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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Do you mean Steam? Have you tried to contact Steam Support in this case?
  2. Captain, click on a "+" icon, this way you will get it back
  3. The issue will be investigated, thanks for the report, Captain
  4. Ink

    Chat problem?

    Have you checked the Social button in Options?
  5. Captain, make sure to monitor the GPU temperature while running the game with a program like GPU-Z, to make sure the GPU and the PC case handle the temperature well
  6. Captain, could you still please try to lower a bit GPU and memory clock and report back if the problem is fixed? About reinstalling game - I guess you could just do it through Steam
  7. To clarify - did you check your ship craft tab in case you've used it somehow and forget?
  8. Captain, please also try to lower a bit GPU and memory clock (Perfomance Tab for NVidia control panel), since inbuilt overclocking might be also the reason. Also, a Captain mentioned in a similar thread that turning off FXAA fixed his crashing problems, did you try it?
  9. Captains, it will be checked
  10. Captain, according to our logs you gave the ship to player PeLLaSGoS via trade window
  11. Captain, the issue is about not be able to join PVP 1 EU only, while any other servers are ok. Most likely it has been already fixed for Captain Enzo Matrix In your case it could be temporary connection issues. Run connection test report in Steam Launcher if the problem will be there again
  12. It will be investigated, Captain
  13. Ink

    0 frames

    If the problem is still there, please provide PC specs: CPU, GPU and OS (32/64)
  14. At the moment this is not in the priority list No Captain, check Player-selected ships 2015 - Final poll Possibility of those options will be considered at the later stages, at the moment there are other more important priorities
  15. После переработки интерфейса будем смотреть на карту. В данный момент определяйте направление движения ко компасу и окружающей среде. Возможность захвата корабля НПЦ еще в процессе тестов. Боты могут использовать те же модули, что и игроки. Если у бота стоят модули на перезарядку, то перезаряжаться он может быстрее Вас. Написано в описании патча. Бонусы по характеристикам кораблей и модулей будут тюниться по мере разработки игры по фидбекам игроков. Пока не знаем. Круги в ОМ позволяют визуализировать возможность атаки или захода в бой, также определяют спаун в бою (написано в описании патча). Рассматриваем как решить на уровне игровых функций - пока снимайте на видео, будем лишать экспы - так как помехи зеленым запрещены. Options->Graphics->Color Blind mode
  16. Количество производимого ресурса в городе определяется размером города и дополнительными модификаторами, установленными, при необходимости, на основании фидбека от игроков. Карта поменяется вместе с интерфейсом. На данный момент это не в приоритете. Главный критерий - это аномально большое количество полученного пвп опыта в соотношении с kill/assist/deaths. Например, два игрока за неделю получили 30к опыта, но первый игрок имеет 30 киллов и 30 раз утонул, а второй имеет 3 килла и ни разу не утонул. В первом случае - обычный пвп игрок, во втором, с большой долей вероятности - дамаг фармер. Добыча ресурсов требует затрата людской силы, что выражено через Labor Hours. Игра про морские сражения, а не про корейскую прокачку. Вопрос не понятен. Флоты ходят для тех, кто будет их топить. Данная проблема известна, будет исправлена в соответствии с приоритетами. На данный момент есть более важные приоритеты. Вопрос не понятен.
  17. Captain, could you try to set Compatibility with Windows 7 on the both client.exe and client_,exe files (here \SteamApps\common\Naval Action) and check if it helped you? Captain, as it has been said in 9.7 patch notes, Performance issues has been predicted, the workaround at the moment is to tweak the settings.
  18. Thank you for the feedback, Captain.
  19. To clarify, what happens when you attack an NPC in a group being close to each other - only attacker joins the battle, others can't join, being in the circle in the same time?
  20. Captain, at the moment it is impossible, unfortunately.
  21. Captain, when you sell a ship there are two number: The one you add by yourself is the price of your ship, another number is a fee to place a ship on sale, 10%. It seems you were only concentrating on a fee and thought it is actually price.
  22. Captain, please hold on a bit yet, I will contact you as soon as there will be news about your issue, it is not forgotten, sorry for inconvenience it is caused to you so far
  23. Captains, while we are working on fixing this bug, please avoid using mixed carronades and guns layouts
  24. Captains, at the moment if you use carronades and guns mixed layout, the range for both types of cannons will be reduced to carronade range regardless the carronades deck state (locked/unlocked). While we are working on fixing this bug, please avoid using mixed carronades and guns layouts. Sorry for inconvenience it caused
  25. Ink

    Chat problem?

    The /all battle chat issue has been fixed
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