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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. Clan based alliance thing that rediii and myself are talking about would fix this. The point I was trying to make here though is that while you and hethwill have done some good work in Prussia with your little privateer group, All it takes is 5-6 of you to not be on for a couple days and there goes your RVR fleet. Same goes for Russia and Poland. Op
  2. A clan based alliance system would be 10x better for this game than the current nation models. If people like politics and intrigue, they should check out the politics between alliances in EVE or Albion.
  3. Game is diluted with so many factions. I’m sure rediii can recall how many fights we would have daily/weekly in the old western vs eastern alliance days with less average players than we have now. RVR has slowed down considerably since then. Most of it has to do with the removal of the alliances (which is good btw), but some of it is that we have too many nations and not enough players to stock them
  4. It just boils down to the fact that we have too many nations and not enough players. If one clan were to leave any nation that isn’t GB, it basically crippled that nation. If XOXO leaves Prussia, its back to being a dead nation. P
  5. Now I was specific in my request. Note the lack of edits. Seawolf did not include the lines. While the money is inconsequential, special requests should be listed somewhere.
  6. and here we go again......2 nations that have similar skill levels and interests in the bahamas, buddying up. Instead of fighting each other and potentially growing an RVR fleet, they will continue their trend in stupidity and get rolled by higher skilled fleets....or simply not show up. It's disappointing to see the global brits and US make the same mistakes over and over again.
  7. Who do you think would do a worse job. Lionshaft or Trump?
  8. I'm fairly certain that if the new nations were removed, RVR would be extremely more vibrant than it is now. I like being Russia, but it's inclusion into the game was stupid (along with Poland and Prussia). This of course would not be an issue if we had 1500/2000 people, but we don't. I wish we would drop the nations idea and go with a clan/alliance based one. Similar to how most open world MMOs operate. Clans join an alliance, that alliance takes the place of nations.
  9. Counter bounty on Hachi. 1 mil. Must type in chat window "Christendom sends his regards"
  10. but but hachi....I thought we were buds.
  11. he means that when you are crafting ships, you select the upgrades then and there. For example you craft a surprise with copper plating, speed trim and reinforced masts. It has those for life, no changing.
  12. I actually didn't mind the fine woods, it would of been better if LO was in more than 2 regions on the map. Ya know like it is historically. Even the change to when compass wood was useful was fine too.
  13. The regional bonuses always struck me as a good idea that was poorly executed. Perhaps create item specific needs into the region types that can only be found in various areas. For example strong hull requires Southern Live oak, Cuban Whatever, Bermuda white oak or Panama Whatever. You get the idea. You don’t need to hold those regions to create the ships, but needing items from there makes them more vital. Lets be honest, most of the map excluding Carta is useless. We need to create reasons for traders and player to be out of the safe zones. This is a good way
  14. Just kiss and get it over with
  15. I'm not complaining sweden does it. I'm just tired of every fight, RVR or just regular PVP being a demast fest.
  16. If you watch throughout the video I'm taking multiple broadsides consistently and giving them out, not much in the way of damage on the sides. I'm gonna assume the swedes were in a similar double thickness mod ship as I was. It's stupid. I roll board fit because sinking another 1st is far more difficult. There is even a point in there that I think I land an entire broadside on a wasa and it basically does nothing. While the leeway and variable wind was an interesting addition to the game, it wasn't needed. What is needed is a balance to the wasa and a nerf or removal of thickness mods. The BR balance is long overdue and much needed. The wind changing 6x in 30mins is not. Quite frankly I really dislike the current system of seemingly magical mods that don't really have any real world relevance. British gunners on a French ship? I can almost buy the navy refits, but I still dislike them. I much prefer the old system where you crafted all the mods you wanted on the ship. @admin has stated multiple times that he wants losing a ship mean something, but then introduces a PVP mark system where you HAVE to sink the ships to get your hands on the most OP ship in the game and mods that help you compete. It's honestly the dumbest hello kittying system I've ever seen. I miss the PBs we used to have in the Western Alliance vs Eastern Alliance. Ships were expendable but the battles were more intense and far more interesting. It's now turned into a circle jerk of kiting and demasting. I'd gladly throw away multiple ships a day in fights if it means I didn't have to just sail around barely doing damage and repair masts for an hour and a half.
  17. Orangjestad was given to the Danes to prevent Russia from taking it at night. The swede clan that owned it hasn't returned and they could not set timers. The same clan owned navasse, nippes and hat island. Try not to pat DNP too hard on the back for being vassals.
  18. I was thinking of that clip when making the post. Excellent movie
  19. Frankly no ships at all should be purchasable with marks, PVP or Combat. Having everything player crafted is better for the economy and the game overall.
  20. because....... You did not tag a ship that was in our battle group. The accusation of being called exploiters was also not appreciated inside the PB. Good old fashioned brit ineptitude is what caused the screenshot above. Why would we have an endymion in a PB fleet? He was just a screener. Our battlegroup. https://gyazo.com/7ba20b1cf56a2f768460d3050a69926c @Grundgemunkey should worry less about accusing folks unfairly about exploiting and worry more about not getting trapped against land and killed by mortar brigs. Props dude. https://gyazo.com/e29ea5e4ec43092f03610778e645bee6
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