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  1. They are already everywhere. Also we see no difference between 10000 resource 1 dura ship and 30000 resource 3 dura ship
  2. we can and will test it too .. its early access and we do experiments. Experiments are required because WE DONT KNOW. And players also dont know. Because if players knew everything no-one would have a job. Dentists, doctors, engineers - no-one would be needed if players knew everything. Thus we experiment to find what works and what does not. Failed experiment showing that something does not work is a great experiment as it closes the doors we should not waste time on.
  3. in fact since the first OW voting in 2014 all features were proposed by players. If we did not use open development with all the risks and negatives (for example doing silly things from time to time) we would be a released session based age of sail MOBA (massive online battle arena)
  4. last warning LV.. discuss the game - not the devs. We never blamed veterans - but the 1 dura for rates was proposed by players and implemented by us - we bring it back to where it belong. Regarding PB main changes that will make attackers life easier are already in the TB. Zone control points will start counting after 10 mins only - right now defenders get a lot of advantage from the start (but maybe its still good because they control the port) Kill points are going to be 50% higher so active action by combat will actually resolve battles faster, making skill not control a bit more important.
  5. sarcasm?)))
  6. We don't need to listen to wolves to find out what sheep want. We know 1 durability system is better - but it must work for all ships. And if you like this - you - YOU PERSONALLY - must help to shut down all comments about too many first rates. Because its just a game and because if you want pvp you want ships to be affordable? Before you do it you will accept 3 duras because its what it was before and worked.
  7. Assuming something without facts about others is a bad quality and devalues your posts Regarding the game we watch how players play and play ourselves. We see how medium frigates can destroy a player santisima even if santisima is protected by a large fort. In recent ponce port battle american agamenmon was able to sail close to danish ship, board him and change ship and sail away under fire from the large fort. Forts shoot peanuts now and must be buffed. We dont like forts like that and we are changing that. You can disagree as much as you want and comment on that of course. It wont help sorry
  8. you cant make 1 durability work for an average player in a MMO environment. Its against our design goal Ship must provide opportunity to have at least 3 non stop battles even if you lose every time. We listened to hardcore players before caved to 1 durability that brought nothing to the game - It did not reduce number or popularity of first rates for veterans, but it made life harder for average player who left instead of converting. If veterans want number of players stay or grow they must accept that the customer funnel must lose less players than it is losing now. Thus we bring the durabilities to our original vision.. and we would like to remind you that we had 5 dura ships before and no-one complained. And we have a firm position on this.. its either all ships have 1 durability or all ships have several. no middle ground.
  9. LV is wrong just like you. A lot of veterans want us to solve problems of those who played 2000 hours - or maybe even add 1000 of additional things to do. Our goal right now is to help the player who left after 10 hours to stay for a 100. If they can stay for a hundred the result will be more pvp for everyone. Starting with the first comment He is against providing the challenge ship for pve challenges. With that he just lacks understanding of what the normal average player needs. For example he does not understand that the normal player does not have enough slots or outposts to even participate in a challenge because he only has 5 spaces for ships due to server example. If the challenge is for unpopular ship the player cannot do it just because he does not want to sell his current ship just to do a challenge.
  10. all rewards
  11. we never said outlaw faction is guaranteed to be implemented. we said we are considering splitting pirates in two factions. but thats just an idea.
  12. battle rewards will be valuable and no-one will want you farm them nonstop by sinking your friend or your alts
  13. Hello Captains Patch have been deployed to testbed. Here is a brief description. Challenges: PVE challenges now provide the ship for you. No need to purchase the ship anymore to participate in challenges. 1 durability for ships of the line did not achieve its required goal and is removed. It did not have any effect on rich veterans and was just punishing casuals who left the game instead of converting into pvp/conquest players because they lost the ships they worked so hard on. All linesips now have 3 durabilities with the corresponding increase of required resources. You can now use the hold of your fleet ships. Admiralty store has been added for testing. The content is not final, prices are not final and what is sold in stores is mostly for testing the systems. The following rewards were added (names are temporary and might not survive) City Key - for raids or port attacks or defences Battle Ensign - PVP reward Short Pennant - PVE reward Trading Manifest - reward for trader ships or trading missions etc. Each reward can be used for exclusive content in admiralty stores (test content to test systems provided in testbed). All rewards are given in the end of battle based on battle kills and damage. If 10 people sink 1 ship rewards are split for 10 people based on damage, kills and assists. Officers. Officers had one problem, they punished you if you played actively (and sank a lot). As a result officers were removed from the game and all perks have been moved to a player. You get 1 point per rank. The system is not final and will continue development. Officers in their traditional sense might come back in the future. Pirate vs Pirate - outlaw battles. Pirates can now attack each other. The battle created by pirates vs pirates is always open and has FFA rules (free for all). You can sink anyone you see. Signalling perk does not work in the battle. Battle cannot be created in the capital protected waters. Recently killed tracker added to game. Players who recently lost the battle (sank or surrendered) no longer give rewards for 1 hour. This solves huge number of problems for a minor price. Ship paints can now be stored in clan warehouses. Forts and towers were significantly buffed (large fort will destroy a ship in approximately 5 minutes under constant fire). We hope this feature will help players to vary their fleets a bit and bring mortar vessels to battles (who can destroy a fort in 10 mins. If this damage is too big we will lower it, but we were not really satisfied with the forts uselessness in battles. Chain shot damage fall off from distance implemented and added to game. All instances are now immediately closing when last player leaves the instance. A good % of instances were wasted for bot vs bot entertainment Discuss. Please avoid off topic in this thread and discuss the substance matter after you have tested the content and if you really have something constructive to say. N.B.: You can find directions to join the test bed server here.
