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Everything posted by maturin

  1. I recommend dueling someone from OCEAN, and we will see which method is better.
  2. Remove the longitude only, and chronometers as an extremely expensive item to bring them back. Perks can provide longitude, but only to the largest grid square.
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  3. Chain shot is far more effective at destroying sails and rigging at short range. There is one period book that recommends using chain shot in lighter wind conditions, and round shot in gustier winds because a small hole may split a sail in two. I think you're in a bit of a moral panic about mast sniping. The NA tournament proved that the best way to dismast is a perfectly-timed raking broadside. Ain't no one got time for 14 carefully aimed shots when the enemy can yaw at any time to dodge them. DPS goes to pot that way.
  4. Yes, and you are mistaken in your preconceptions. Are we going to go around in circles again? Entire fleets fired roundshot at masts (and sails and spars and rigging). "Sniping" is your word, and I'm not sure what you are imagining when you talk about sniping and 'dominant tactics.'
  5. So it's just the numbers on the compass switching polarity? Just magnetic fields playing tricks on you, nothing to see here...
  6. They returned to port between battles, just like most players.
  7. That's what the devs assumed. Then the "testers" trashed the game's reviews because they got their panties in a twist over experiments like fine woods and other features. Testbed is a means of protecting the game from all the wailing infants.
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  8. Black Sails pirates are a damn sight more authentic than NA's nowadays. Even Jack Sparrow is allowed to capture ships.
  9. I think we already established that.
  10. The venture capitalist doesn't get crap if a venture (e.g. Tesla) fails. The bank that lent the money to fund a new product or service can get stuck with the bill after bankruptcy. If you're really married to this 'videogames as heavy industry' analogy, I have some Certified Curmudgeon stickers I can mail to you. The word 'Vaporware' is a value judgement. Do you really think GameLabs can't deliver a pack of ships? It's the content they're proven to be best at. If you apply 'Vaporware' to everything that isn't finished, created or delivered yet, you're just uncomfortable with 75% of American economic activity. Not sure what you mean. Can you link a picture of "rah" sails?
  11. Vehicle = game with more ships than promised Power windows = extra ships (Both are worthless without the base product) Most new products never see the light of day without an investor or a loan taken out by the business. Kickstarter replaces this part of the process. But I know. Hipsters/millenials = bad
  12. Really? Gee, I think I'll go out and buy some power windows separately from the Jeep I don't own. Nothing gets made without someone coughing up money in advance.
  13. Are you just ranting about Kickstarter and hipsters in general? Because the game's lineup of ships is essentially finished. There are already far more ships than were initially promised, and Kickstarters are not supposed to 'finish' the lineup. They are extras. You work in the automotive industry, so you have probably noticed that if you want accessories in a car, you pay extra for them. By NA's standards, your industry is the worst offender.
  14. But are those the lowest and the highest prices, respectively? And are there multiple contracts in play?
  15. Victory sailed to the Caribbean in pursuit of the French fleet before Trafalgar.
  16. Before Early Access and RvR. Plenty of people only give feedback that provides them with an in-game advantage now. Test to Win.
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  17. They did that. The result was a flood of negative reviews. In case you haven't noticed, there isn't anything like a 'testing community,' and hasn't been for months.
  18. How to make smuggling risky? Restrict smugglers to entering ports (friendly of enemy) at nighttime only. You will be vulnerable hanging around outside waiting for nightfall, unless you time your trip just right.
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  19. In places like the Windward Passage or the north coast of Cuba/Hispaniola, there will always be enough population for revenge fleets. Or anywhere there's RvR going on. It's a Catch 22. If you want to PvP without spending 8 hrs searching, you need to hunt where the players are. God help you if you attack someone in a clan.
  20. Yeah, that's some damn good fan service.
  21. So remove capture of 4th Rates and up. Let's haggle.
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  22. Gee, I'm so glad we killed all sense of fun in OW hunting to prevent inflation. Looks like it worked great. /sarcasm
  23. Which is why the ability to log off is the best option. Then it's only a safety net if you're willing to stop being the badass gank pirate for a while and go hide instead. Inability to log off is a massive deterrent against engaging in any multi-ship fight within 100 miles of an enemy port. This 'enemy waters' talk is bunk. People can and will come from half the map away to take down a high value couple of ships. La Tortue to San Juan is nothing.
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