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  1. А почему это фрегат должен спокойно фармить первые рейты? на основе каких исторических данных?
  2. shabby only appears on NPC captured ships from time to time. all crafted ships are superbly classed 3-5 ships (previously known as legendary) and they can only get better if the shipyard had a great day during construction.
  3. hmmm maybe a good idea. please remind me this on monday/tuesday.
  4. посмотрим ботов - но броня ТОЧНО не могла так повлиять white oak live oak был по моему 110 вроде стал меньше на 10см боты были 80 стали 70 не понимаю почему стало так сложнее на ваш вгзляд просто тактику может чуть поменять?
  5. это было до нерфа брони ))
  6. не может быть!!! 40% процентного бонуса у ботов быть не может можно видео плиз если есть такая перезарядка то это баг
  7. мы не резали броню ТОЛЬКО игрокам мы резали броню кораблям да и то несущественно (10см рейты потеряли из 80 базовых) то есть боты ТОЧНО Также пострадали и теперь их стало легче топить
  8. вообще кто активно воевал на пб жаловались на излишнюю живучесть линейных кораблей которые модулями раскачивались до неубиваемых
  9. броня уменьшилась у всех кораблей ВКЛЮЧАЯ ботов учитывая что боты плавают на oak ships и не используют ремонты они и так инвалиды. завалили репортами уже прося дать им лечилки
  10. Boarding advisory 2/2/2018 Captains Number of marines books have increased and if you are unprepared you might lose your ship in melee combat because marines are very well trained in attack. (basically you can now equip 2 marine books or 1 depending on options increasing number of marines up to 30% on frigates for example) It will be adjusted soon, but before that please equip marines yourself if you are sailing through hostile waters. And improve your defensive capacity by equipping barricades. Keep your ship speed above 4 knots at all times and if you hearing boarding whistles switch to grape (crew damage is increased if your enemy is on the boarding focus.
  11. You calculate speeds I explain to you why they are like this and you blame me for misinformation and miscommunication? What is zis? Are you sure forums are a right place to discuss things for you if your sensitivity makes you offended by simple answers.
  12. they are smaller than before. you can see original melons on the green light combat video
  13. Penetrations and ballistics is historical and drops are historical, caliber differences are historical too. Speeds are irrelevant if you know that your gun pen is 0 at 500m thats enough for realism. Thats why, visual velocity and size of the cannonballs is not going to be discussed here. They are such because you need to see. You need to see what you hit and how you hit it to adjust aim, thats why you need to see the melons flying. In reality you would not see shit. It would be just a whizzz and voila you have a headless scribe near you. (true story by the way. nelson ordered him to be thrown overboard right after it happened).
  14. this feature will be improved and reworked in the reinforcement zones in one of the next patches.
  15. We are not dismissing them. We understand their beauty too. But I think AND KNOW Endymion builders only found out its awesomeness AFTER they built it during the sea trials. And i like this more than your beautiful proposal. You get the ship you get not the ship you want.
  16. Power gamers of course are more vocal. But also more skilled and rich and can afford rare ships. ps. Reviews do not matter just check this 1 bln dollar title. http://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PLAYERUNKNOWNS_BATTLEGROUNDS/
  17. Do you have a video like this or better with clearer sound (there was some grumping in the background). I want to to see if it will work for spanish promo i want to test Feel free to add here
  18. Please share your best or your favorite combat from the last 2 months (since leeway was added): port battle or just an open world battle. It would be great if it is in a local language. english spanish russian french german Other languages are great too Best videos would have a calm or passionate commander leading his group to victory. If it is a solo fight - you should be explaining what you are doing in voice (a-la moscalb streams). there should be absolutely no racist slurs in the video of course... cursing is ok.
  19. Well i disagree. Thank you for sharing your opinion of course. And yes you are totally right. 60% of players love a little luck 40 % hate it. Powergamers and minmaxers will hate it. Majority will be ok with it. There is even a video on this subject by a guy who made magic the gathering great.. This feature stays.
  20. there is no difference between raising penetration or lowering thickness from the math perspective
  21. heavy woods Endymion class can be built and fitted differently. There are builds that are allowing reaching hull speed. Mahogany and white oak are reducing your speed (not giving you bonuses), but you can get 14 knots if you change things a bit. ps. some sources say 14 knots was exaggerated.
  22. Thats why you should consider this feature a pleasant occasional surprise, a gift from your shipyard. You cannot rely on it. But if you get the 5 5 3 ship - it will be a ship to hold on to and spend 1 pt for fleet control for.
  23. This is a gift to crafters who make ships not RNG Almost always you get a great 3-5 vessel, but sometimes due to fate or providence: good mood of the architect, good wenches the day before, better drier wood, your shipyard produces something better, and very very rarely something a lot better. Its a bonus. not RNG. It is not against the spirit of the age of sail. Classes had a lot of ships and some ships in those classes actually were found to be EVEN better. We are confident with this feature and love it. We are fully aware that some people look at it differently. But hey Its just a game. This is a release feature.
  24. Will review the proposal. Firepower or sailing.
  25. It was not universally hated.
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