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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Ah ! strings attached.
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  2. Well, will be a return of the bait and gank. Nothing like testing it all over again. Standing by on alert as I won't trust any single ship anymore.
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  3. So far didn't really feel it other than the normal delay as per mechanics. Even on the PB at Pitre with all the players didn't feel anything different compared to PvP One
  4. Been playing in PvP-2. 90 - 130 ping Combat is normal as in PvP-1. There's slight delay on the Port UI functions.
  5. Think might be a situation similar to BLACK. There's one BLACK per server
  6. *raises hand* ... I got one. A complaint I mean. About the decision of complaining about decisions.
  7. I am sure the OP will want to rephrase that bullet line.
  8. No. War would be a good thing in Naval Action... if a Nation does force a peace and manages to conquer resources and prestige If the war is not won fast, by decisive loss of X regions or some other interesting mechanics... well... shortages, high taxes, forced production to state, etc. Economy may well be a infinite well of wealth but this is the age of sail. Wars were about trade almost entirely and navies were deployed to protect that trade. ( funny enough one of the insurers to the East, IIRC Bombay Insurance Co, wouldn't insure any Indiaman that wouldn't hire a escort, at its own expense, during the napoleonic wars. That alone sky rockets prices or means the failure of a trade venture... during times of war. )
  9. Maybe it is a social test. To see who really means PvP and who doesn't
  10. To ensure a healthy continuation of all discussions everywhere in this forum the personal remarks should be avoided and leave all room to opinions, not the person. Them comments might seem innocent, and many are, but can ignite flaming and none of us NA forum users want that. Stand to stations. We are coming about !
  11. There will be no free ports in the area. There will be risk involved. IIRC from testbed notes we won't be able to send ships, you'll have to tow them. Hence trade runs have to be done. Towing shall work of course so it is possible to eject ships from the area. But what does the PvE Gulf offers that the normal PVP OW doesn't ? While the opposite is more to form to what is being changed and where the proposal aims to. What can the PvP OW offer that PvE doesn't.
  12. Taxes is what you pay when you put a ship on sale, when you put a contract up or even could be even simple transaction tax to the port governor. Also instead of having crew hire cost, i'd simply code crew shares. Raids could also hamper production and raze fields, leaving them a wreck for a while. Taxation on produce during war time would simply be Admiralty commanding a share of the resources for the "common good". So, a few variable to make war risky but rewarding if won, or punishing if too prolonged so captains can actually sue for peace.
  13. They should be whipped 'round the fleet. They are a disgrace to the Admiralties and any sense of decency amongst honorable and gallant captains that try their best to do justice to a good healthy simulation and recreation of the West Indies as best as Naval Action can at this point. Grab any tiny loophole, win whatever and claim it as grand strategy. Hah !...
  14. If the PvP crowd actually behaves gallant without any need to fell themselves superior and add to a good "authentic" experience the PvE crowd might dilute and add to the experience. If we look correctly a lot of the PvP server players spend most time in PvE. Main issue posted by some fellows that chose the PvE server is indeed the toxicity of the PvP server. And on that is on the PvP crowd to start acting civil in all circumstances. Worse than a sore loser is a arrogant winner.
  15. Shortages can be tradesmen opportunities, as they were. Abundance can see a increased activity of pyracy and privateering. High taxes due to prolonged war can make a Nation vouch for peace and declare themselves defeated. Regions can be exhausted while others, being unused for so long, ripe for exploration of resources.
  16. Aye. Hence why is not being released in 1 -2 months, but is open Early Access so anyone can buy and enter the testing This new wipe is a good opportunity.
  17. This is not the release. This is another testing phase. And no, it doesn't mean certain death of the game. It will certainly survive without your presence captain. But better would be to overcome the sense of dread and look to a new phase. Lots of changes to come.
  18. Very divided. I'm liking the Yankee privateer career but always been tempted to go through with the Corsaire de France idea. Still have until the deadline to decide.
  19. If it works like the Yacht it is always there to be redeemed every 24 hours.
  20. The more trees you cut the faster a forest gets depleted. The more grunts you have mining the faster the veins dry out. There's a lot, and I mean a lot, of information regarding a lot of particular events in every single region we play with. Entire settlements were abandoned due to soil being completely messed due to intensive sugar crops for example. Resources can be modeled dynamically without being strictly coded as a "punish/reward" mechanic but rather a deck of events that may be based on RL events. So what is the problem is we have a Silver shortage !? Apart from crying on forum that is. It could be a game event thing.
  21. Timeline (timelines are not final) Series of patches will be applied to testbed by the 10th of April (last patch to testbed was applied on 27th Feb) http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/forum/60-patch-notes/ Check the testbed patches and refer to Admiralty notes ?
  22. Correct me but April last year was the Land Sighted upgrade ( for one one of the best things to happen in NA ). Seems April is always a good month.
  23. Crafting level remains. Hence the ability to build ships. As the entire system is under rework the ships schematics ( BPs ) will be readily available by crafting experience, basically becoming redundant. Notable exception being the Admiralty ships.
  24. The day I scouted and the Danes had 4 !!! four Victories... was like seeing the death star... the world was coming down on us.
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