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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. Good! Messing with building the right ship with the best qualities gives you a piddlywink of speed, activating a perk gives a flat 0.5kn that does not care about anything else!
  2. This is part of why I put this up; To collect all the different priorities and roles of the players on these forums, well... all...
  3. I've prepared a poll to see how you guys perceive, use or value the different officer perks as they are currently in the game. This can easily be trolled into a pulp, but then I won't have cool statistics to share with you later. Click the pic:
  4. mmm, stroopwafel gelekker!
  5. Guys, there's nothing inherently wrong with liking big battles. I've seen admin say he likes big battles too... Do we take away skill based OW play for big chaotic battles? I hope not.
  6. Context, dude! How did you miss Wraith's and my reference to (Missions ->) small battles?
  7. Ok then, we might just get that. How will you and the other [insert random number]% of players that don't like closed battles react to having open battles but having to sail an hour to get to the fight? ` A wild number appeared!
  8. I know what is a lie, though: The idea that you can have skill based play with long join timers.
  9. No control over teammates or opponents plus bot compensation for BR diff... WITH loss sprinkled on top. Small battles were never designed to be a success.
  10. It was a beautiful idea, I hope it can still happen.
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  11. I like action and fun battles, you can do the big ones and I can look for smaller ones. Long timers very often force big battles on everyone and takes away almost all clever OW hunting, positioning and risk assessment. Long timers give you one thing: Big battles, but it takes away many skill based components of OW gameplay.
  12. I distrust a statistical analysis with no numbers and an absolute statement.
  13. You know, with no strings attached I fully share the above whishlist. (Except I don't pine for big battles, I prefer smaller engagements.)
  14. Anyone can say things. Show us the correlation between player numbers and 5 min timers, then two min timers, then the introduction and disabling of the social perk. Cross check your numbers with the inevitable steady decline from the EA craze with bumps every time a content patch hit. Ponder the numbers, don't forget the dates and report back if there is a statistically significant correlation that supports your assumptions. If not, this is all just hot air. It's ok that you prefer the chaotic and snowballing large fights to the deliberate and skill based OW-hunting that is enabled by short timers. Also, doom and gloom won't get you far.
  15. It has to be with good wind. That way a cheeky attacker can tag someone with help far downwind but still in drawrange. That opens up for tactics using wind, a lot like attacking with impunity from high altitude in flightsims. We can't design the game so everyone soloing in a free buccy can just wander off to farm bots and always be safe in the knowledge that help will always be available. How many ganks do people need to suffer before they plan accordingly? It's not rocket science.
  16. I agree! This is why I want short timers. In my head it's good for solo OW hunters.
  17. You're partially right on this point, if I understand you correctly. Short timers does mean that attackers can single out targets they can beat. As opposed to start a battle against a lone ship that gets reinforced from far, far away after 5 or 10 or 30 minutes. Both predator and prey have the same ability to look at the horizon and move to attack or escape, so one party doesn't have an advantage over the other by default. If the case in question is a big ship being hunted by several smaller the advantage lies solely with the attacker. What happened with long timers is that the (potential and entirely unmeasurable) advantage lies with the defender and late joining reinforcements. Always. Short timers are more fair than long ones. Long timers led to extremely timid gameplay. Noone wanted to be the idiot who took initiative. People tagged and ran and sat in port vicinity trying to guess how many enemies were hiding in this or the next port. With 10 min+ timers people had time to TP back to capital, tp to outpost and help a friend in an instance. We could sail from Gustavia to Plymouth and still be able to join. It was terrible PVP the few times a real fight actually happened.
  18. It's acually server limitations. But more importantly, who wants to sail for 8 hours south from Matthew town to reach a fight just east of Saint-Nic? A full-on realtime thing with sailing ships would have to be in a map of a pond.
  19. Never seen that as a presumption for 2 min timers. When we fought for 1 min timers we wanted true OW visibility WYSIWYG. We did draw range tests with best wind and as far as I remember it is 75 secs from draw range with best wind to an instance. 2 min timers actually allow for ships outside drawrange to enter battle with optimal wind. Nobody with a clue acts like instances are real-time. It's a crazy mix of mixed ( ) time compressions that work for playability (speed, sails, turning, yards, reload). If you don't want to clarify what you include in your snarky "cloaking devices" expression, that's fine with me. I sailed the OW when we really did have cloaking devices, are you simply referring to battle screens?
  20. Bold statement, now back it up! btw, you have circlejerked the "cloaking device" expression so hard I'm not sure what it means, especially regarding ports.
  21. lel We played a very long time with eternal join timers, they were incrementally shortened to 5 min times. Gameplay still suffered. You'll be pleased to know we fought for 1 min timers, you could call 2 min timers a compromise
  22. You don't know that, and you're being rather rude. Why would you say such a thing? Do you get off on being toxic?
  23. Like they said; We've been over timers so many times. I like the sob story, tho. The lamentations of a high ranking player who is unable to farm missions in a second rate in total safety. If you can make your way to La Mona I can set you up with a more appropriate solo ship. It does suck to be back in a cutter and I hope you've taken the lesson the gankers provided to heart.
  24. It's not. If useful at all it's useful for a fighting ship that's turning (yard traverse) and reacting to incoming chain. It's not in the way but it's certainly no biggie.
  25. Since you want control... mechanic the last part can't be irony, so I don't understand. Oh, br diff. tag restrictions?
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