered some where? Why should we be stuck in noobie lower level ships. We should be able to play mid level ships and still support them. I understand SOL's should be costly and prob loose a profit every time you take one out to battle unless your doing a lot of fleet grinding, but mid level ships should be the back bone of any navies. Econ should be priced on about the frigates (lets say 5th rates to be int he middle) upkeep of crew and repairs. Right now you can't run that unless your doing a bunch of trade runs or constant NPC grind and even worse if your trying to solo since you get nothing from trade ships for the most part. The cost of crew and repairs doesn't match the little 10K you might get from the cargo.
  19. and remember that is before you prob even buy the guns.
  20. Ok since I heard folks say once again, "Sink the trader and you will get rewards after you capture it." Well I caught me a Brit Trader Snow, worked it over enough to make sure I get the damage on it for a kill along with the board capture. I take the ship and send the crew to the sharks. Than I get my 24 Chesire Cheese of the ship (yep once again crappy cargo) and sink the ship. BATTLE OVER NO REWARDS ONCE AGIN. @admin Thought you said if we sink them we get rewards? Yet again no we don't....there is no rewards for captured crap ship ad cargo.....well traders. Oh and any one want some moldy cheese? Bet this won't fetch me the cost of my repair and crew. 4989...so it replaced 10 of my crew.....glade it was a Trader Snow and not an LVG where I would actually have to get the crew down first. Completely useless so I'll just sink traders for now on.
  21. yah been trying to not use the alts or such and I'm going broke, though I been told if i go back and play from a basic cutter I won't have a problem, but why am I forced to go back to a basic cutter to test a game ment for all level of players?
  22. So I pushed my luck in my frigate and got sunk. No biggie I'm thinking it should be easy to just jump in port and buy a new one (Devs words after all wasn't it?) So I take my little 80K pot of gold (was way more but I just burned my econ, reason I went out doing missions and ship grounding). Well I get a Cerberus, figure it's a temp replacement for a Frigate utnil I get some more money and it was only 50K. Than I go to buy the guns. 160K. Well looks like I'm back in a basic cutter or as most causal players would prob rage and just not come back. Your cost for a lost and replacement doesn't add up for what you gain and loose. I been trying to not do trade runs to make money and right now I can't support doing econ and grinding ships and having a lost. I'm sorry 160K for the guns on a 50K ship? That is insane that means the ship actually cost me over 200K. Think I'll go grind my alts to make some cash now since I can't get crap from traders and hunting them with a basic cutter is to much a pain. I should not be forced into a beginner ship every time I sink cause I can't afford the cost to run my econ production and keep ships in docks.
  23. I built both the shipyard and workshop on my alt I plan to test the crafting with and niether took the resources it ask for so I think they are kinda half done place holders. I'm going to bet the workshop will be needed to turn any of the resources into a crafted materials. If it's for every thing that is going to suck cause I like to combine resources to make mats easier to move from port to port. Other wise they might be just for the cannons maybe, but I can't see them for just one or two items. I still don't get why we don't get xp if anything. I work just as hard to capture a ship as some one sinks a ship I should still get xp reward. I'm fine with not getting credits or hell even marks, cause a player capture ship should make up for that, but right now we get nothing. We dont' even get enough cargo on the AI to support the fight. Last night I got 141 food supplises on an LVG. That wasn't even enough to support the cost of my lost crew. That and it takes for ever to make the repiars (16 at a time) a casual player will be doing nothing but trying to keep afloat with the cost of crew and repairs he won't be able to afford production either and make any money off that.
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  24. The problem is many of us pirates don't want to be like other nations. Though it seems the devs don't want us to be nothing other than a bastard of a nation with a bunch of a penalitys, but no perks. We keep loosing things that made the none Pirate Republic (nat players) Outlaws (Traditional pirate players) from each other. We really need to a proper raid system, drop the conquest and let us work out of freeports/Pirate havens and let us be pirates. Right now we have to do conquest and it seems every nation tends to hate on the pirates if we get snippy and want any regions of our own to grow or be able to raid properly. Now the only way to do it is you have to drag half a dozen ships and supplies to that free port and camp it for the weekend until you run out of supplies. Since capture ships don't give you crap for xp or make any money off them you can't even support such forward operations with your ship raiding. I agree, cause lets be honest LIVE SERVER has not been updated in 5 months....Though I get what he's talking about it would of been nice if they had this figured out more 2-3 months ago and we where able to start testing many of it than and spread it out instead of waiting so long and getting it all in one month, but anything is better than nothing. I'm still thinking at this rate we aren't getting every thing to testbed until by the end of the month as a lot seems to be missing so far. Which means we won't see it to live until Mid May prob. That is proper raiding, but right now you have to bring so much supplies with you to support your operations or hope you can upkeep it. If you didn't have spare ships with you the first time your sunk your great adventures are over with.....not fun for the casual players at all. To say stay in my home waters? Well hell why can't I play my Privateer/Pirate the way I want. Raiding deep in the enemy waters, disrupting there supply lines? If your waiting on pirates mechanics that make us anything other than a broken nation than you better not hold your breath. I really don't feel the Devs ever plan to make us nothing but a bastard/red-headed step child of a Nation. Well I guess I'll be over here grinding 50 ships just so I can get good at my one good ship I like to master. Which I might be able to some time next century cause of how much I have to grind.
  25. only in battle or OW.
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