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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Level three is 146 sones a day. Oh finally got my lvl 2 ship yard and built a surprise, now just to get the labor hours to craft it's cannons....tomorrow I'll have my little trader hunter. Still won't out run one of them LVG's empty though.
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  2. The oak you can get pretty fast the stone pretty much going to take you 5 days to get that much saved up, but than why would any one expect to get every thing in one day. It takes time to build up resources it should not be a push a button and you have every thing you want. I like that it's been taking me time to get the 500 stone blocks to get my Level 2 Shipyard and not just a click of a button and some money.
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  3. Aren't we haveing something new like a flag system or something that is suppose to be in this patch? I don't think AI grinding is the main way to flip ports any more, but until they get all this stuff into testbed we really don't know.
  4. I just did a circle of the Grand Turk region and all I saw was one Trader Brig and a Lynx/Privateer fleet. I killed the Lynx/Privateer fleet and headed home. Yah we only have a small number of players, what is it going to like when you have 10 times the number or 100 times hunting AI's and such? What sucks is that is a 4th rate region and I didn't see anything other than shallow ships.
  5. Actually they still drop on break up, broke up a privateer the other day and it gave me the BP, that is cause right now the ship crafting is kinda in the middle of the old and new system. Not exactly ture, he said some weren't added cause they forgot or didn't make the list, and others will be special only ships. They are still working on a lot of the ship stuff. Im going to be the special ones are the H. Rattler, but I think the others are the ones that are going to be added back in. I also feel they are working on the trader ships, that is why we get auto all perks unlocked on the LVG when you buy it. But I"m not going to really guess anything until we actually see all the crafting stuff in patch on testbed. Who knows what they are doing any more with some of the stuff.
  6. I agree the AFK farming (remember fishing when it started?) should not be part of the game. It's called Naval Action so we should be acting not away from the computer AFK. *COUGH* Pirate Coves *COUGH* Any one remember the one that was on POTBS, you could not see it on the map and you can only go there if you had done a mission string. It was some where close to Grand Turk. This would be a cool concept for such. Again this is naval action not some game that promised shore base exploration and combat. I really don't want them to go a different path than the one we have. The only none ship combat mechanic is boarding and it should still stay that way as it's still part of the ship combat. NO SHORE BASE STUFF other than at ports. Now maping and charting stuff as you explore the OW is a different story.
  7. I had to do the same with a Connie last night cause I was short labor hours to craft two more cannons. Oh and what am I chop liver I could of made you those two cannons just now. Take half my fir and don't even use me for my cannon making either....some clan mate you are. But I think that is the direction they are going so we can under cannon a ship if we wish to lighten a load. I can see in some cases where I don't want to run all my cannons on a ship. The only issue is what port will they fill on that deck of the ship? If you have 16 slots and only put 10 cannons on than which of the 16 slots will it fill? Didn't think about that until just now.
  8. I still have my second exceptional built ship (first was a cutter) that I made and it's a Trader Brig. Pre-patch build with no name on it. It still has all 5 Dura's as it's never been caught. It's not the fastest ship out there with the new builds, but it has all gold mods and was built to run (UP WIND) to escape most ships. I would figure out the other ships worse wind and make it a chase and would 9 times out of 10 not even get hit once before I escaped. I would never run the same route and never at the same times. I catch so many traders cause they are like clock work of the ports they come out and around what time of the day they do there runs. Than I'll wait a few days and catch them in the exact same port and place again. Don't be predictable, take new routes even if they are longer routes. Use the shallows....one of my fav escapes was cause I hit shallows with that Trader Brig and the Surprise hot on my rear hit the shallows and was instantly stopped in OW. If he got the tag on me I would surely not escaped that fight. We have as a clan done runs like that where one guy runs a head and spots as we moved a fleet of traders from one port to another. Just got to play it smart is all. Always thought it was funny back when I was US you see some one say in coms, "Pirates out side of sunbury." Than a few mins later some one will be screaming for help, "I have pirates chasing me in my trader." You ask them where and they say, "Out side of Sunbury." Well didn't we just tell you they where there?.....DUH.
  9. Uh connie needs a level 2 shipyard so not sure what your talking about. It's SOL that need level 3 just like old days. I don't really plan to build anything anytime soon bigger than 5th rate any way.
  10. I asked this and was wondering do we still get the slight buff over the shop ship for player crafted ships? I haven't crafted one even though I can do any of the light ships. Trying to save my stff up for a good 4/5th rate in the next day or two.
  11. They really aren't that costly. I have every thing to make a 4th rate just waiting for my stupid stone mine to catch up and get the 500 stones I need for a level 2 shipyard. They really aren't that costly if you just work at it.
  12. Admin said they where just not put in this version of the patch yet and they are working on the ship crafting still., What we have in game isn't the full ship crafting in testbed. Look at a few ships like the cutter, they need provisions and gunpowder, they are changing some of the other ships like this too. That is why it keeps showing up in the shop costing more than some of the other ships.
  13. See you needed to say this clear a while ago. You keep saying just sink it and you get reward, but wasn't adding the it's bugged part. I tested it serveral times and have F11 it after each patch cause you keep saying you can sink and get reward. Thanks for clearing it up. Would be nice when you do the cargo thing and have a chance to add crew or not if we had a SKUTTLE SHIP option. That way if you capture more than one ship in a fight you can skuttle it so no one else can use it during the fight (port battles?)
