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Everything posted by admin

  1. long guns will be good at long range after cannon rebalance. Its coming soon
  2. Our answer to complains about demasting and carronade meta in shallows is simple. Captains who complain about carronades and demasting should read more historical references. This is how shallow pvp must look like and this is how it looks like. We will continue pushing historical outcomes. We do not pretend to be the only alternative, but we KNOW everything else is just 10x worse. (ass creed with rams and rockets, or multiple alleged NA killers who haters were always giving out as examples.
  3. Read the whole chat please. But even if provoked. Family members are outside of the allowed cursing scope. No excuses. Discuss the man not his family.
  4. His not joking about anybody's wife, sister, daughter. Discussion of female family members (even in humorous ways) is not allowed and is against the rules. We allowed light humor like this previously but some assholes do not understand that and such conversations usually deteriorate into shit. Its in the rules. Sexual comments about or towards family members WILL cause immediate chat bans both on forum and in game chat - with no right to appeal. topic moved on to other things and is no longer useful. Locked
  5. Chat will be banned for 7 days. Оскорбления членов семьи матерей сестер и дочерей настрого запрещены в этой игре бан чата 7 дней повторные оскорбления подобного рода могут привести к перманентному бану чата Insults of family members, sisters, mothers, daughters are strictly prohibited in our game First offense - 7 day chat ban Repeat insults will cause permanent chat ban on steam account.(Which will persist even after player deletion).
  6. Did not work out as we wanted. Chests missed the Friday window. All Victorious defenders (both on Peace and War Server) are noted and will receive Privateer chests as soon as they get into the game (chests carried by Raiders).
  7. Just above you claimed that we tried to personally mislead you - you Gregory Gainsborough - a player , despite the fact that the feature has been live on live servers for a very good time and NPCs were attacking every port right and left to give you a chance to practice. You also claimed raids constantly changed and even quoted some local troll. But the only thing that changed about NPC raids is the fix of 2 bugs and reduction of points generated for zone capture. Nothing else was changed since they were deployed. Entry rules, spawn rules, all rules were the same - as they were on the day they were given to players for testing. If you and your friends express extreme outrage in one post and are polite in another. You forgot the main rule of this forum. The moment you make it too personal and start cursing, throwing outraged tantrums, or whatever - and turn into a dick- no matter how brilliant, poignant, or revolutionary your content or feedback or proposal - it is no longer worth someone's time to deal with your disrespect. We no longer waste time on outrage. Locked.
  8. Not going to work. It an ecology. Things like you propose sound great on paper though, but not going to work in reality. Like limited crew resources are amazing but should have been done right from the start, now they will just piss off part of the community.
  9. Same response as above. This wont be changed. This is how it is supposed to work.
  10. Do you mean we cannot reliably rely on you checking the feature out and testing it even if we give it out WAY IN ADVANCE? If someone (especially some one with high profile ports) have not tested the feature he cannot shift blame. Raider battle do not show enemy positions until battle starts - Because otherwise players will send one scout and then join where NPCs are. Raider battles close immediately when they start - BECAUSE otherwise players will wait until NPCs sail closer to and join the battle right where NPCs are sailing. But we knew Raider port battle were a huge risk - and some people on the forum gave an amazing idea - to switch safety on and run those port battles without consequences, to properly test We gave the feature with SAFETY ON without any consequences to test Raiders were literally attacking every port with this mechanic (even smallest nations) Thanks for that suggestions 2 critical bugs were found and fixed Bug with point generation thanks all the clans who lost the battles and reported it Bug that crashed when players tried to capture and send a bot out of the instance. thanks BF that had at least one battle crash live on stream You had time to test and find out all the features, but maybe missed it. I am not going to shift blame to you too as we are all one family and community.
  11. Next week by end of November. Leopard that week too.
  12. Not sure what you mean. 2 people can make first rates not fast but its not an impossible endeavour. Setting up is not easy, but once you set up shipyard and buildings you can build first rates. I would like to suggest you try building a Titan with 2 people in EvE before saying that building a first rate is hard.
  13. What are the main ensigns on the 2 boats in front?
  14. Our approach have changed since we started Game - Labs. We no longer are satisfied with just basic implementations.There are 3X better crafting and trading games like X3. Everything we deliver must worth a stand alone game, this includes crafting. Minor changes will of course be applied. In fact new building is coming live this or next week.
  15. this is described in the SAFETY OFF post Differences are also described there.
