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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. I believe you. I've only engaged in those horrible arena games that kept growing even after years.
  2. Arright, I only dabbled in ships. Tanks were my thing over there.
  3. You may get a Commander in wot or wows but you have to play to unlock the skills/perks.
  4. You just took it to a new level, bud.
  5. I don't pretend I know what will happen. I just push against opinionated and negative predictions stated as truth. I can play that game too: "Ahahaha! If this game doesn't become an arena game where we get max fun/time people won't come back and we're doomed!" @manuva85 Isn't sandbox = ganking? I don't know how flexible you are towards lobby vs. OW, but I assume sandbox guys approve of ganking (I actually think most of them are impossibly conflicted about it but let's not go there :P).
  6. Могу ли я предложить использовать форму корпуса как фактор ускорения? Вообще говоря, у длинных и узких кораблей общее сопротивление меньше, чем у коротких и широких кораблей (Froude). Я напишу рационализации и предложения на английском форуме, как только это будет удобно.
  7. When people inevitably come back after release and we keep a healthy online count, WITH DLCs. What will your explanation be?
  8. That's a construed argument. If you and just one or two friends set up production you will be set up for lower total cost ships than DLC users. You'd have to spend an evening or two setting it up, but once that's done you'll never have to grind anything unless you want to. I'll do this going forward. The caveat is I have to give up on always going out with the best stuff. It is a change of heart for me, but I guess the eco sandbox has broken me finally. Even shitty oak/oak ships work for those who go out to fight win or lose. If you win you gain stuff, if you lose you get almost everything back. Listen, there is hope for Legends down the road. The DLC experiment shows how Legends would finance itself without causing so many panties to bunch up.
  9. Yea, but where? Do you have to hunt around or is it found where Felix' map indicates?
  10. lol, but that's how it used to be, I thought not even shitty rare woods spawned like that anymore. Is this accurate for sabicu? 's If so it's rather inaccessible for me. That would be my choice and not something I'd blame the system for.
  11. Oh?! I've just given up on woods entirely as I can't bring myself to grind much of either cash nor dubs. Could you explain how it works to get "the shitty" woods for reals? Player sold? Bidding war? How much does it typically cost?
  12. Question to those who pay all those dubs for rare woods: Does anyone go for the middle woods (sab, cag, mahogany...)? Are the best woods so expensive that people settle for middle tier woods?
  13. Awww... Don't be so grumpy, save that for Reddit. We're here to help out
  14. I did a topic a long time ago where I showed how bots have much wider gun arc with their stern guns than us players. I don't think that was a very important or pressing issue but we've all seen the broadside swivels of the bots, and wider gun arc with broadsides affect PvE gameplay significantly. This is the setup: That ball hits right under the second gun-port from the rear. Let's look at this: We can measure angles quite accurately even if the ship icons don't represent the full length of the hulls. This NBrig bot gets a comfy ~37 deg gun angle. This is my hermie: Ok, ~22 deg gun angle, but i don't have any mods on this. Lets buy an NBrig and confirm with the 5% angle mod: A player gets nowhere near the swivel ability the bots get.
  15. I thought that was to avoid everyone running around in endys in OW, or Nassau PZ being only niag and surp as crafted ships. I don't like feeling limited either, but people have asked for this sort of forced diversity.
  16. Just a tiny thing that I think is highly relevant: If you craft the non dub and CM ships you get paid almost in full when it sinks. Yes, you have to avoid the super-expensive woods for it to work. Then you can look at how many CM's or dubs you are willing to grind through fighting activities and make agas or whatever. It only takes 2-3 guys co-operating without any DLC for this to work. The DLC owner may see his free rare-woods ships sink, but he doesn't get a dime as insurance and the expensive guns went poof with the ship. So if the mythical absolutely non-DLC players just play it a tiny bit smart it's the DLC guys who has to grind cash to make or buy guns. Some years ago I saw the premium content numbers for WoT over their entire playerbase. They had the whales who bought almost everything and in effect supported everyone else, but even if many players didn't spend much on prem stuff there were almost no accounts without any premium content (premium tanks). We'll see the same here so it will only be hachi who will remain a completely non-DLC player.
  17. Nice! Note to self: Tell admin to make trinco or Connie dlc for hachi... Am I doing this right?
  18. We've talked about this; I want you to. We pick opposing teams and then you take me to school. If you quit over this almost pointless eco last-stand you won't be there to slap sense into me. Like me?
  19. I agree... or used to, but the new grinding demand has changed me. I'd rather go out in crafted oak/oak ships and get almost every penny back instead of having to grind and grind after a loss in rare woods... I still agree in principle but the new eco demands have broken me. *Yawn*, ok, you've won that point.
  20. As I've said before you can hold me partially responsible for the ship DLCs as I've been reminding everyone that if we are to have eco, for which I have no interest, I'd like prem ships to be excused from eco. Since 2015. I'm sure some "EVE with sailing ships" players will rage-quit or lose interest, but what if @PYR and @Captain Reverse are right and this enables non-hardcore-eco players? We know that eco-puritans abhor DLC ships, but there are thousands and thousands of players who are used to the arena games and won't bat an eyelash to the horrors of DLC ships as long as they aren't pay-to-win inside the instances. Maybe we've struggled since we've been riding two horses; We have a spitzenklasse fighting game AND a rather punishing economy. People like me believe we must liberate the fighting from eco while other guys believe if eco really matters and works with loads and loads of "content" things will fall into place and players who like eco will start, come back or stay. A lot of complaints about (dub/CM/cash) expensive ships are listed in this topic and others. I too feel it because it effectively keeps me out of the ships I'd really like to sail. But I accept this because the RVR(eco) guys have been begging for this for a long time. So while you take cheap shots at "cashgrab" mentality this EVE like feature has been requested over and over through the years.
  21. On the same note:
  22. Nothing has changed. All testers get the Pandora as promised. We all get it as soon as the steam thing is ready.
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