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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Captain, please try these workarounds:
  2. Please check that 8080 port is not blocked by router/software
  3. Captain, could you please run connection test report via Naval Action Steam Launcher 3rd option. Most likely the game is blocked by software/hardware on your PC
  4. Captain, please check personal message
  5. The issue is going to be addressed in the next patch
  6. Captain, try to expand the profle menu in the upper right corner, then select "My Attachments", from there you can find every file you did upload in past and edit the post. Try it with one post and check the limit change
  7. Should be fixed now.
  8. Please hold on til tomorrow morning, meanwhile please clarify - what is your character name?
  9. The issue is found and fixed, please check the private message
  10. Captain, could you please link a screenshot here?
  11. Experience redeemables are tied to account - it means you can create new characters and those reedemables will be there until you use it - but if you already used in on a character, upon deleting it you will lose all experience and will start from a scratch. Experience was transferred two times so far: on the wipe in May 2017 and on USA and EU server merge in December of 2017. Most likely you played on PVP Global (US server) and also had an inactive Spanish character on PVP EU (EU server), thus, after merging, experience from PVP Global character were transferred to PVP EU account where you had a Spanish character. If this is not the case, that most likely you gave your steam details to another person as the game could not switch your character nation on its own. Regarding the Constitution ship - it is a timed redeemable that was added on 12 September and will be expired if you didn't activate it within 15 days period.
  12. Captains, the testbed server is shutting down at the moment and will go live again tomorrow (ETA is unknown at the moment).
  13. You can do ping or tracert command on your own:
  14. Captain, it seems you are experiencing temporary connection issues that are not related to server perfomance
  15. there are huge ping spikes up to 2500 ms could you please check if you experience the same issue on live servers?
  16. Could you please also send a connection test report, close the game and select the third option in NA Steam Launcher
  17. Captain, the problem is being investigated, once it is fully checked, I will reply to you
  18. The more easier way is to upload it on services like imgur and just copy the link here
  19. Просьба ответить на личное сообщение по уточняющим деталям
  20. Euro traders main idea is to provide basic raw resources like oak, iron, stone, hemp etc. at a 4x of base price, you cannot get rare resources like white, live oak and such through the mechanic.
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