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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Maybe because of those crafting and ship changes the BPs become...obsolete... Meaning you posted your logic correctly.
  2. You will be able to follow the testbed patch and read what is coming
  3. Plus the Pandora has the looks. Classy as the Cerberus. Good rounded lines like a May pinup.
  4. I would guess blueprints are assets and therefore only XP will be saved. Texas has one good interpretation about the wipe being like deleting a character.
  5. Nah. Let's re-roll clean. Ain't hard at all even with the upcoming changes already deployed on the testbed. 20th April we must come back with a completely different mindset. Also a good opportunity for many, less adventurous, captains to make the nation change they were planning for months but never was "possible". Also the way I read: All assets including money. To me that means ALL assets including money. I think there's no need for Admin to go through every single "asset" and specify.
  6. Wars should inflate taxes. Wars should influence availability of resources. That alone is something worth looking to when thinking economy/political.
  7. Redeemable ships carry no guns You still have to make some missions or a trade run to grab some to buy the cannon.
  8. Alliance system will be turned off, not removed. This should hint for some work on it ?!
  9. This incident is under investigation. Do not post anything not DIRECTLY related.
  10. ..or not. Purpose is to let player decide, not let a mechanic force.
  11. There are no abundance nor shortages. As an example, mines of silver in panama vice royalty did cease to yield any for a decade until a new vein was found. Now, a nation with 10k players all sucking the mines and forests. Compare it to a nation with 1k. Whom do you think would dry out the resources faster ?
  12. If you play from the beginning this is certainly not the first nor the second nor the third wipe you experience. Snappy salute. May we endure yet another one.
  13. Arrogance is never a good thing. Duels are naught but frail in nature. Good practice but horrible teachers. Best teacher is OW against the odds, in a seemingly weaker ship.
  14. Interesting that you feel that you waste your valuable time when you play a digital entertainment product. Take your Blackwake ( which I play as well by the way, nice game ) to where it belongs. The arena face off alleyway, not the sandbox gallery. There are players here since the inception of the project. They seen immense changes. Their hours during Trials aren't even recorded on top of the thousands they have on Steam. You wish to prove them wrong by your own standards. You won't. They are sure of that. P.S. - Interesting that you point a game that I love for the nature of perma death. Day Z. Maybe NA should be more like that so the suffering of a wipe wouldn't be so kind, won't you agree ?
  15. How many frigates ? What was the ratio of frigate per sol ? Of brigs per sol ? Of unrate per sol ? By 1812 the ratio of frigate per sol was the highest ever.
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  16. Kill, kill it with fire and then name&shame ? That's the part where quake enters... Sadly. Very few players take it in a 18th century recreation when dealing with each other.
  17. Not entirely correct. Political capitals and Naval Bases & Shipyards were often in different Islands, especially on the East islands. In game however, it can be anywhere, there's no limitations.
  18. There is only a slight delay on the UI actions in port. Combat feels absolutely the same on both server at the moment.
  19. business fuels war, war fuels business
  20. The sea is quite big for all playstyles and pvp combat isn't as spazztic as a bunnyhopquake, although many players are ego-shooter types ( but those love arenas or perfect battles, not the age of sail open world adventures ). Like in a historical interpretation scenario, which isn't, obviously commerce raiders of any type will be concentrated on the well known trade routes. Like in a historical interpretation scenario, which isn't, long cruise frigates will be patrolling the waters well known to have enemy ships.
  21. I know just making sure he does
  22. "Free Willy"
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