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Everything posted by Liq

  1. the real question is how did that player endymion manage to get captured by an npc indiaman
  2. Has to do with the new steam library UI Had the same issue and fixed it with this tutorial
  3. same
  4. had it happening a few times too, mostly when side to side touching each other as in the situation above is there over-pen in this game?
  5. what does pve port battles on pve server have to do with "being mixed with pvp'ers"? Pve server has its right to exist, no doubt about that
  6. pretty sure i've read a few opinions, yes and no, have not seen the fight of remedios I'm not saying that I'm a fan of pve port battles. Just saying they were asked for by the pve server, and now we got them all, yay
  7. But im a bit confused, didnt the pve server players always want pve port battles? Now that they got them, they complain because they could lose them?
  8. Did some nassau pz in cheap ships, 6 kills granted me a total of about 8k dubs
  9. my experience so far
  10. Loki rune should be a "duel" ticket - duel room was removed because it was feared that it would drag away players from the OW.. Now if you could duel once or twice a day, by using a duel ticket aka a loki rune, that shouldnt be too bad. You'd get put in the duel room and then select the ship either by straight up agreeing to one or by having a ban-pick system until 1 ship is left
  11. Lol Pretty sure all of us are either working full time or studying @ uni
  12. @Sir Max Magic Solo Players also have never been able to craft better ships, leave alone join port Battles, if they decided to not cooperate But as far as I know solo players are, by definition of the term, and on their own will, playing solo and therefore not interested in big group acticities / port battles - else they would be part of a clan, right? Also they have always been able to buy stuff they couldnt get themselves for ingame currencies IMHO not every single bit of group content has to get dumbed down to also fit solo players
  13. Id like to see you duel them, if you think they are noobs ))
  14. hehehe, observations have shown though that despite being able to spend millions on upgrades, RDNN seems to be only able to afford basic cutters, and also only gets to sail it when there is a port battle fleet heading out.. ))) So you're selling about 76 millions worth of ships and materials, every single day?
  15. Back when I played more often, those mods were easily replacable and cost like 50-100k each
  16. Wonder why Upgrades have become so ridiculous expensive? 500k + for a single northern carpenter, so you'll have to think twice or thrice before leaving port if you actually want to risk it? You kind of do, because you want to be competetive, right? And I'm not talking about the "elite" upgrades, requiring a book.. This is the situation in San Juan, one of the few ports that spawns Swedish Carpenters, the resource you need to craft a northern carpenter Reason for the silly price being... inflation. This basically limits the access of upgrades to a hand full of players and pushes away newcomers from trying to even enter PvP. How do you fix this?
  17. control perk's purpose was to let ships without bow chasers that are de facto faster than an other vessel catch up to them - Because they were in fact catching up and the other vessel had no option of getting away, except simply despawning after 2 minutes because a cannon ball did not hit his sails once tagging with the sole purpose of keeping someone in battle without engaging him = greifing, was also said by the developpers before
  18. Had a 1x1 in solo PZ, proceeded to completely dismast my opponent but then had one of those random 100% lag outs (ping 15k ms +) (which I somehow only get in Naval Action ???), my ship sailed out of the circle in the two minutes I couldn't control it at all - when I got back in control of the vessel, it was not probable for me to re-reach the circle, but I could still sink the opponent, as his sides were also pretty low.. At least that's what I thought... With a little over two minutes left on the clock, I fired my last volleys into his sides which made him take on water, while still being in a very good shape HP wise myself.. But then at 90 seconds left on the timer - I instantly sunk as if I had been out of the circle for too long... Is the timer just inaccurate or whats up with that? Why have a timer at all if it doesnt even work? Funnily enough my opponent also sank a few seconds later (as he was taking in water quick due to 0 HP), probably because he had also not been expecting this This screenshot probably won't tell much, besides me being surprised (pun intended) Any way to get the ship back?
  19. it produces 1.2k per day but the limit in your case is your labor hours
  20. actually admin somewhere somewhen stated that the one that initiates the battle (aka tags the other player) has to actually fight in it and not just kite so nope, no valid tactic or strategy
  21. @--Privateer--
  22. Intended afaik
  23. So according to the data above, moving it +2 hours would affect more players Whereas moving it -2 hours would affect less Simples
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