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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I have to agree with you on the nations. They need to drop the three and use those mechanics for pirates. Drop the extra nations that where very small infulence in this area at these time we have the game based upon. I think the 5 nations you listed are a nice balance and a bit flavor to pick form so it's not just three nations like POTBS was. I know folks want to play there home native nations, but really why should we added more nations to please a few players when this was being sold as a historical correct sailing game. As for pirates I also agree it should never been a starting nation. You should become one in game if you so choose, even if you pick to do so on day one or day 1000000 of the game. The only way to go back to a nation is with forged papers. I would also limit the ports taken by the pirates are all FFA ports that any one can loose and no port battlle timers can be set on these ports to make it easier for nationals to take them back. They should never remain in pirate hands for long. Think of it as kinda like when a pirate takes a port it's more a raid of it than to own it and run it. Give them spread out ports, pirate havens in traditional pirate haven ports instead of having Mort island as a safe zone. These Pirate Haven ports can't be capture and can be used by all nations.
  2. Can we maybe have a cool down on the Port Battle timer change option. This way you have to wait 48 hours before you change it again. We are trying to plan an attack on a port and the owner has been changing the port battle time like every day this week so you can't make a set plan to attack the next day with a group cause it's changed from the day before.
  3. hate to agree with you, with what I'm seeing on these BR's they need to adjust the port BR's too. This means even smaller group has to fight on a big port map that was originally meant for 25 vs 25
  4. I seen many a new be in a modded out/tweeked special ships get wrecked by guys with store bought ships so that isn't exactly true. Thoguh I do believe that mods and perks give a expierence player an edge even more over a none experience player.
  5. I actually thought this would be a way for them to test pirate mechanics but nothing came of it. They need to make pirates like the three even make every port they capture open for all. Remove the three and keep to actual nations that was in this region during this time. Stop trying to please every nation out there of players and keep to a core. There was a reasonPOTBS hade three nations and pirates. Though I think 4-5 is better than 3 for a better mix.
  6. Just admit you tried to fly? Did you F11 it when it happend. Devs prob going to ask you a bunch of question to. I know it's a bug dealing with the ingermanland I think. That prob the only enlish words VOLVO player knows, them silly Chinese suprise he even said anything.
  7. Honestly they need to be strict the first time up specially when it's very clear what some one is doing and be done with it. Most of these guys aren't PvP/RvR guys that we see in and out every day. In another game I was mod on we ban an IP form a player used. Ended up that IP was linked to a college and it banned over 150 players. You can't just ban one Ip specially if they are part of a school or a service provider that IP is always changing. I can change my IP just by resetting my modem as it will pick up a new addy. The only common thing would be that you know I'm using Comcast in Houston. So you ban the IP you ban all of Houston which is how may Million folks that use comcast in this city? That is why you ban accounts only. Just get really heavy handed on the punishments and you will see less. It will allways be there when folks can find an easy way to get around something they will do it.
  8. I been over for a while, just secret;) Today for my main still got tons of stuff to move as I'm down to clan stuff as all my stuff is moved. Russia doesn't have a big US player base so lack of player content in our prime time and well the fact they seem to lost a lot of players and can't support being spread out so much. We figure with the remove of redeemables next month it's best to get to a nation with a large US player base to play with and fight other nations with large US player base.
