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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. That is my fear. Where did you pull that ASSumption from?
  2. I dunno guys, this is starting to lean towards ad hominem rather than discussing an issue. I dislike that, might say NEGATVE things about it and such.
  3. How dare he speak his mind, right?
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  4. I played top tier clan wars in that game you all love to despise for it's low-brow-kiddie-instant-gratification-non-stop-meaningless-PVP quality; WoT. We waited so much during the campaign it killed the fun for many. After I got the prize tank I pretty much left the game alone and came to NA So, if that game has waiting... Waiting is prolly the least of NA's challenges.
  5. Except it isn't that simple. We're still in the process of defining what this game should be and we still have the opportunity to make a place for pure PVP. Then people can say "Yea, Naval Action. That game has PVE content but puts emphasis on real PVP." Naval Action can stand apart from both arena games and silly pet MMOs.
  6. I know that some guys, and admin, like those big chaotic battles. That's ok. But we have agonized over this for a long time trying to make a system that makes sense and then we mess all that up with a PVE grindable perk!? If that's not a frikkin' elephant in a glass factory, then I don't know... Prater, keep on doing God's work, I love you!
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  7. Sorry, bud, I'm still here.
  8. You're prolly done leveling up, hence the leaving bots alone. You made a point about leveling up in the "risk part" of the game. Most players have leveled almost all their rank fighting bots, nothing is as risk free as mission leveling in the "full of risk" open world. .............................. To all you fun loving PVP-heads: I doubt it's of any use to ask for things that might split up our already small community. Instead try to think up ways to make OW fights happen more frequently. I blame loss and the economy for holding this fantastic game back, but that's prolly here to stay as well. Heh, what if you couldn't rank up fighting bots but had to go out fighting players?
  9. Nice speech. Go back to fighting bots to gain rank and cash while pondering the silliness of those who value fighting players above all else.
  10. There are so many ways this could go wrong.
  11. I don't think the normal escape timer is broke but I'm not so sure about the coward perk.
  12. I dunno, players tend to attack anything that moves...
  13. But I'd love a 1v1 with a carro frigate.
  14. Well, if your goal is to promote PVP this could backfire so badly. I never understood the loss people and it's a long time since I gave up on the issue. We're in a game where almost everyone professes to love the loss mechanic but noone likes to lose their shit. If loss isn't the biggest problem for PVP, what is? I dunno, I have never bought or crafted a ship to replace loss. That stuff works in WoT because you are always a part of a 15 man team against a 15 man team. In the OW of lopsided fights stats won't matter, you could be a mouthbreather and farm stats with friends. A ladder setup in the duel room is the only thing that would have any meaning.
  15. That is self imposed suffering. Just go hunt something else.
  16. Actually, no. I only do 1v1 or smaller groupfights. I came to this game because of the skill based fighting. Forming a line and running downwind is so engrained in PBs that, out of personal taste, I avoid them entirely. Not saying no forever, tho.
  17. Sure combat was great before, it has been great pretty much since the start. Last patch and fix made already solid combat mechanics truly spitzenklasse fantastic. It's inspiring!
  18. We cap things left and right and if the hold contents aren't juicy we just leave it. The particular LGV in my post was capped by Doran alone, so not your ship.
  19. And when that idea is something... something missions... <mumbles> "Fuck missions" </mumbles>
  20. You're not wrong to expect good things. But why leave, with drama, an alpha stage game expecting it to be finished?
  21. Question. If you suspect or know you will dislike a certain feature and your argument goes something like this: "It won't be fun, it will bring unbalance, it will break the game, people will quit, I will quit and take my friends with me, PEOPLE WILL DIE!" Do you think people listen more or less to you as you move up the strength scale? (Or slide down the rabbit hole{1}towards full retard{2}... {1} Literary reference and {2} internet slang)
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