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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. I hate ikea.
  2. that's why you watch the videos :-). Pirates lost Jeremie, won bimini.
  3. Bimini Shallow battle. 24 Pirates vs 25 US. Pirate Win Good fight overall. We triggered the fight to get all of our newer guys some experience, VSCO had a good 5 or so that had never done a live PB before. Decent wind to join, the US let us cap the 2 circles as we drew the brawl away from the middle circle as we capped and secured it. McMannis and Myself led the fight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj397yZvm0Y
  4. I'd prefer to see some sort of sliding scale and more 4th and shallow water ports overall. Smaller clans should be able to hold "minor" ports solo and then should be able to hold "major" ports with help from allies. There are way too many lineship ports in the game for this population. For example: Each region is 5 ports. 1 lineship, 2 4ths, 2 shallow. Lineship port is a mandatory 25v25, only the clan that OWNS the port and the clan that is ATTACKING can use 1st rates. Allies can use the other lineships. 4th rate ports can be flexed between 15 players and 25, the defender sets the amount. Shallow water ports same thing, flexed between 10 and 25. This would allow smaller clans to compete, but still not monopolize the larger ports. This game is in terrible need of variety and streamlining, mixing up the battles will help.
  5. Travel ban is initiated.
  6. In light of recent terrorist activities in and around the Cartagena area, VSCO feels it is only appropriate to close off access to their highly productive and profitable port. VSCO appointed Governor of the city, SKMARSH has decreed that a wooden wall will be created from the wreckage of ARMED, CKA and GA ships. Access to the port will be limited to Pirate nation members until governor SKMARSH deems appropriate and the hostilities of the angry mob around Carta die down. Many thanks to the valiant defenders of the assorted pirate clans BLACK, BLOOD, REV and HYDRA for beating back the insurgency. PIRATES FIRST!. "Cartagena is now closed" - SKMARSH, VSCO Governor of Cartagena, Protector of the Wooden Wall, Breaker of GA's Ships, The Unashamed, The Keeper of Capt Hardy's Pride.
  7. Pitt and myself bumped uglies by the shore and then bounced off each other and did 180s. Sounds like top level coding if you ask me. Good fight to our nutty aussie friends in ARMED both before, during and after the PB. Props to CKA for coming out.
  8. We did our part in fighting the US, unfortunately the rest of Britain was too pusscake. GB and US need practice fighting similar opponents in port battles and refuse to fight the only kid on the block at their level......and they'll never get better because of it.
  9. i did suggest that the Brits do this. Falls on deaf ears
  10. If this makes the game less nation based and more clan based, YES. I'd love to see a system where if you want more of a PVE/Casual focus to the game, you join one of the big 3 (historically) nations in the Caribbean. GB, France, Spain. This will provide players with safe zones to grind level and build basic ships. These nations cannot ally with other nations, but employ letters of marque as mercenaries to help fight for the cause. The more hardcore players will join the smaller nations and become mercenary companies to one of the big 3 or try and strike it out on their own and create their own territory. This would provide security and the casual game to the "carebear" crowd and still give the Hardcore RVR folks something to do while fighting over the scraps left behind by the central powers. Then of course you have the pirates, who aren't a nation and simply act as reavers 100% of the time.
  11. We were explicably told by Fortunatus before we moved over and again in multiple meetings after we moved that we would receive support in the Gulf. He is GA. We even have a recording of it somewhere. You later backtracked that he didn't have the authority to make that decision or whatever bullshit you always do. You showed up to help Gasparilla hostility and then you started a feud in nation chat against Woody and Pongo's guys because you bailed on them in battle. No show Hardy! You were not misled with out intentions in the gulf. Typical GA move, once the fighting starts you Go Away. I wonder if we'll actually see you leave your ports now that we're pirate?