  9. Jean use to send his alt in with a trade ship in a fleet mission. Get them to start shooting chain and than he would bring in his main char and sink all the ships. I tried it but was bruning through more sails repairs than anything. Only if your a US player right? Dangit I have to stop making US jokes now.....grrrrrrr
  10. Don't your very nation hides behind the skirts of Swedes and other nations? I mean i really haven't been impressed with what I seen of your guys so far. RUBLI impress me and are a very strong tight group. I think BLACK in it's best form would of had a very hard time against them as most on the server do. Swedes are a very well organized nation and strong in the fleet engagement. I really can't say much from what I seen of yours...other than ya'll win when supported by other stronger nations. Oh and I have been on the PvP leader board since the merge, have you gotten any kills at all? Not that I look for your name but it hasn't really stuck out as being something I seen or even screen shots of your battles. You seem talk a lot of talk. Maybe if we get bored and can stand to sail across the map one day we will have to take up some action in your waters, but than again it's hard to fight as a small clan against 50-75 screeners when the real truth of about who has skills or not could be found in the battle it self and not the numbers. Yah just tossing in an hour here and there until I don't have to worry about work or moving nations. I got past the first part of it and figure I"ll wait until this weekend to really sit down and enjoy it. Combat feels a bit clunky and story is slow so far, but I like it, something new RPG wise that was needed. Sorry a bit off topic so will jump back on topic. I was actually thinking about this last night at work. You know what we need that will help littlle clans and I'm not talking about any time zone players I'm talking about small clans in EU or US timezones or even more the poor SEA/AUS guys. We need didicated small clan ports. Shallows and some 4th rate ports that aren't very important econ wise that can be limited to being owned by only small clans. Say you can only own it if you have less than 10 ports. This will keep one clan from owning a whole area of the map (the Bahamas right now and in the past). The area can still be controlled by a nation, but it would have to take the port with mulit clans. If a clan tries to flip a port and they all ready have 10+ than at server reset the game just removes the port abttle and wipe the agro to zero and port goes back to normal. While this won't solve the problem of being screen out by 50-70 players from multi nations it will mean that there is more ports for more clans to go around and the smaller clans don't feel like they have to fight a mega clan to claim a port. They just have to fight other small clans that are staying in the 10 port limit. You can even go down to 5 ports limits for some ports. It also doesn't stop a very powerfull clan from just owning a few ports. I would love to see the numbers if some one can get it of how many ports are owned by the top 10 clans on the server. I'm going to bet you will notice certain clans do own a large number of ports. While many clans don't have any ports or a chance against such large mega clans. I'll use the BAHAMAS as an example as this has all ways been seen as a ROOKIE area and I did love the concept the devs had with the ROOKIE area it just needed a lot of work. RSC - 16 ports + what ever else they own. HRE - 4 CABLE - 1 GOD - 1 WIE - 1 EDR - 1 PGG - 1 XOXO - 1 WTF - 1 SMOKE - 1 BABO - 1 While this looks nice for most of the nations having a port or two but if you look at CABLE, HRE and RSC (who owns over half the BAHAMAS, but only has one other port by what I can tell) would be classed as large clans and would have to choose from being in the shallows and controlling those ports or staying out of it. RSC can still have the some of the shallow ports cause not all of the would be classed as small clan ports. Your main ports like Nassua, LIttle Harbor, Morgans Bluff, Georges's Town and Aurthor Town would not be ports which would be classed as small clan ports. Though I would honestly even count them too. So these bigger RvR clans would have to settle for 10 ports only or move on to bigger waters. Since we have shallow ports all over the map you can actually have small clan ports in other areas too to allow more areas that small clans can be involved and play the game just like the big clans too. I'm just trying to think of more ways to get them involved instead of every thing being about the big mega clans. The map is big enough that it can be shared with both small and big clans. Other games do this like WOT has tier regions for there clan wars. You can fight in Tier 6, 8 or 10 and most of the smaller clans stick to the tier 6/8 areas while the big mega clans play in the tier 8/10 areas. Now some one might say all you have to do is make smaller clans HRE1, HRE2, HRE3 and such (sorry guys picking on you your just big) and just jump from one clan to the other to take the ports or use the friends list. Well first make lord protector tied to your clan. If you change nations your status should be lost right cause you no longer are apart of that port, well it should be the same with clans and owner ship or helping fight for a port. If your a clan hopper than your status will be reset every time you change clans. If your a small clan that always fights with a bigger clan, no problem as long as you don't change clans you keep your status for fighting in those port battles.