  14. All other colors look ugly.. everything is blue.. and one of the few colors that looks good on blue is white.
  15. yeah! you can click on the city itself or any area above it
  16. Moderators made a right decision locking the topic as discussion of moderation breaks the rules. But moving the post was that was not offensive and really rule breaking was not necessary. Thus topic moved to the original location storm in the bottle - sorry for misunderstanding.
  17. If it is far from the main group and outside of the pulling radius - its your free target (if you can sink her) basically if there are 25 ships in the pulling radius. you most likely need 25 ships of good BR to attack them. If it is a solo victory sailing its your target. try it. Griefing her consistently in a cutter is impossible - beautiful escape to port after battle will help her avoid additional attacks.
  18. Genius solutions sometimes come unexpectedly. Maybe users proposed it before but we have not seen it for some reason. We found the way to solve the screening fleet problem completely. The 4x modifier that does not allow griefing will be replaced by a curve formula. The simple explanation of the formula is this. Size of the group and its BR will determine the modifier (simplified explanation below) To attack 25 victories you will require 25 victories To attack 1 victory you can just require a cutter (exaggerated example) . This will both solve the screening problems and also solve the solo hunter problem (who could not attack heavy solo targets because of BR difference)
  19. What is this? A writing contest? A eloquence competition? All responses provide answers to questions in a short and concise form and do not leave any space for misinterpretation. We have no time to write poems sorry. We are coders and artists. If you are interested in nice long missives about nothing there are several crowdfunded unfinished games that talk the talk well.
  20. forgot to unlock this in case you want to discuss anything please dont quote the post above ;)))) just copy the statement you want to discuss
  21. Format example (this is not necessarily the position of GL :)) Important problems to be solved Solve night flips - for example by adding time zones like in the real world where each port will be located. Cut missions and change bot distribution (because its impossible to even pve in most locations). This will help to bring players to OW because hunting is exciting, Increase dynamism and speed of combat at lower levels. Features (additions or cutting) Add sideforce for combat Add ability to pick up repairs from sank enemies Add wind power Cut crew pay (useless feature)
  22. Hello Captains We have announced the priorities on the pre-release development in this topic citing fixing the UI and multiple pain levels (like night flips or wrong PVE limiting pvp) If you believe there are three things that absolutely must be done before release say so here. It can be features, changes, or cuts. You can repeat each other ideas (its encouraged) cost it will help us judge the demand. Please like the proposals you think are useful - it will help judge the popularity. Top proposals will be added later as a poll and will be added to our production plans If you have a lot to say ideas split them in 3 areas 1) pain points to be solved 2) new features to be added 3) current features to be cut or changed drastically BUT not more than 3 per block Example on format will be provided below.
  23. Topic locked for answer preparation Thank you for so many questions.
  24. Hello Captains. Question time. Ask us anything in relation of Naval Action its gameplay, current plans or anything you wanted to find out. Please number questions and provide them as a list. ps. game labs related questions are also ok.
  25. тут кардинальное предложение вернулось (может забытое) ввести тупо часовые пояса на карибах (так как прошлое голосование по разделению на европейский сервер с евро временем и американский сервер с американским временем пока закончилось ничем) например - антильские острова это РУ и центральная европа пуерто рико испаньола западная европа куба и флорида - восточное побережье и центр сша мексика - это тихий океан и азия и в этих портах такие зоны и делайте что хотите - можно брать только с 6 по 11 вечера этой зоны= в остальное время рейдить
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