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Everything posted by Poryv

  1. @Neverdont bother with replying Back in 2018 BRITS called us Zerg all over the forum, even when the map looked like this:
  2. Ich glaube, dass ist wirklich Quatsch die Schuld den Russen und den Spielmechaniken zu geben. Schuld sind Spieler der Gegnernationen, die nicht in der Lage sind: a) langfristig gute strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen, b) erfolgreiche Diplomatie nach Außen und vor allem Innen zu verrichten. Analysieren wir den die erste Preußische Blüte (nach dem Wipe): - Schlechte Strategische Entscheidung New Orleans zu nehmen, obwohl BF das wollte und kommuniziert hat. Überschätzung der eigenen Kräfte - Keine hilfreichen Bündnisse nach Außen, am Ende krasse innere Konflikte nach innen. Die zweite preußische Blüte: - Strategisch: Bruch der Neutralität, wenn diese Neutralität am wertvollsten wäre. Damit keine Gnade seitens der Gewinner. Wieder Überschätzung der eigenen Kräfte. - Diplomatisch: Keine inneren Kriege bis Wechsel zu Russland. Aber auch hier wieder keine zuverlässigen Bündnisspartner, die die eigenen Investitionen verteidigen. Die o.g. Faktoren haben die Spieler beachtet und damit erfolgreich gewesen. Ich wünsche, dass der ehrenwerte Gegner diese Fehler bei sich sucht, nicht den Kopf hängen lässt und sich erneut reorganisiert.
  3. back to game after 3/4 year. Went trough this thread to see, what was happening politics and PB wise. Was not dissapointed.
  4. what is going on here? Is this somehow linked to this:
  5. Poryv

    Login queue

    restarting the game helped with me, if 30 times or so, spamming log in doesnt work
  6. @admin is the best meme creator!
  7. remember, Basty, the commander of the prussians was kicked from redis clan because of inactivity and not enough pvp. Now he is ruling small nations RVR. Amazing!
  8. Totaly agree with Anolytics suggestions
  9. Is this the battle of cartagena? The dream of so many captains? The desire of the russian nation since beginning of time? This memoriable moment seems to be not more than a side note.
  10. "Hi guys, i never played the game, but i have a suggestion to make. " Hi Cesar, the devs dont even listen to an average player, so that you know. So the best thing is, you either play the game, or forget about this forum.
  11. Hey Buddy, let me tell you this: Dont ever let anyone tell you, that this and that feature of the enemy nation makes the enemy super invincible. The most important feature of a nation/clan is its morale or fighting spirit. Its the ability to keep up and learn from loses and mistakes. I personally learned a lot by being sunk pvp pros like rediii and can now compete with mediocore players. Check out other clans and nations: The change can feel almost like you bought a new game. Expirienced and friendly PVP Teammates were the most important part to improve my own skill. Other trading teammates explained to me, how to find safe trading/delivery routes. Clan crafting management made getting a good ship super easy and crafting not bothering at all. I think with the right environment you will not feel, that you wasted time but that it was fun to reach this or that level.
  12. keeping someone in battle without intention to fight is griefing. Screening is tagging someone, but not keeping them there for ages without a fight. This is a legit tactic. When you screen someone out, you fight or you let go. Everything else is griefing.
  13. Ich wünsche dem LAMA Clan das aller Beste und viel Erfolg! Make Britain great again!
  14. man up, organize, train and beat the russians
  15. there is no russian nation. you make deals with clans in this game
  16. Fools! Go and fight russia!
  17. 1. Problem: es ist schwer Linienschiffe zu ersetzen, aber das gilt für alle, auch für Russen. Es ist aber doppelt so schwer, wenn man 2. Problem: Russen haben viele Spieler/Zergen den Server, aber das war wohl auch vor ein Paar Jahren auch schon so: Da haben die anderen Nationen sich organisiert und Russland auf die Bermudas reduziert. Bis jetzt sehe ich davon nur was im Forum und warte sehnsüchtig, dass was passiert. Aber das einzige was ich lese, ist das: a. "Devs sollen das regeln!" b. "Die Russen cheaten!" c. "Russen übernehme Führung in meiner Nation!" d. "Russen, wechselt die Nation!"
  18. @Atreides o7 Buddy. Since release i am with reds. What could your nation learn from, what we do there is russia? If i see any new player (mostly russian) asking something in chat, immediately tell him in private chat to join a clan: There, i say, everything will be answered. In this chat i encourage players to install discord, teamspeak and never play this game alone. I try to stay in touch with major russian clans, to see, if they are still active, newcommer friendly. I also ask people, how is it there, where i suggested them to go. I think i put 30 players since then in clans, and its nothing what captain reserve is doing with his stream and anolytic is doing with all the other things. I hope britain will be strong again! o7
  19. What pressure? I see people, who came to have some fun
  20. Can we please apreciate this amazing new word Pfrigate!
  21. Check out naval action map, a tool everyone use in NA: https://na-map.netlify.com - Top right in map tools - make journey you can set up the beginning wind and your ship type with woods. - Then you double click on your current positon - Then you double click on the position you want to go. - you can see the estimated travel time and from where the wind will come on the tip of the arrow - make another double click for another position you want to go afterwards - If you want to restart the process, press F5
  22. +1
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