  11. It's not about storage space, they gave out forge papers and other things (I still got all my ships from the wipe they gave me in there) that we dont' need any more for testing those things. So it needs to be clean slated so they can test the new features coming into the game. Like the STEAM DLC "Forge Papers" to change nation. The new sections for redeemables in the new UI which might not match up with old redeemables paths so they need to send them to the correct place. FOlks forget this is an ALPHA Open testing and they can wipe and change things any time they want.
  12. They have a few English speaking players, but on GLOBAL when we played with them this was one of the greatest things around when trying to make plans and letting them know what we where going to be doing.
  13. I'm actually pretty dang rusty with all these new changes and me taking some time away from the game, though we are no where at the level of the old BLACK prime days but the key has always been good team work and organization in fights will win most the time even when out number and your playing two accounts at once (refuse to dualbox port battles again). Though the point of my comments was we where as a clan looking for our piece of the pie and you had to go across the map to no man land (DUTCH) or into hostile waters and try to take a deep water when you just want a simple shallow to test the waters. Though that is prob going to change soon as some clan merges and movements are in the work to get some better fights and resources (like recruits). Believe me we plan to start up our own little war but all ready expect certain EU clans to freak out and gang up to stop from loosing a port or two. What they don't look at is the over all day numbers. The server numbers might not peek to much over prime time numbers, but it holds a good steady numbers in other times. Even more than GLOBAL had in it's prime time so that means your still getting more players than you had before the merge, just might not notice it in ones time zone cause a player isn't on in the others. I'll honestly admit I hated it when the EU server was over 1K cause back than you couldn't leave a port and piss off your deck without getting ganked by half a dozen ships with nothing better to do than kill newbs. I lost a lot of ships early on cause of this and they where mainly 1 vs 6 fights that I had no chance of even cause they all out classed me ship wise back than. That is why I left and went to the PvP2 server when they split to the PvP3 server. I also think it's funny most the guys that complain about timers and PvP you never hear or see out playing in the OW. They are all over here on the forums though. I wonder if they know you have to actually leave a port to get fights?
  14. I seen screen shots of any where from 600 to 1200 for those poor guys. Chinese firewall for the win......not.
  15. maybe cause there was no neutral ports until this morning? You say that like there are neutral ports all the time.
  16. East is one hour a head of me, west coast is two hours behind me making it even more early morning. Man you really should learn time zones before thinking it's our eveings. Again we can only play those times on the weekends unless your jobless or like me work a night shift. Even than my hours doesn't match EU as that is when I sleep and by time US prime time start kicking I'm heading out the door for work. Though my point is most of those timers you mention are not any one US prime times for the most part. EURO Bias is what failed things. Another big problem is how many ports have not been touched since the wipe and owned by nations? They really should do a port wipe when they bring out the new conquest mechanics to restart it so it's fair for all nations and all clans to get new ports and chance at there VM limit. I bet you if a few nations have to refight for there ports they might show just how week they really are with numbers. That is why they don't want a wipe. Kinda seems odd the only way most of the big ports are getting won right now is with multi flips and multi nation screens. Oh dear lord can I murder you now for even suggesting it? I really do not plan to do that grind again. Hell I'll be honest that if we have to regrind ship knowledge upon release it might be a deal breaker for me to lol Can't see hidden island times, but I'm sure flatts was changed recently it use to be on EU timer like the rest of Russia ports. Really cause combat news pretty much says other wise. It's scrolling all day long. Trying again buddy. Take a look at how many kills are in reinforcementzones area. Nouvelle-Orleans, Fort-Royal, KPR....this is just since I logged on 2 hours ago. It stays constant through out the day and US eves.
