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Everything posted by Liq

  1. I've had lots of equalish fights in the open world. In fact I think most of my battles in this game were small Frigate battles such as 1v1 2v2 etc. in french waters. Not really supporting the idea of making all battles open to join until they're over, this would ruin the gameexperience for most solo/small group players. We will, however, have to be way more careful now where to engage those little battles, as hostile waters will most likely not be a good place to hunt anymore, due to the removal of the endresult screen. As I mentionned in my main post, this hurts the solo player, but was needed to prevent the stupid 5v1 etc ganks right outside a nations capital without the nation being attacked able to do anything. Also, marking the battles on the map for anyone to see, and showing the BR, I dont really know. Basically this would just show anyone where to grab easy kills and what ships they need to take to do so, as they can see the BR. I've always been a fan of signaling perk too, maybe tweak it a little bit so the defending side can bring in +15% ish BR than the attacking side or something. But for some reason it looks like the majority does not support that.
  2. I've got a 1070 myself, getting 90-110 fps in small battles such as frigate duels or 2v2 or something similar. however, in 25v25 port battles, I have to lower the graphics to get decent fps (40-60 fps on medium graphics). A 1060 should be fine tho
  3. Here's my problem. "extreme" ganking, such as attacking a lone ship in a group of 5, yes that should very much be punished in my opinion, especially if it's in national friendly waters. However, "fair" battles should not be punished. But where to draw the line? Here lays the problem. A bit above I suggested for battles where the attacking side has less or equal BR as the side being attacked, there to be a battleresult screen. if the attackes have more BR, there should be none. But with that there come a few additional problems. Equal BR isn't always equal chances. Also I dont think there is actually a way to implement that.
  4. Actually, at this point, I don't do any RvR anymore, nada, only solo/small group pvping. But I realized we, the solo players, had to take a hit (removal of battle result screen) in order for there to be no more silly ganking 5v1 etc right outside a nation's capital. In my opinion port battles have to be treatened differently, because they're something totally different. 25v25, the side with better tactics / battle idea wins. No ganking involved whatsoever. IMO you shouldn't punish a loss with ultimately losing the ship (as it would result in with there not being anymore battleresult screen). The effect on players morale will be MASSIVE and and attacks would barely happen anymore (just a guess.)
  5. I can see your point Another suggestion: Battleresultscreen stays, IF the attacking side has less or equal BR as the side getting attacked. As soon as the attacking side has more BR than their targets, there won't be any battleresultscreen. Not always the BR actually matches the 'equality' for that suggestion, as for examlpe two experienced connies could easily take out a Victory
  6. This was also the time of conquest flags. PBs could happen spontaneously, you had to be very careful when to use your tp. Now, PBs have a preperation time of 46 hours. that's plenty of time for the defenders to prepare themselves. And as I said, with the removal of tp to freeports, you'll have to sail there. In this case the defenders will, most likely, have the upper hand, since they'll have more 'casual' players. In the attacking fleet, you mostly only see the 'hardcore' guys.
  7. As far as I know devs wanted TP between national ports to stay, or am I mistaken?
  8. In the british faction, PB participants (both screening and the actual PB fleet) varied heavily. On the day the Eastern-Alliance dropped their hepta-hostility-bomb (7 PBs at once, of which 6 were versus the western alliance), we managed to fill every single portbattle with 25 players. That's 150 players alone in the port battles on our side. Screening was also playing a big role on that day. However, attacking a port, you will never have nearly as many players. I think that's simply due to human nature. Defending something important is valued more than attacking something (equal important for the enemy). Point being: The attackers screeningfleet will most likely never even get close to match the defenders screening fleet, in most occasions at least. Reinforcement for the defenders is closer, since you can't teleport to free ports anymore and literally have to sail to the Port Battle, which average joe player won't do. Any surviving attacker ship of a port battle will most likely not see a home port again with the changes being made.
