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Everything posted by Liq

  1. I think it's meant to be an exponentioal curve, so in order to tag 1 1st rate, you dont need 1 1st rate. But to tag 25 1st rates, you will need 25 1st rates. So afaik small ships can still tag a few lone, big ships also, I'm not german lol
  2. So you will remove Global Chat due to the toxicity.. But at the same time bring back pirate free-for-all, while the participants are able to chat through the same nation chat.. I can see where this is going. Half the pirate players does not think attacking other pirates is a good thing, the other half does. There will be a shitton of salt in the national pirate chat. Not quite sure how to counter it. But I feel like the 'toxicity' level will be a lot higher than the occasional salt in global chat. I think there should be a big, clear message on when someone creates a character choosing pirate, saying there will be Free-For-All and the possibility for him to get completely wrecked by players of his own nation. After all, everyone should know that and takes that risk on his own.
  3. Sure, but personally, when I take out a ship for some action, I usually know what I am able to outrun and what not. Getting kicked out to open world where the enemy has profited from the insane OW speed boost, you will not outrun anything if you get caught by a fast tagging ship that's not even wanting to battle but just wants to grief you / lock you in battle instance so you will get wrecked outside on the OW.
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  4. That's disgusting to read
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  5. I think national waters will be a lot more safe now, because of the fact you cannot logout after a battle anymore and have to expect a revenge fleet. But I also think, because the action will move away from national waters, the action will move to more neutral areas, such as the area between jamaica / Haiti / Cuba. From now on it will always be the side having numbers/size/cannon count advantage to be victorious, not caring wheter they would have been able to catch their targets, as long as they got a few dedicated taggers to trap the enemies.
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  6. I think you're missing my point Think of the following scenario: A group of four 3rd rates, together with one or two rattlesnakes, sail around, looking for trouble. They run into a hostile Constituion. Now, the Constitution would be easily able to outrun the 3rd rates, but not the rattlesnakes. However, the Rattlers can now simply pursue the Connie and tag it so they get into a battle instance. Inside the battle, the Rattlesnakes have absolutely no intention of fighting the Constitution, because, as you said, their job is to be fast and trap ships. So they would just escape in the battle instance. Meanwhile, outside, the main fleet, the 3rd rates, had plenty of time to spread around the battle, due to the boosted OW speed compared to the instance speed. After the Rattlesnakes in the battle escaped, they will just have to wait 15 minutes at tops for the Connie to get kicked out to OW. In this case the connie will also not get any invisibility timer, as it had more BR than the Rattlesnakes. Don't see that working with the boosted OW speed, ever. Endresult screen was fine.
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  7. They would not care (for the first tag) because they know, the enemy must leave the battle instance, and outside their friends are already waiting, well spread out, so they can take on the target together. The first tag is just to trap the target in battle, think of it as a cage
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  8. Nice, but this still doesnt fix the griefing of the case wehre a group consisting of heavy ships and additionally a few fast tagger ships trap their prey in battle, without any intention to fight them, just so the heavy ships outside can catch up due to the boosted OW speed. In this case,the tagging ships would just tag the target, then escape. The opposite side would not get an invisibilty timer, because it has more BR.
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  9. Naja die neuen Hölzer werden dann vermutlich von Spieler-Händlern zu den Orten gebracht werden, wo sie auch gebracht werden. Besser als die ganzen sinnlosen Trading Ressourcen (z.b. Madagascar jewels und all der Kram) welche bisher von den Händlern für horrende Profite hin und her geschippert wurden, ohne dass diese einen Einfluss auf die Economy hatten. Haben nur die Handelskapazitäten aufgefressen, ohne wirklich einen Unterschied aufs Ganze bezogen zu machen. Ich glaube, es wäre vom Nationen Balancing, wenn die neuen Hölzer zusammen mit den alten durch Gebäude farmbar wären, zu Problemen gekommen. Vor allem dadurch, dass die ganze Diplomatie, sprich Allianzen, erstmal ausgesetzt werden und so viele (die meisten?) Nationen keinen Zugang zu z.b. Live Oak mehr hätten, da dies ja nur am Golf von Mexiko und Florida wächst.
  10. There is a seperate arena game coming for instant battles without any OW / RvR elements.
  11. Im guessing he's refering to the fine woods gate
  12. thats what I meant by 'hull damage got buffed', as in you damage the hull more easily, sink ships more easily ^^
  13. As far as i've noticed, hull damage seems to have received a buff, not noticed anything yet regarding demasting. I personally dont think it will be possible to fully commit to demasting anymore, as hull damage got buffed, and the enemy being able to repair masts every 10 mins.
  14. While on the topic regarding fleets... @admin any plans on restricting combat ships as fleets to traders only? Having AI support now in your fleet, combined with all the changes being made, on a pvp server, seems a bit odd. @PG Monkey had a good idea on how to deal with the issue of then capturing other players, what would happen with the ship, here.
  15. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts
  16. Sounds good to me, but I think it is also needed to standardize and tweak the signaling perk, so that the defending side can get ships in the battle to help out, because, lets face it: Those silly ganks such as 5 players taking on 1 player right outside a nations capital without them being able to do something need to stop.
  17. Liq