  17. That was kinda the reason the topic of moving even came up in the first place. With the change or removing forge papers. I have all mine after all as I never used them on global or even on EU before the merg. So we didn't want to get stuck in a nation that might not even be in the game after a patch or two from now and figure it was time to go test something else in game. Remember we are still testers after all until release of the game. Hell they might wipe every thing next patch and have us start again from scratch for all we know.
  18. You might want to get your facts straight. We talked about making a move simply for the fact there is not much US player time zone content for us in this nation. We where going to hold off deciding until after the port battles. Cause just like when we joined we where told Bermuda will be protected at all cost. We could get a rats arse about Cart as it's only a Trophy Port to own if you can handle holding it. The night before the port battles we where told that Bermuda would be protected at all cost. So we log out go to bed/work what not to only return after the port battles to find out that some one changed the call and tried to defend both ports and lost them both. Even though this was against the majority call. So knowing that our econ is in trouble we decided to move it. This was after the port battles not before. So get your facts straight. We are moving not cause of ports being lost it's cause we want to be in a nation that has more US time zone players to play with . We had fun running with the other Russian clans and hope to keep good relations with them, but we want to be in a nation that we can have others to fight along side with other US time zone clan/nations with. With that I do hope for the best for Red, VCO and the other Russian clans as we enjoyed our time and hope they get a warm welcome in there new nation if they do move. Though prob won't see much of them with them being on the other side of the map, maybe cross some swords in the shallow?
  19. 4-7 is not late for me that is 10am to 1pm for me.....I'm asleep during those hours cause I work 3rd shift, but most normal Americans are at work during those hours so that is not a prime time for a US player. Same with 3-6 would be 9am-noon, 2-5 would be 8am- 11am........are you getting my point mid day on a weekend might work, but most of us don't just play just on the weekend. Actually I play more on the week days than weekend at times. I'm not exactly sure where you get mid day port timers are US night time. I think you got it backwards or something. UTC is 6 hours a head of me as I'm CST. Might want to work on that math a bit...lol Than again your talking about the dutch, so maybe you where using Dutch Math?
  20. I'm like in the top 7 likes and top 5 post and I never hit the limit either and i like post all the time. Guess we learn something new or OP has been like insanly liking ever dang post lol
  21. That why I mention limit of owned ports a clan to can own might be something to look at too. That way one clan or even a mega can can't own all the port or keep small clans from having a few ports here are there. The time zone thing didn't bother me to much as we can do things on weekends and maybe get some EU help it's the fact that you have to fight half the server to get even a shallow water port if you piss off the wrong clan. That just kills it for any small clan when the whole reason for the smaller BR is to give them a chance.
  22. US has what like 6-7 ports like they need to loose any more. Russia does not have any US time zone ports. France does by the looks at it but way over in the BFE area. Same with Dutch but man some of those are even late for us. I just wonder why so much of the Bahama is owned by one clan and why so shitty PB timers? It's really hard for us to pick targets and get a piece of a pie when almost every thing on the map is in EU time. As Russia and US time zone clan I was looking at targets early this week for maybe taking one port for our clan and it's very slim pickings. Was hoping for some shallows but even most of that is all odd times even for the EU's. I honestly think there should be some limit of owner ship clan wise so that one or two clans can't own majority of the ports and gives smaller clans of any time zones chance at one or two ports. Right now if a small clan tries to take one port they get jump by half the servers and silly alliances. I was told don't even try GB Shallow ports cause I would have Swede Pirates and others screeening for them and have to fight through 75+ screeners to even get in. We are talking about a none key port not something like Cart or a copper ports. So that doesn't really encourage small clans of any time zones to try to get into RvR.
  23. shhhhh I never said I wanted it for them...lol We can wish it will come out soon just as something diffrent to sail. I still wonder if it will be able to make it into shallows are not.
  24. Would be interesting to see what a clan base only game might be like. Just have folks pick nations for a flag of there clan origin, but the boundary of port ownership is clan only so not national. Well other than the perm nation ports.
  25. Yah I agree but we can dream right?
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