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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. This had been reported and acknowledged, it's on some list, somewhere. Calm your tits.
  2. ... or it could be a symptom? "The chicken and the egg"... All this clan based stuff may work out fantastic, but I'm not betting even "et rødt øre".
  3. Are you gunning for the position of NA recruitment officer?
  4. Ye, and it's one thing to recover as far as RvR goes... I may be weak minded, but as a DA-NO player it's been rough with motivation lately. It's beyond the scope of possibility for me to organize people to capture a port. To properly play the game I would have to reroll to another faction which in itself is a lot of trouble to go through. I'm also aware DA-NO will have a zerg after release and then someone else will suffer. Sigh, I actually think this wargame shouldn't be made to suit my flimsy disposition. It does give me the blues, tho.
  5. Aww... I wish I could come up with satire like that.
  6. I'm going to play the Devil's advocate here. You say better, but for what would it be better? Once again we stare down the barrel of terribly unbalancing buffs. This time the buffs are put in place in an attempt to motivate us to go out and conquer. If the buffs weren't good they wouldn't serve as motivation, would they? Observing from the side-line it seems to me that RvR won't drive itself (above a meaningful threshold) unless there are really good rewards. Either it cools down because people don't like to lose their shit or they can't be assed to do the needed bot grinding to set up a PB. So we blindfold and hogtie fighting mechanics balance and start abusing it in the hope that it will give meaning to RvR. It may or may not work as far as making PBs happen but in either case ship class balance, demasting vs. pen, speed vs. tankiness and other balancing pivots will remain out of whack. Le plus le Sigh... Some anti-DLC posters have long argued that paying for cosmetics should be enough. I wonder if those guys would be happy with cosmetic rewards for the RvR endgame? Fighting mechanics balance is the most precious thing we have in this game but we seem happy to throw it under the bus again and again. pls halp!
  7. We know the numbers, only 1 in 800 pve battles are lost. Or to be more precise you guys have a 800:1 K/D.
  8. How does one setup or help with port investment? Clan creators only? Not in neutral ports?
  9. As someone who has never had more dubs than 20k: I understand.
  10. May I ask what you spend dubs on? That's 11 santis, I'm just trying to understand...
  11. Arright, so I'm not insane... Good!
  12. Ok. It's not what I picture with the term "player driven economy", though.
  13. Yes, I agree. Yes, well... As far as the grind is accessible PvP I'm able to grind like the worst. You're right, but it's a little too pointed for me to submit to it completely. Hehehe, yes. Maybe we both get lucky and they open duel rooms and similar to put us back into confinement? Sure, but that word describes it rather poorly, don't you think? If I have done anything at all to put you in your current difficult situation then it is encouraging the premium ships back in 2015 when I read a forum post about it. I didn't mean any harm as I thought all you guys would continue to eco around whatever I and those like me did. Except for a short while after austerity patch where I sold guns in CS to get by, Rakers and I have been completely insulated from the general economy. If I use premium ships makes no difference for the rest of you; I wouldn't have been a part of it anyway. As far as I've been able to observe that goes for most clans; Most operations are conducted in-house, so it isn't just me who is showing such eco-subversive tendencies. Would it be precise to blame me? lol, yes, the good old "majority". If the majority of remaining players are DLC ship customers, what would that mean? I may be this and that, but I'm not a hypocrite. You wouldn't be doing that speech if it was just "a customer". No, that's not fair and you know it. I'm possibly the most passionate poster remaining here who fully appreciate what NA really is. We should be fairly harmless to your majority. No. I'm defending true wysiwyg OW timers. OW is what we have at present and other people than me are trying to make OW RoE more arena like. But... I'm just doing the same as you; Letting you know what I like the most.
  14. I actually craft ships. I always pick the path of least net resistance. I could never keep up cash grinding to pay for the ships the crafters sell. While setting up production is a one time ordeal that makes it trivial and super cheap to make ships (I've resigned to be ok with not having the best ships like I used to do). If I wasn't so full of alts I would've had to go with DLCs exclusively. Hehe. You telling me that there is a ship economy I can avail myself of makes me think of what Marie Antoinette #supposedly# said when she heard the people didn't have enough bread... "But, can't they eat cake?"
  15. People who don't get as much joy out of crafting as you do.
  16. Nice, you shot your own "suggestion" dead in the third line. It is. But I doubt the effect will last beyond our current pre-wipe depression. It would be hilarious if it did, and I don't mean in spite. It annoys me that the gankers and revenge gankers have managed to coin their safety based playing style as hardcore. It's so softcore it's embarrassing. I bet the duel feature would work better on PVE than PVP server. PVE players have per definition showed more integrity by opting out of the gank or be ganked world. That shit is for the weak.
  17. We haven't seen the new port features yet, but as I understand it clans can open up for friends investing (dubs, cash, marks?) in ports and production. Wouldn't it be weird to be taxed as an investor or partner?
  18. I suppose the zones boosted pvp occurrences but DLC ships aren't sold to fix pvp. Imported ships are directed at players who play the game differently from you. Why do you have a wish to see less DLC ships? Why does it matter so much to you if you can't keep DLC ships you cap? Most importantly, though, DLC ships has been in the long term plans to secure means to keep the servers running. We see a few players thump their chest and state that they've bought the game and are opposed to content being placed behind a paywall. Would you rather not have any DLC ships and so not have any new ships at all? The artists need to eat and selling some of the new ships as DLC has financed many of the normal ships in addition to the DLC ships. I understand the words, but what does this mean?
  19. No, because any nation has access to capturable ports outside any zone.
  20. Hehe, I've never managed to gind up to RA on my own, I only achieved that rank from server split and later merge redeemable.
  21. Ooof, ye, eco stuff is very boringly grindy. yes, I wish we didn't have it at all. That is scheduled to change. Looks like the devs listen, eh?
  22. No, you said: "When ppl stated what they perceived was wrong with the game they were banned"
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