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Everything posted by Ink

  1. The problem is being handled via private forum message
  2. Greetings, could you please check private forum message for more clarification
  3. Greetings, please check private forum message for more clarifications Update: the problem is solved
  4. Greetings, Once crash happens again, could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com Crashes is a known issue and we are working hard to iron them out in the next patch - will will post more info on this soon
  5. Could you please open task manager and end process "launcher", after this the problem must be solved
  6. We will share news as soon as possible
  7. Please check private forum message
  8. Please check private forum message
  9. You have to fight one more battle to achive points and complete the mission, its rounding as it was mentioned above.
  10. Please check forum private message for addtional clarification
  11. Once crash happens again, could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com
  12. Yes, please hold on a bit
  13. Captain, have you noticed huge ping spikes?
  14. Thank you for the report, the problem is being looked into
  15. Could you please send in-game F11 report with description how to reproduce the problem
  16. Hi, this is by design, mission "Speed Basics 1" is speed-test mission, you goal is to catch up with enemy ship, as it is said in description, both ships will not shoot each other for this mission.
  17. Ink


    Thank you all for the reports, the cases are being investigated. If you manage to reproduce the CTD, please let us know
  18. Please check private message for more clarifications
  19. Please check private forum message
  20. Ink


    Could you please send the log files to ink@navalaction.com One of the main sources of crashes and fps drops will be hotfixed upcoming week
  21. Apologies that this happened - we are now looking for ways to solve your problem with alternative solutions and payment systems.
  22. Apologies that this happened - we are now looking for ways to solve your problem with alternative solutions and payment systems.
  23. Ink

    Cant buy

    Apologies that this happened - we are now looking for ways to solve your problem with alternative solutions and payment systems.
  24. WIl be checked on Monday
  25. Have you contacted Live chat support at help.xsolla.com ?
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