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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. I would not say freetown but picking the start port out of the national ones would be good. +1
  2. reputation. To trade certain goods a trader needs a special repuation. This repuation can onlyobtained by active play.
  3. The amount of parts is so low that there is no sense in breaking up captured ships. Please adjust it. Especially while we can only capture other player ships. To not flood the market with parts i would suggest that only player made ships and not shop ones give when broken up at least more than 40% of the used parts.
  4. You are allowed to stay in battle as long as it close. There is no rule Battle finished you have to leave instand.
  5. When you dont want to click you should try ow hunt Mission will be redone. Admin said something about Mission agents.
  6. It depends how you got tagged. When they tagged you downwind while you was upwind their battle spwan is downwind from your starting position. An other problem is that battle spawn postions seem very random to me.
  7. I like it that it is a challenge to operate in enemy waters. Now NA is a logistic warfare as well. To keep fighting in enemy waters you have to be supplied otherwise you have to withdraw. That means even you dont get sunk but you have to leave because of supply shortage its a tactical victory for your enemy. I really like all the new game aspects that 10.0 gave us.
  8. Le Malouin corsair Gazette & prize Bulletin for French Antilles . Tridi.III.Prairal anne CCXXV de la République - Grand Auction to be held at FortRoyale this Tridi, day 23 Following the capture of Outlaw indiaman, nearby Santo Domingo, along with consort brig, the following inventory will be open for public auction. Cartel and armateur associations will be granted access of appraisal and right of reserve before the public event indiaman 800 tons . . .released to the Rouge&Laurel company fair american Brig 180 tons. . . purchased by anonymous white oak logs . . . . . . . . . . . 422 lots luxury Versailles Terracotta fabric . . . . . . 2 lots assortment of luxury historical artifacts . . . . . 5 lots - Other prizes of note Contraband schooner of 100 tons, from Christianstadt, cargo of Danish beer, 16 barrels. Cargo sold 17488 Schooner dismantled. 44 guns 4-pounds salvaged from capture, frigate Surprise, dutch pavillion, ship prized and auctioned Fair american Brig, British colours, from Las Aves 7 spanish gold coins, 12 french gold livres, 17 contraband goods and contract for 500 hours Brig auctioned at 80 thousand, cargo total 133,306 British Brig, from Coquibacoa, cargo of Cheschire cheese, 38 cases, and Malabar Teak, 8 trunks. Two long 6pdr cannons salvaged. Total value of auction, brig and cargo, 261,962 Swedish convoy captured. French frigate Belle, two fair american Brigs. One brig dismantled. Cargo of fir logs, 35, Bavarian grain, 127 bushels, 28 12-pdr long and 12 6-pdr longcannons salvaged Several items auction total, 119,125 Outlaw cutter and lake niagara snow brig, from La Navasse. Cargo of Arabian coffee, 41 sacks, Assam tea, 144 boxes and 1 crate of fine leathers valued at public auction grant total of 55,355 Both vessels requested for Navy duty. Jutland amber cargo, 3 boxes, valued at 52,401, from brig supposedly flying Danish-Norwegian flag, but having been found also Swedish and French flags and false papers. This particular capture is yet under investigation by the authorities. Danish officials presented their disgust at the act of pyracy but did not confirm nor deny the identity of the brig. Three merchant brigs, from Atwood, no flags,
  9. The following gazette is intent on publishing selected "prize court" cases pertaining "la guerre de course" as per French maritime tradition. The issues will be published without regularity, but can increase or decrease in number due to the cases sent to the gazette. When you like what you read than please give a like and participate "in character" with your replies via pm. Otherwise I would kindly request the moderators to hide all answers to keep the topic in role-play fashion and 100% clean of troll/flame posts. In case you want to give feedback pls use the pm function as well.
  10. Incidents happen that is what makes a fluid alliance system more fun than the static we had pre wipe. *reading the front page of the Fort Royal Gazette* Ah business is booming.
  11. 10.0 was the fist patch that make captured ship worth to use. Before that only Sols were worth capturing. Now you can make money with captured ships by selling them to your nation. That supports and opened up a new perspective that was understimated before. Privateering got real.
  12. The game itself has such a nice environment. And in my opinion it dosent need a shiny UI, that would corrupt the beauty.
  13. Even now nobody uses the stern guns ;-)
  14. What defines a pvp ship? The ship most people use? I recently used a navy brig and was successful in capturing 2tbrigs and a belle poule in one battle. I used a pickle to capture a surprise and made 2 surprise run from me. Red Duke and I captured a trinc with a brig and a Niagara. But you are right in a way some ships offer an easy mode. The surprise is the best example for it. Be mainstream sail a surprise everyone can do that it's the most forgiving ship when you make mistakes. Every ship can be a pvp ship. Just use it right. But back to topic: I don't know how sail hp is calculated. But I would guess it depends on sail area. The snow has small and short masts that may result in less sail area and means less sail hp.
  15. I mean for most parts already answers available.Except UI New ships = it was said we already have more than the promised ships ingame. For eventually more ships the steam reviews aka game sells have to get better. + We will get Kickstarter ship packs for more ships. 3D boarding = New boarding aka looks like ultimate general will eventually get in after release Other possible content = Questlines for special ships. Thats why some ships arent ingame yet.
  16. Still hope that tow to capital will be fixed soon. So that it works as intended and dont allow tp to capital with loot etc.
  17. there are more important things to do. fix of... ...Shopbug ...or the steady stream of RvR exploits
  18. Doesn't matter which time you login there are always 300players around. I really like it.
  19. The instance weather and daytime should be determined by the weather and daytime as the OW tag happened. I mean we fight a few hours till the battletime runs out. At the moment it feels like that we fight for days because of the fast day night cycle of OW.
  20. You are the guy Im praying for.... Oh lord let it be a trader... ...let it be a player... ...let him be AFK.... Amen (Works very well for me)
  21. Recent magic moment: As I captured a trader full of goodies deep in enemy waters and made it back to port. The sail back was pure thrill. I was so happy as I sold the ship and goodies for a nice amount of prize money. Huzzah Rum for everyone [_]B !!!
  22. For the first time in this game are captured ships worth something. I like it.
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  23. At the moment there is no drawback when two ships are engaged in a boarding action and an other ship uses grape to help his fellow captain. I suggest to introduce firendly fire when in boarding. That means when shooting gape on an enemy ship that is engaged in boarding there is a chance that you kill the crew of your firend as well. Cant understand how a gun loaded with grape fired into such a mess can decide who is friend and who is foe.
  24. Iam fine with that that it how RvR is but there is no trade-off. Even the basic cutter get sunk it always wins when it was not attacking an other basic cutter. That makes it a crappy design. Iam not telling to exclude the cutter from pvp in general. I just suggested to exclude it from tagging when it has the recently killed buff.
  25. when recently sunk in a basic cutter you shouldnt be able to tag. Most folks sink, spawn in the next town and tag you again. They just drain your repair kits waste your time offer no reward and are a major annoyance.
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