  16. You can capture a 1st rate for free Just like it was long before release. Its how it is supposed to be. All ships except for premium exclusive vessels can now be captured for your own use. Players did not ask for it but the majority actually wanted that. In terms of crafting the easiness of crafting first rates was always a main concern of players. If you search the forum - there are 100s of posts asking to limit first rates, there are even proposals to limit first rates by 2 per nation. Its ridiculous that we were even reading them seriously and responding to them. Can you imagine if we listened and limited 1st rates to 22 players (earning 22*40 = 880 dollars) locking out all other 150,000 players from the wonderful creations - the carriers or spaceships of the age of sail. We know first rate can be crafted with just one friend in a reasonable amount of time. Now it is possible to do without hauling (in some ports)
  17. You should look at it this way. We always (from the start of early prototyping in 2014) stated that the game will have basic crafting and basic trading. It is in game. Its the best we can do.. We always say we have the best looking ships and best age of sail combats with leeway and yards. We NEVER said we have the best crafting. We have basic crafting and basic trading just barely enough to support the feature described above. Take a good from a deliver to point b - that's it. Gather resources - click a button - that's it. We never advertised the game as a crafting game. There was no a single ad for naval action which mentioned crafting. Trailer has no workers hitting hammers, or gathering tobacco. Texts say you can build ships and thats it. This is literally what is said about trading and crafting. Trading and privateering – Buy trading goods at low prices, haul them to distant places for high profits. Board ships and sell them and their cargo at nearby ports. Use shallow waters at your advantage to escape from larger ships. Shipbuilding and manufacturing - Build ships, upgrades and cannons, supply your clans or your nation or set up shops in free towns to sell to your enemies. We have 15 detailed paragraphs on combat and 2 sentences on trading and crafting. Better crafting is not there, was not there, was not advertised anywhere. This is all we have Buy goods at low prices and haul them to distant places = check Board ships and sell cargo = check Build ships = check Supply your clans or your nations with... (repairs, ships, cannons) = check Crafting was proposed by players in 2015 and added because players requested it (in original pre-launch version you were a naval officer or a pirate, you could only capture ships from others or buy them from the government). When basic buildings and crafting was added players were happy with at least some crafting because previously they had nothing. Given the facts stated above - we have basic crafting and advertised basic crafting - why people are unhappy with it?? You can accept it as it is. Or ask for removal. We are focused on new player retention and NPC aggression. Crafting is not on the priority list and will remain as is, with only minor changes. We can remove it if it is annoying everyone. Hope this brings it into proper perspective. We can keep it as is - or cut it. I am 100x more interested in fixing battle sails, adding wind shadow, adding non-binary rudder, adding hull leeway, rig entanglement in close counters, wind strength and variety, barometer - to predict wind change and direction ... you get the idea what i am good at, best age of sail combat and best looking ships. I am also wondering how i can make this combat trading refit into the game without ruining FPS. Why should I think about crafting? Can someone popularly explain as I am five? From all i read it sucks, trading sucks and if i was a medical doctor i would just amputate and removed the aching leg to stop the gangrene of bad opinions from spreading. No crafting = no problem of bad reviews. To summarize Crafting can be improved - probably. Can it be done without research and iteration - No. Are current customers of crafting happy? Based on the forums - No. Is there risk in changing crafting - Yes huge risk. Did those customers bash us, expressed outrage and punish us for risky changes - yes. Based on this answers crafting should not be touched. We do not believe in changes in crafting because community got tired of experiments. Will it be better if we cut out crafting completely? No. So let it be as is.. Crafting its not the best but its ok and it will be worse without it for those who like it as it is.
  18. Clan docks is a good idea but currently game provides enough dock space for a player. And give all the instruments to trade ships to others. We have no plans to expand this by providing clan docks at this stage. As there are other more important priorities. Crafting ships as notes. You can ask NPC traders to craft you a ship if you have the special note - but you always get the ship when ship is crafted. Storing ships as notes (converting build ships into packaged box) is not a good idea. Once the ship is built it is a ship and can either be sold, destroyed, sank or traded away - not packaged into a piece of paper.
  19. Its very strange that you say so. There is a huge difference between caring and focusing on something else. We work on something we consider more important and will continue without switching. We care about all proposals and best ideas or blockers (issues blocking gameplay) always get done first. We never had a big team and do not have a big team now. Why should we rush and switch when you claim falsely we do not care? Why do you think that you can make your idea considered by abuse or false statements like we don't care?
  20. Its a common problem for buyers with strict providers. Hold on. @Ink will help you
  21. Hello Server crash logic works the following way. If servers crash, AI stops, all ships stop and all participants in the instance are sent to the open world in the logged off state. Once they login they have their ships and lost nothing. + We give them % of enemy HP in form of money and xp. So not only when servers crash they lose nothing and get something. In your case if you lost your ship the servers were working - someone was able to sink you. This means connection was lost. @Ink will investigate if we had any outages on the server. If not - that means it was your connection not the games fault. If we had an outage we will provide compensation. The reason we do not provide compensation if your connection break is because people exploit that by disconnecting (for example switching off the router) and and then asking to return the ship multiplying the assets.
  22. @qw569 Если вы на торговом бриге то можно вернутся вас утопить. Остальные пункты не являются нарушением. А пассивное удержание в бою да. Потеряв порт игрок не теряет контент (может выйти на любом корабле) потеряв контракт игрок все равно не теряет контент - может перебить. А тут он не может выйти из боя тупо. Поэтому без видео никак. На видео будет понятно пытается ли вас противник догнать или нет. Пытается ли активно воевать или нет. В логах будет видно что он только что 4 раза подряд атаковал вас и держал в бою. Полноценный griefing определяется правилами стима как Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying Steam services, software or other content. Если человек вас 4 часа не отпускает из боев и ничего не делает это griefing и его забанят. Конечно серая зона очень широка поэтому скрины по этой теме больше не принимаем - только видео. If attacking and running will turn into persisten activity we will implement circle of death from patrol zone around attackers in ALL battles. If you attack and do not fight we will sink attacker ourselves for inaction. In other words - if griefers persistently show they have no honor we will redesign ROE to give them the honor automatically by rules.
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