  9. Yes, sorry, my bad. Was thinking of an unsuccessful port attack. The assault fleet would simply have no way to retreat other than having to surrender. Would you think a lost port battle attack SHOULD result in also losing all the ships? Or should there be some way of trying to retreat? Because with the changes being made, there won't be any. And also: I think you're missing my point. After an unsuccesful PB attack, the defenders will most likely do everything to trap the remaining attackers (given they are heavily damaged and outnumbered already), in order to capture them. So a loss will not just be a loss. It will be a totall loss, totally destroying any left-over morale for the attackes, and as a consequence PBs will become a rarity.
  10. The devs seem to be very clear on their opinion regarding Teleports. "They harm the game because noone actually sails the open world, hence noone is a target to anyone, so no PvP can happen". I've collected a few thoughts regarding TPs / no TPs and the problems coming with it. [edited, changed my opinion, patch prove it didnt work] Where it will not work, in my opinion, are Port Battles. After a Port Battle attack, the assault fleet must leave to open world, where more than likely a welcoming fleet will be waiting for them. Even IF the fleet manages to score another win on that fleet, the ritual just repeats itself. Wave after wave the fleet will get attacked, and eventuall will run out of repairs / rum to cover their losses and has to surrender. There is literally no escape, they must sail back into port from enemy waters. I highly doubt any fleet will be willing to fight such a neverending battle series which will result in them having to surrender eventually. I think the battle result screen, for port battles, has to remain. (for those saying *duh you attacked an enemy port, live with the consequences* ... Think again. Port battles will be a thing of the past, Noone will be willing to fight those massive waves of battles after a port battle, hence no PBs will happen.) No more teleports to freeport In general I am a supporter of banning instant TPs on command. You shouldn't be able to instantly teleport to a freeport simply because someone in your nation called out a hostile fleet. This is a good way of reducing active ganking. However, I think it should be possible to teleport to a freeport, if you planned it a few hours ahead. My suggestion is to start a cooldown of maybe 90-120min, and after it finished, you have a small window of 1-2 minutes to carry out the teleport. Also add a 4h cooldown until you can start the next 'TP-in-future' cooldown. This would massively reduce the time of afk sailing required, without promoting ganking. Some might say now that any TPs to freeports are a bad thing because of ganking near capitals. But, always consider the fact that the battleresultscreen is a thing of the past. Everyone will (or should) think twice if they want to attack someone in enemy waters. Revenge fleets in hostile waters are, in my opinion, to be considered as normal. Teleports between national ports Personally, I think the devs change of not limiting teleports between national ports is good. The area hold by a nation should also be in their control, so if an enemy fleet enters hostile water, they have to keep that in mind. If you reduced national TPs to one per 4 hours, that could result in many bad situations. On the one hand ganking in enemy waters would be easier (once again) since only the part of players currently in the area or those willing to 'waste' their TP could help. National waters should be considered as dangerous for any enemy and any battle initiated should be thought about twice. Please let me know what you think and post your opinions.
  11. I think not being able to capture npc bots ships is fine, as long as they're just random ai fleets in the open world or missions. But a player's fleet should be captrurable to avoid any exploits such as taking valuable ships into fleet so the enemy cannot capture them. For the pvp server at least.
  12. I think it shouldn't be impossible to teleport to freeports. But it should also not be possible to teleport on command, and TP as soon as you read "teleport to La Navasse, Swedish are leaving for Jamaica". How about a 'teleport-in-the-near-future' feature? Start a 1h or 90min cooldown or whatever, and after the cooldown finished, you got a small window (maybe a minute or two) to carry out the teleport. This would disable any "ganks-on-command". Also add a 4h cooldown until you can start the next tp-in-future cooldown.
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  13. Deswegen ist google translater scheisse. elaborate heisst in diesem kontext so viel wie "etwas näher erklären" also mehr details geben.
