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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. As new player would you care hwo to organize a clan? I doubt that. As new player you have other problems.
  2. you can still look at your BR and the enemy BR compare it and decide. No need to give the BR ship names.
  3. You can still see the BR and why do you have to talk to an enemy? Its red kill it. Dont let a new player think "oh it might be Clan xy i am not allowed to kill it". Its red sink it. No names best recent change. Or du you miss the alt protection that you could write "hey i am xys alt dont attack me" ?
  4. yes but i am talking about stuff like this: Now you see a red dot you either engage or not. The world is full of targets. Thats what the game teachs us now. And I enjoy it.
  5. I started playing again, no names no chat no salt no hiding behind names pure combat.
  6. the current zones were tested already. The only thing that got added is that you can pull a mission for them. The people that were around at the first test still know what happened. And I have to say there is not much improvement. In the late stage it was limited to 6vs6 even that made the pvp event area only interesting for a handfull of people.
  7. The issue is the resolution. I use 1900*1080 and i dont have overlapping UI. I guess the issue is created by a not scaling UI (Boarding window always has the same pixel size so when you use a low resolution its on your hole screen)
  8. I agree with hachi. Tagtimer and tag distance go hand in hand. If you decrease one the other has to be decreased as well. Same for the opposite.
  9. What supposed to be the difference between NA and NAL?
  10. Stuff like this happens when OW and Arena gets mixed and therefore I say the current patrol mission compromise NA. In its current state its a NAL feature.
  11. z4ys

    heavy bottles

    its still to close to shallows
  12. z4ys

    heavy bottles

    Same issue
  13. You can join when the battle starts as player vs AI. But when it is player vs player you can't join with a bs.
  14. 24/7 open battles at carezone area are not good. its just one circle so you send 1 player in and the other can almost spawn ontop of the victim and kill him in no time - how will the victium get reinforced in time? if you take a small ship and join a battle nobody will care because the BR is almost even. The carezones are so huge that some areas are not really protected but because chances for AI ships is higher there people fool themselves and make them an easy target.
  15. I like to add here: Because the mission stays open for so long I can play on kiting at least the first 20min in the hope someone joines my side. The long join timer /open forever just promotes cautious gameplay because help might come. If I know the battle is closed I might play like hello kitty it and do dmg like intended but as long there is hope aka late joiners i wont do that. Especially when i am outnumbered and get killed in a few min. I cant deal enough dmg in that short time to make the fight worth it.
  16. It would be better if mission is also tied to a ship rate. ..go on a patrol with a 5th rate ship and deal 20k dmg ... or something like that. Otherwise it just lead to ship missmatch.
  17. @admin@Ink The pvp patrol mission is flawed. I was able for testing purpose to sail outside the circle and kill myself (without giving my enemies the oppertunity to dmg me before) I sunk after the timer run out. No reward for my enemies + I wasted their time (10 min). Would have been able to waste much more of their time without giving them the chance to dmg me. If you wanna keep/stick with the border make it a border you cant sail through.
  18. at tumbado i saw a lot for 2k and since when gold is a problem in this game?
  19. let crafters a bit of time to get used to the locations and soon you will be able to buy repairs.
  20. looks like battles in carezone/ pvp patrol area against Ai or players stay always open
  21. Or someone of your nation already joined the French side.
  22. Most battles start somewhat balanced. Allow joining only the weaker side till Br is even out. Then close the battle. The longer the battle is open the more people join the side with more br because of winning.
  23. Now with battles always open you can gank the carezone gankers. much more profit less risk
  24. I doubt that when you go alone you will see any reward. You might have to go there 5 times before you actual finish the mission. And in that case the 10pvp marks are not worth the effort.
  25. Its said that it is Reinforcement zones rules of engagement change but in the pvp patrol area the battle stays open all the time as well. Couldnt check battles outside zones yet.
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