    Xp bug

    Sorry to disturb, but would it be possible to ask how much XP one has earned since the start? I've asked for a way of finding that data by oneself but didn't have any success. I'm a geek and like data
  18. "to make a break for it" as in 2 minutes, so you could log off? The revenge fleet outside could simply spread out (as explained in the original post) so an invulnerability timer of 1 minute ish will not obtain anything. A big fleet consisting of mainly tanks having a lot of firepower, which would usually never be able to catch anything in the open world, will just need a few small ships, like 1-2 rattlesnakes, to trap their prey in a battle, which then lets the main fleet move to the battle (since OW speed is way higher than speeds in instances) and wait for their prey. This is poor gameplay design in my opinion. If you outran something in the open world, you should not be forced back to it where you are being awaited on.
  19. I think that's what it should do, according to devs
  20. This way of thinking and approaching the game forced the devs to remove the result screen.
  21. Difference is, in that situation, the President was facing the squadron, and not only one of them. If the situation was different, aka the USS president only facing one, it wouldn't have been able to call for help through any means. Ingame you can just call for help in chat, and incoming help can cover a very long distance quite quickly. (OW speed vs instance speed).
  22. So where is the difference to teleporting to port from battleresult screen? Still teleporting involved. Got a point there.
  23. The upcoming change regarding the removal of any endresult screen after battles is, in my opinion, the biggest change made for quite a while. It will completely change the way we have to think about battles, when to engage someone, etc. I might just be too narrowminded to see how that change could work in the future, I geuss we'll have to test it. However, I've got a few concerns and collected alternatives to the removal of the endresult screen, since, as I said, that would change the gameplay and possibly harm the game experience for lots of players. First, let me explain why I think the removal of a 'safe' position after a battle is not a good idea. @admin explained the effect the open world with its fast travel has on battles in a post of december last year. Now, with the changes being made, you will get kicked out back to open world after any and might present yourself as an easy target. Around a nation's capital that's supposedly something good, as that area should be safe. However, it will most likely not only affect the waters around a nation's capital. 90 minutes battletime (lets say 60 minutes, the length of an average battle), is still more than enough time to cover a very big distance in the open world. At this point, the side having more friends will 'win' after the battle. I also see the upcoming changes to, in some extent, promote ganking. Let me explain: A group of a few heavy Lineships or heavy Frigates is cruising around. But they also have a few super fast ships whose aim is to simply trap someone in battle and not actually fight him. Let's make an example: A group of 4 3rd rates and two fast Rattlesnakes meets a lone Constituion. Now, the most logical thing to do is to send in the rattlesnakes to tag the Constitution, since the 3rd rates most likely are not going to keep up with the Constitution. Inside the battle, the two Rattlesnakes have absolutely no interest in engaging the Constitution. They escape, knowing that after 15 minutes the Connie will automatically get kicked out to open world, where the Rattlesnakes buddies, the 4 3rd rates, are already spread out to catch the Connie. I tried to illustrate the situation using my awesome Gimp skills (lol). Removing the battle result screen will result in numbers always being the winning side, not caring wheter the heavy ships could actually catch up with the opponent side or not, as long as they got some super fast taggers. This is a very severe issue. Suggestions In another thread, where we collected a few thoughts regarding teleports in general (here), a few suggestions regarding alternatives to the removal of the battleresultscreen were made. Here are a few of them. If you have any more, please post them below. 1) Standardize Signaling Perk (and / or tweak it) The easiest fix to this issue would be to standardize the Signaling perk. Personally, I've always thought of Signaling with its current mechanics to be the best RoE. This would mean that any battles where the attacking side has more BR than the side being attacked are open to join for the defenders. Maybe even tweak it so that the side being attacked gets a bonus of 15-20% additional BR that can join the battle. 2) Endresultscreen depending on the battle Another suggestion is to allow a battle result screen if the attacking side has less or equal BR than their targets. This should prevent any major ganking in big numbers in hostile waters. However, this would still not fix the situation for the case I posted above (4 3rd rates with their two rattlesnakes attacking a connie). 3) Allow a teleport after the 3rd consecutive battle A ship escaping a battle would get kicked back to open world just to find the next targets to deal with. This could happen over and over again, as happened to @Jeheil before (explained here). He got pulled into combat 6 times in a row, and he felt like being griefed, as he knew it was just wasting time. Maybe, after a certain amount of escaping in battle and having proved to having escaped, there should be a possibility to also escape from any danger from the Open World, as in a teleport back to port. After all, this is a game, and at some point Life has a few words to say (you know, the world outside of videogames.. friends and all that). Wasting hours where nothing is being achieved by anyone is not doing any good. 4) Invisibility / Invulnerability timer (suggested by @Powderhorn below) Add an invisibility and/or invulnerability timer after a battle so players are given a chance to escape from a revenge fleet. They could still spread out though. 5) Embed tow function to battle instance (suggested by @The Red Duke below) Embed the tow-to-nearest-port feature to the battle instance, so you could teleport to port from battle once every 3 hours. Saves Port Battle fleets and good for calling it a night in general. I just feel like removing the battle result screen will hurt the gameplay a lot. Please share your opinions.
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