  14. Not a fan of this. Example: Player A engages player B. They have a nice battle, equal chances. Player A wins and takes his price. But: As soon as the battle started, Player B called for help in nation chat. Player C + D make their way to the location of the battle to wait for player A, as he must leave the battle once it's over. After that, player C+D take on player A. I think it's not needed to explain why OW PvP, as it is, is most likely going to get shut down with that change. Revenge fleets will have it extremely easy now. IMO you should go back to the invisible timer (for a minute or two). Just waiting on a spot for someone to pop out of a battle just does not seem right to me. (yes can i have a t-shirt please)
  15. Wie gesagt der PvE server bleibt bestehen, für mindestens 18-24 Monate nach Release (wann immer der ist, ich rechne mit nem Jahr mindestens bis release) Also eine ordentliche Weile. Wirst für 2-3 Jahre also noch dort spielen können Was danach kommt, weiss noch keiner.
  16. Laut Devs wird der PvE Server noch "Mindestens 18-24 Monate nach Spielrelease" (also nicht der Wipe) existieren. Danach werden sie sich wieder ums "Problem" kümmern und suchen eine Lösung.
  17. Will never be fixed I'm afraid Some people own several alts, know a few that own 5+, which could all be farmed every hour. IMO it needs to be made VERY clear to everyone that alt abuse, if caught, has serious consequences.
  18. Regarding outlaw battles: Had a nice outlaw battle today, lasted for nearly the full time. I repaired 6 times in total, left the battle with almost full HP, even though I was nearly sunk 5 times. Still think repair cooldowns need to be increased to at least 15 minutes. After the battle was over, I received 196k gold, 2842 XP aswell as 7 pvp marks (for an outlaw battle). I thought those were supposed to be non profitable? I sent an f11-report ingame just in case. Also, in that battle, a constitution surrendered, yet someone got the kill award for it. Wasn't the idea that if a ship surrenders or gets captured, the ship itself is supposed to be the prize, and no kill rewards are given out?
  19. I like that change of cargo hold affecting speed. No more silly indiamans outrunning anything downwind :o) Instead they'll have to get escorts now. good change imo.
  20. Not realistic at all, I know, but just an idea. A few years ago I used to play a comic shooter. You could choose between classes, and each class had its abilities. The 'soldier' had an ability called 'burning bullets', so once activated, any enemy target you hit got set on fire for a short while and took some damage over time. Wouldn't it be cool to have some sort of burning cannonballs, which might no set the ship instantly on fire, but drastically increase the chance of a fire? Would have to limit the amount of 'fireballs' per battle of course, and the reload should be significantly higher. Pretty Arcadey I know, but might be fun Edit: Sella posted it below, basically Heated shots, but since they needed a furnace to work (makes sense), they were mainly used in and around forts. So scratch my idea.
  21. Oooor he could, as he has an outpost in navasse in your scenario, grab a combat ship and call for someone in the area to help him defeat those evil pyrates!
  22. you cant teleport from nation port to free port nor from free port to nation port.
  23. Liq

    combat music

    I started a playlist on youtube where I put together a few tracks for battle situations. However it's getting a bit repetetive :o) If you have any suggestions, please post them below. The more the merrier. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8kShKRMG18LSlmfWE_v0JXyR-jJ3kWNX
  24. For obvious reasons :o)
  25. I agree. Even if it takes a lot longer to get something done, that doesn't mean you're supposed to get everything done in 1 go, aka in 1 day. New players most likely won't have the goal to obtain millions in their first few hours of gameplay, as some of us do. We know the game, know how everything works. Try to look at it from the eyes of a newb. When I first started this game, I had no clue of the age of sail whatsoever. I knew the basic geography and kind of had an idea of how the economic system was supposed to work. But when it came to game mechanics, how to actually shoot, sail, etc. properly, I had literally no idea. So my guess is, a new player will first slowly get into the game by running the first missions in his cutter, get the hang of battles, ask around what ship would be best to get next and work his way towards it and eventually might want to get into PvP.
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