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Everything posted by Anolytic

  1. I agree, even though it doesn't happen to me quite that often. I would rather have random fire toggle on a separate button though.
  2. If people want more topics/threads, then they should create them themselves. Nothing is stopping them. In case you mean more forums/subforums, then please don't. Having too many subdivisions of a board is a bad idea. I think the structure of this board is pretty good right now. Possibly a PvP2 forum could be created in the future when activity supports it, but I'm not sure I see that happening.
  3. Same as Intrepido. It would be too OP compared to the other commands.
  4. That is indeed correct. However this time they are not moving or merging servers. It has also been stated that assets kept in ship holds are safe, which was not the case with the server merge. So while I would follow your advice as a precaution, my expectation is that assets in deliveries will be safe unless otherwise should be stated by devs.
  5. No. Server time is GMT+0. Because server time does not follow daylight saving time. It's better to refer to it as UTC. (What would really be best would be if the whole world stopped with this stupid summer and winter time thing)
  6. Also: The second circle will be yuge. (And from what I understand you will get a popup to choose if you want to join or not in case you're within the second circle, but I might be wrong on that)
  7. Think of all the letters next to the names on the map as purely a curiosity. They are only there to indicate what guides the devs had when forming the new map. Now the new map has been published, the letters are inconsequential and purely for the historically interested.
  8. From the title I think he's playing Britain...
  9. We already have pretty much enough PvE content. That said, we are testing an alpha game. The important things to get right now apart from the larger picture conquest mechanics and faction mechanics are the big and tiny alike adjustments to combat. End game content should be added after, and close to release. Probably we will get some surprising new content at release to give veterans as well something new to try out after release. Also, if you read the development schedule something has been added about trade/transport missions, so we might get some of that new content you ask for next patch already.
  10. I think the players that played before release should get some kind of redeemable paint. And the players who played even before the Steam release should get the redeemable yacht again after release. Apart from that everything should be wiped.
  11. Having to grind up the ranks again would force players back into OW who now are just sitting in port crafting or waiting for something to happen because they're all Rear Admirals already. I for one hope that they either wipe the crafting XP, or at least that they change it to a 0-100 rank so that level 50 crafters still keep a head start, but have to rank up a lot before they can craft 1st rates again. And I think there's been talk about changing the labour hours system, but that might've been only before they introduced labour contracts.
  12. I didn't know they added a max width as well. That must've happened recently.
  13. The thing is. A few weeks ago the 150px max rule went from just being written above where you edit your signature to actually being hardcoded along with a 1 image limit. A lot of users, including moderators, still have signatures a lot larger than that. And they won't be able to edit their signature without removing the images they currently have. Like Niels I wanted to put three pictures of max 150 height next to each other in my signature, but I had to edit them together into one picture. (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the current limitations on signatures, just pointing out what is the issue being referred to)
  14. If you're stern raking at 13 knots, then that's your problem, not the quarter second ping.
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  15. Hmm. Seems like an easy loophole to sail an unprotected 1st rate in OW with minimal risk then. But at least I know I didn't loose the prize because of some mistake that I made.
  16. If your stated goal with this topic is spurring discussion, then I'd advise posting this in one of the topics that already exists for discussing pirate mechanics. We've had hundreds. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8329-pirate-mechanics-vote/page-1?hl=pirate Regarding your suggestions, I've read them multiple times before. Limiting pirates from conquest doesn't seem to be what the devs want, and I see no reason to do it either. Pirates should be different, and devs have promised us an overhaul of pirate mechanics, but pirates should still be able to hold ports/regions.
  17. Rather: next time make it a clan tournament, not a team tournament.
  18. I captured a player's Santisima yesterday. When I left to battlescreen the captured ship briefly showed up for a split second, then it disappeared and instead I got a 420k gold admiralty NPC capture reward. 420k is a poor prize for a player crafted Santi and nothing compared to the value of the ship. An F11 report was submitted from the Battlescreen either right before or right after 00.00 server time (midnight yesterday). More details there. (IGN: Tysnes)
  19. Congratulations to the chosen Diplos! It's a shitty job.
  20. What a joke that last match of the round was.
  21. Because nobody cares about your ports. This is what we came for:
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  22. A few historical freetowns will remain anyway. What will become of freetowns in general probably isn't decided. But reducing the number of freetowns significantly will work to concentrate more of the free town PvP in fewer places making PvP easier to find there. However most PvP, should be concentrated on borders between enemy regions to drive conquest. And it will mean both sides will have easy access to the PvP area as they both have ports with outposts at the front. While it also reduces the capital waters ganking.
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