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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Please provide detailed example of what tools. Note: map + protractor/computer ruler + dead reckoning are used today by air and sea navigators.
  2. Combat wise is NOT simple, a lot to practice is needed. Trying different approaches, practice makes perfect. No spreadsheet will help you. Logistics are the most SIMPLE.
  3. True, and the letters of credit were issued as investment - the trader was expected to ferry the goods of the small and big money "lenders". Maritime trade would be bound, promising to deliver back and forth in the ports of interest, not just as a deposit of cash. This could be rather interesting as Trade type missions. Meaning in the event of a player building a outpost, these could have a Investor/Bank building. Trade between outpost with Investor/Bank ports would be covered by the promise letters, no gold needed. Trade between everywhere else, well, cash needed.
  4. Hmmm Legends testing had the Fort control circle. If these could be enabled by the Marines transports ( rise presence to 100% abstraction of sending the launchers with the parties ) with subsequent boarding action vs Fort - player controlled, then transfer Fort artillery to player in exchange for his SOL made transport.
  5. hmmm... sailin' some bribes for a governor of some port to buy his... hostility towards the present overlords.... hmmmm
  6. Donate them to charity. They can be used as practice-pvp ships by all of us poor enough ...
  7. As others said, a specific "historical" mission for the day could be done. I'm pretty sure the community can come up with 366 historical ship to ship events that can be modelled into "daily rewards" missions. Simply awarding for being here...
  8. Ah, gotcha. Think that specific issue of zones affecting other nations conflict has been pointed several times. You are correct. In that specific case Battle should stay open and Danes, Prussians or Pirates would be able to join.
  9. 😮 ... in truth the best half of the raider lifestyle is to safely bring the prize back to haven. "Hard earned" effect.
  10. Barricades. Sort of the same. The Endurance one has the surprise factor of the second ship showing up after - "here we go again....!" factor .
  11. 🤣😂
  12. Just a tip: - there is a tutorial for gunnery that shows how to switch the convergence point to 100m or 250m - use that range ( 100m ) as a visual guide for demasting. If the target is inside it, excellent. If not, probability is that shots will hit but carry no energy to penetrate and severely damage the mast.
  13. Me too. Throwing AI captured Cherubim at pvp is good practice, costs peanuts.
  14. I started a completely fresh character ( hardwipe ). Did the tutorials and passed the exam, same as it would be a fresh arrival. Had nothing but a rattlesnake, a hercules and a ton of repairs and the cash. Went for a safe bet, inside the zone. nothing to show killing the AI. Decide to try outside the zone. The difference of rewards is massive. From contents in hold to cash and combat marks. One evening of gameplay, some 5 or 6 attacks to OW AI ( a fleet of 4 schooners, a belle poule with snow, an assortment of LGV traders and navybrig fleets with pickles). What came out of it in essence: - enough cash to equip btoh reward ships with modules captured and bought from market, and cannons. - 5 outposts permits bought - combat marks enough to buy essential knowledge books ( such as barricades, hammocks, etc ) - a elite module blueprint, several modules such as light hammocks, hull refit, etc - captured two AI ships for later use I did use the Hercules twice, once in a PvP battle and then to capture a AI Navy Brig which I used to do all the OW AI attacks. We can discuss this to the end of the world but OW AI outside the zones reward the player immensely more than inside. P.S.- not attacking inferior AI fleets. attacking 1.2 BR difference or more, usually with 2 ships. The bang for the buck is way better for the same amount of time invested. ( holy cow, i'm discussing PvE... 😮 )
  15. Rewards from OW AI is already dramatically increased outside the zone. IMO attacks on OW AI should be the "missions". Hostility should be the proper Missions.
  16. Yep. There's a moment when your rudder gets damaged and tutorial indicates to use Emergency Repair.
  17. Can you please link to it ? Thanks.
  18. A bit offtopic, but in the vein of "practice makes perfect" types of game, not unlike NA or other similar examples given by @admin, regarding tutorials or welcoming the player into a game where there's no aim-click-kill mechanics, but rather a very complex combat enfironment, whether the player is aware or not. This screen appears "one time and one time only" in a game where constant practice is a must. It has no "one way to do things" but a dynamic approach to combat, where a lot can happen and no combat will ever be the same. Somehow something like this could be added to NA.
  19. Full 9's balances crew needs and output broadside weight. Fitted for extra crew ( did not get any extra refit on mine, plain ship ) she gets all stations okay. The alpha of the top guns, if equipped, will pay off against a oblivious clueless opponent. Full 6 pounders she is a fine raider with the sail plan to pay off for the trade off of shot weight and to get her out of trouble if needed, not guaranteed though.
  20. Tutorials - add gun complement types Tutorial - about the types and the ranges/effectiveness - mediums, longs, carronades - add ammunition types Tutorial together with the cannon types - chain, grape, double charge, double shot Exams - add Exam for Carronade use ( mediums is covered on the Endurance, Longs in the demasting ) - Final Exam let the player select the type of armament the player wants to use.
  21. Practice makes perfect. NA is not unique in that aspect. Nor is it a point and click kill fest
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