  14. AND NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THAT. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR XP FOR THE BATTLE. I can give two craps what some one does with the ship, but if I spend an hour demasting some one boarding them and than wining. I should get the same xp as some one that took 15 mins to sink the same ship. We are agreeing the ship is our reward so we don't get credits and marks from it. It's the XP that your being illogical about. Why are we getting punished from our experience in play cause we choose a different means to get the kill and now we get nothing. Again I capture 1000 ships and I get no xp for a single one, but some noob kills 10 ships by sinking and he gets xp. He will be higher level than me cause he sanked them. Does this mean he's any more experience in the game than me? Hell no he's not, in fact he just scratched the game, but since I didn't sink them with cannon balls I'm still rank 1 cause I gain no xp. You are forcing every one to play one style to advance in the game, you must only grind and sink ships to get experience in combat. Tell me one other game that does this that if you kill something one way you get nothing, but if you kill it another way you get full rewards?
  15. Fixed this, is what most of us is asking for if they don't want to give xp for the kill than atleast allow the option to give it up or not....though I think if you scuttle the ship you should get both just like a normal sink. You just went through even more steps to make sure the ship sunk and not a threat by checking it cargo first.
  16. Yah exactly I'm a Pirate, Admiralty shouldn't be paying me crap. My payment is my loot and my experience.... Why is so hard a concept to reward folks for a fight no matter if they sink or capture a ship with xp. Again I'm not asking for credits or marks. The Admiralty doesn't pay experience that is something you gain from doing something. They might pay out for sinked ships gold and marks, but that isn't what experience is about. It is what you gain from doing something. An action and I should get the same treatment as any other player that uses a means to gain that end and it's kill the other ship. I'm not saying it has to be the same xp as for a sinked ship, but we should still gain something. I never been in a game where you didn't get the same or close to it for a kill as you did capture. Actually every game you had a capture (no kill option) you actually got more XP than just killing some one. Cause the no kill action tends to be harder than the just kill it and move on. OH and we don't have to sink alts to abuse them. There is another way that pays out way faster in xp and credits they can use and it has nothing to do with a capture or sink of a ship. Though it is part of combat if some one is that desperate to do it every hour than so be it, it's prob only 1% of the game that exploits and you shouldn't punish the other 99%, but you should be strict when you find those folks and punish them properly.
  17. and you just described half the players out there that folks get too. Not just the AI. Hell we been in some fights where we prob would of got a better challenged against AI cause the players (not just one, but more than one) was just that bad.
  18. I asked one guy with less than 20 mins why he gave it a bad review and he said, "Well my friend said this and I saw this on the furoms." So you never even got out of the docs and played anything? Than he goes to say the videos and screen shots are a lie for what was in game. Those screen shots are old and the videos are from when the game was first released on EA and have nothing to some one running a top end machine. Asked him what he was running and he was running a 650 so just the min to run game. yah your videos are going to be worse than some one prob running a top end video card screen capping. I really think some of them just right bad reviews cause they didn't do there research and though this was another World of Tanks/Warship type games. That or they started to play and it was to hard for them to get out of the dock and go into the OW and actually hunt down AI or something. I also notice alot of those guys with short time in games if you look at the rest of there games they have hardly any hours in any other games and if they do it's like they speed run it once to beat the game and didn't even play all the content.
  19. when you buy a trader they are all unlocked 3 slots...
  20. On live I use mine with two frigates to hunt other traders and even solo war ships. Some times I switch out the frigates with a suprise for a more mix of wind directions. I have taken Trincs and Connies with it. So they can be deadly. Than again I was running all gold board mods too.
  21. I have a Fir Speed LVG that does with guns 13.21 with no cargo now , that is going to always out run your Surprise. What is it's base speed now?
  22. My only complaint is they get three slots free, they should have to grind for them just like the rest of us so they prob all had speed stacked mods when I only have one slot open on this tub boat of a Cerberus. I did like how fast the response from us pirates when you called out even from another port. Good job on that guys.
  23. Well that didn't take long. Gank squads of speed stacked LVG's that are supper fast when unloaded so they can gank folks, but as soon as some one shows up to fight them and help who they gank they all run.
  24. Sorry if you want PvP rewards you need to play PvP content....I'm even surprised they let you trade PvE for PvP marks.
  25. Yah that is why I'm not saying anything about Marks and Credits. The ship if a good one and I think the AI ships should randomly have a chance of giving you a blue unlocked ship instead of nothing but grey ships too. That will make the reward more worth it. Just like you get a chance to get an unlocked blue from players. That makes up for the credits and marks. Though cargo shouldn't be a get rich thing either, but it needs to be more than what it is right now, specially if you throw in 100-500 more players you will never be able to use any trade goods in port to make money. You have to hope folks get buy orders up that you can fill and maybe make some money off, but that means you have to be a trader, not every one wants to be a trader. Historically you made the most profit by bringing back a prize ship and getting paid by the admiralty or courts for it as it was little to no profit to sink a ship. But most of us aren't even asking for that, we just want fair xp across the board for kills no matter the means of the out come of a fight. A kill and Assit is still a kill or assist.
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