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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. no global less salt makes sense
  2. did we get a new RoE? Becuase the battle in the pvp event area was open all the time as well and allowed to enter even on the side with way less BR
  3. i was told mods are not important so why bother with 5/5 ships? ;-)
  4. z4ys

    Patrol mission

    the thing is i sailed to the fight i was engageing so no cowardness
  5. z4ys

    Patrol mission

    And now the bug happened to me as well. I looks like you get killed when you dont do dmg over a certain time
  6. z4ys

    Patrol mission

    does patrol mission stay open all the time? I had a player joining as the fight was almost over Oo Furthermore why patrol ROE support that kind of stuff? The buc and surprise joined late I thought pvp missions are there to show how awesome pvp is. at the moment they show me how flawed pvp is.
  7. z4ys

    Patrol mission

    Why was it only working for me I want that bug as well.
  8. @admin where are the ship restrictions for the pvp partol mission?
  9. z4ys

    Patrol mission

    do you have the marks in your chest? or just in the history window?
  10. pandora is EA gift same as yacht. Thats why i tend to santa + normal rattle + xebec
  11. 2 of them are already available ingame so i think it might be 2 of them: yacht + santa + normal rattle. The 3rd one might be xebec? My guess. Might be same mechanic like the yacht.
  12. I am sorry that it seems like you dont want to learn.
  13. Next time try 30° max separation between the ship speeds (purple bellona and green trinc)
  14. Guess the intention is not a static system or a system with everytime the same faces like at the moment. Now everyone might get a piece of the cake. Important ports will be hold by the big players. Unimportant ports will be exchanged by small clans and even give causal player clans the chance to become an onetime lord protector.
  15. killed an AI essex + surprise +pickle + cerb in one battle and got around 250k
  16. its more like less big clans own half the map while national effort with even small clans own a piece of the cake gets rewarded
  17. Certificate of participation will not work in the long run. It will only work for people that are already pvping. The others will just expierence how bad pvp can be and instead of encouraging they will be discouraged.
  18. In the current state dismantling is a fake feature. I am up for everything that gives it a reason again.
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