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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. The fighting mechanics in this game puts it among the best PvP fighting games ever made. On my list it's among the top three.
  2. Hehe, Oh, I'm sure they think they'd love it. Maybe they would love it long time, baby? You would have to barter with the pvp'ers to get that horrible nuisance back into the game. How about <shivers> ai aggro for no safe zones, no fleets and insta or 90 secs close ROE?
  3. If they can find a way of doing it without pissing everyone off; it'll happen. You won't get a time frame.
  4. YES! You can throw PVE stuff at them and it's only a rather short matter of time before they've exhausted it and are gaping for more. "The Fight" gives and never stops giving.
  5. So, you're saying there is a chance? <hides>
  6. Good idea. Consider this, tho: Ships without stern chasers promote fights where it's generally better to keep your bow towards the enemy than your stern. I love the surp but imagine the tactics some could come up with...
  7. Hehe, that's the "larboard-to-starboard full rotation" described on page 6, points 1 to 5. I blush when I recall how long it took me to get that right. Here's one in real-time:
  8. OW is great, hunting there is great and will be missed in legends. While we wait you can practise this over and over until you puke. You need to be able to do this without even yellow-lining your cognitive capacity so you can use that to outplay your opponent.
  9. It might happen. It was happening; Both an unfinished updated version that's sitting in Doran's drawer and supplemental (moving) illustrations. We came for the pure PvP and OW wore us down with all the added <clears throat> content other guys immerse themselves with. Duel room and custom battles MUST come to NA Legends and I'll be happy to teach you what I was taught once that's easy to do again. What server and faction are you playing?
  10. There is no layman's version, but i can help you with the above. If you're downwind (leeward) of your opponent try to turn towards him to close the distance (starboard) then turn the opposite way (flip to larboard) to turn inside him. Notice that the "black" ship gets off a broadside at #3 and #5, while the "white" ship only gets off his starboard broadside. Don't feel bad, some of these took me a while too. And some of them I didn't get until Doran spoonfed me while we were dueling. I was always the slow, special Raker.
  11. Good, you've learned that, then. The fast frigates will come and steal your stuff even if you have an AI lineship escorting you.
  12. Forget about OP link for the time being, see the link in my last post, just three posts up. That work?
  13. In this case we can actually blame the russians!
  14. I've fought for it, tooth and nail, for a long time. Now I hesitate to nurture a hope for it. 🤕
  15. I know I'd do the same as Jon and Karl to secure the win. Had they turned and fought they would have given the win away. That doesn't change that hilarity ensues:
  16. Ye, the OP link seems off, so until Doran takes the helm you can at least find the old one here. The guide was up to date a long time ago, the meta changed but might have changed back again, somewhat.
  17. Hmm... From @EliteDelta: I presume the above is instance tested, or is it only API based? Gives me flashbacks to old-old trinco profile that was buggy (instance tested): Not the drastic dip, to be shure, but still...
  18. Yup! And the flipside is the T-62 which is super potent in the hands of a good player but stats don't show it since all the baddies drive it en masse and dilute it's stats so it looks average on paper. Kinda like pubbie lineships being taken down by lone Snows to frigates with the following demands to make lineships have a millionbillion marines or swivels firing over the stern to kill the smaller ship's crew.
  19. Sorry for the crosspost, but I didn't find the perfect topic. This was checked with current hotfix:
  20. This is how I understand it: The largest circle is the default dispersion of a given cannon, the ball may land anywhere inside circle. There may be some percentage chance it lands closer to the center "aimpoint" than towards the edges, but we know nothing if they have such calculations going. Besides, we don't aim our guns like a normal FPS crosshair shooter anyway. So with the Congreve sight we can tighten this circle at the end of the firing cone by 5%. There are no multiple calculations; the trajectory of any given ball is given at the moment of firing. This is an old pre EA connie firing with 10% dispersion upgrade:
  21. You gotta include the "/s". <hides> #in/seption
  22. My inspiration today is @Quineloe, @Peter Goldman and @Vile Executioner++ Spontaneous satire that might be headed for lock and hide. RIP Pventre.
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