  12. ^^^ This Going Spain was floated as an idea, but there just isn't enough players to actually do RVR. I was in talks with Teutonic before the wipePirates and the US can field 25man fleets in out time zone, VCO cannot alone. I was out of commission for almost 2 weeks at the start of this wipe due to the hurricane and we probably would of gone Spain if I was around. We don't like to primarily do RVR and if you've been on global the last couple weeks...you've seen our exploits sinking the shit out of the US and CKA. We'll pretty much do whatever provides the most content and a mix of RVR and PVP is what you have to do in order to stay busy on global (as well as mindless PVE). If you want to stay busy on global, you need to create your own content by whatever means and not ally up with the largest nation of players.
  13. Pirate was going to be our original choice on global, but a nameless member of ours (cough @Aventador cough) wasn't a fan of the "flag" so we just gave in and stayed US. After it was determined the US was too far away and wasn't ever gonna get it's shit together (still hasn't), we decided to move to brits. Before we moved Brit, we were assured by various clans that we would get support in our timezone AND help fighting the US to take back the gulf and get marks. Again, we were told by clans like GA that we would get support fighting the US. We didn't, the tune immediately changed once it was determined we'd have to fight for ports. One clan consistently helped us out, ARMED. Our timezone differences limited what we could do together however. In our time with the Brits we were consistently called spies by players who were upset that they weren't the "top dogs", constantly told to leave in GB chat and just overall distrusted despite being the main RVR force that showed and lost ships to the pirates. The only successful full 25 on 25 attack that GB won before this most recent wipe was orchestrated and run by TF/VCO. Anyway this is a rant. We're pirate now, which is what we should of gone from the very start. We tried to be helpful over in GB and got nothing but bitter comments in nation from players who do zero to participate in the RVR scene. We've gotten more support in the few days we've been pirate from the various clans here than we did in the 3+ months as brit. Oddly enough the pirates seem to work much better as a nation than the actual nations on global, which is why they always win.
  14. yuppp
  15. If there were proper clan wars we would still be GB.
  16. There aren't enough people to sail in the 8 nations we already have......so lets add in a couple more. Sounds amazing... If this isn't a cash grab to sell more copies before the game flatlines completely, I dunno what is. 12 Nations, 3 Severs....1000 players. No raids, no clan wars, no new pirate mechanics.......Nothing to do.
  17. Sounds like you guys should be flipping Dane ports if you’re looking for PBs during the week. That might get you some content. Betcha if you flip Santa Domingo you’ll get a fun fight The server is too small for alliances or agreements. BLACK should be fighting the Danes. Aussies should be fighting Aussies and the US should be fighting Brits. Anything less than that is doing a disservice to those who call global home.
  18. Even at 500 players the game is still heavily under populated. It’s the classic I got mine, screw you approach. In the end, everyone loses. They just want us to lose first.
  19. Some EU crybabies are the reason we don’t have inter-nation clan wars...along with serveral other things a game of this scope should have. Their own selfishness and lack of big picture thinking is the very reason this game will never be fully realized.
  20. Nah, that MARS ocean we took is all the trophy we’ll ever need. Thanks
  21. Rickard is just salty towards be for some reason I’m not aware of. He is however one of the very few ex 7up members that did stick to their guns and went global, as they said they were going to do, and didn’t run to the Swedes on EU as most of them actually ended up doing. Which always struck me as odd since the Swedes whined their way towards the server split and then the eventual killing of 7up and Jags quitting. So props to him and the small few who pledged going to global and followed through. hes still salty tho
  22. Cool. I’m only gonna count 2 moves. Back over to EU with you amigo, you shouldn’t even be posting outside of your timer restrictions.
  23. If we’re counting EU where I played for a day, sure. Ironically that PB was my first 2 hours as pirate....I was over there just to help LV out. If dear Rickard isn’t counting the swap back after the wipe, I’m not counting being pirate for a day :-). As for where myself and the clan actually play, this is OUR 2nd nation change, which is less than some of the folks you and Rickard sail with, so I fail to see the point in criticism or your narrative.....but then again you were always a bit petty. I love the stink it causes when global guys play on EU threads, but it’s ok when they come over here and post useless crap it seems.
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