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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I believe Germany. So if it was moved more to France UK or Iceland like most EU servers more of us would get better stable service. GLOBAL was located in NJ (northeast) part of US.
  2. I brought it up to @admina good while back and he said something about they where afraid of it being abused, but I just can't see how? I mean if your afking to port to port to get the xp your a target for PvP. It's such a small amount that it doesn't compared to combat XP and it would help traders open up slots on LGV and Indiaman. It's helpful at early levels when your leveling up, but after max rank what's the point? Just like I would love to see the trader crafted ships return to giving crafter XP for use of the ships. That was a great concept that kinda got lost too. Would give folks more reason to craft and sale/buy ships than just using Notes or DLC's.
  3. War is allready a hard mode server, if anything they should do a server like it use to with safe zones and such. Something like Peace but with consented PvP. There is a reason folks are going over to that server. Folks don't want more hard core. If your going to make it more hard core than just wait for the return of NA:L.
  4. I brought this up before but honestly we should be getting the xp for traveling in OW going towards our ship knowledge. It's not a big amount of xp and I really can't see how it can be abused cause it's sailing from point A to point B not dependent upon how long you been at sea. This would give players a little help at opening slots and help on trade ships that don't have slots perm open.
  5. There are other mods and such that gives you the same if not more speed increase. You can now buy Navy Clock in the store. Something we all get one free of for doing the Tutorial and it gives 4% speed. Yah I kinda would like to keep them, but than I thought, we have to level any way. So we will prob get most of those slots open that way. It's the SOL's that are a pain in an arse. Just a first rate you can level over twice getting most of it's slots open. I really wish that some of the ships shared points. Also you should be getting xp for travel going towards your ships so that you can open up trade ship xp slots.
  6. It will still be like the Yacht but for them to set it up it has to be offered as a DLC also. So others can buy it, but we all get it for free. This was something I wasn't to happy about when they announced it in the patch notes a while back cause than it's not special EA only. What they should do is before release give us all a BP of the ship so we can craft it our selves along with the DLC. What we are waiting on is for Steam to Approve them and allow it into the game. Since it's showing in game I"m betting it's approved but hasn't been dropped officialy on steam. Once it does that is when we will be able to use it. I thought about this and was going to suggest something like this. have different levels and at each one you get one note of the DLC ships to test out. This would encourage folks that might like the ship to buy them than. @admin maybe have special missions where you can get the notes one time in game to test out?
  7. Since we know they can give them out, they should of gave every one note to test while we wait on the DLC to be approved and installed in STEAM. This will also encourage folks to want the other ships if they where given one each of them too.
  8. Dear US Liaison, oh wait we don't have any of those yet. Dear Mods and Dev Team, There was a patch today and @admin has not posted the notes on it. Can we get a post of the info about the patch. Players have been asking and I would like to relay back to them any info or update that was done so they can be informed. If nothing was done than please just state such. Also players are asking about the DLC as they show in game but not steam shop. Can we get a confirmation of that we are only waiting on steam to release them fully. We know some have been given to a selected few (THE ELITE OF THE ELITE), but that doens't explain why the rest of us doesn't have the Pandora yet. Thanks Just some Player with concerns and questions. Ok this post is about communication....it's not in ya'lls ball park.
  9. Did she have 32's on her bottom two decks? That is what I want to see is a ship that runs 32's on both bottom and middle deck. Don't care about the top deck or any others, but would like to match those up. Nothing has larger than 24's on the second deck. To bad they didn't code it so you where limited on weight not cannons ratings.
  10. Could you maybe color code this so that the DLC's are one color, CM permited ships another color and RNG loot drop permits another color? That would maybe give us a clear picuture of what is going on. That are link the spread sheet so we can edit ourselves. Oh and how the hell do we get LGV refit these days? I was thinking of getting another and can't find it any where. DOn't tell me random loot drop ship too?
  11. I'm not BLACK, that was always @7Grams clan. That is why I dropped it when we merged servers cause it wasn't mine and I wasn't going to keep running it if they weren't going to play and two it would of been used as an example by any one from EU server that had something to prove. BLACK on PvP2/GLOBAL was dead when the wipe happen as most of the core players stopped playing back than and never truely came back. All I was doing was keeping a dead horse alive upon @7Grams when @Duncan McFail got burned out running it. Hell I turned in my resignation before that wipe as I wanted to go solo......that and now that I actually work again I don't have time to run any clans. And even though guys aren't original BLACK members, they joined after the wipe. Pretty much only ones I know still playing is @Simon Cadete and @The LoneWolf that was members pre-big wipe. Every one else moved on to other games or for the AUS guys the pings so bad they just gave up. Either way after release I still don't know where I'm going. Sir Texas Sir and Lil Texas has only remained in US cause I never bought the forge papers (was way to keep my promise to not jump ship until release). Maybe I'll check out Swede or Dutch, since I have never made a char in either of those nations?
  12. and where you get your info? Devs have said they might try to do a SEA/AU server depending numbers. I honestly think they should move the PEACE server to the US coast line (west not east) and keep the War where it is. This gives folks two locations and allow those that have bad Ping to have more rounded ping on the peace server.
  13. I honestly don't mind the wipe and glad I'm getting to keep the harder thing to collect in this game and that was the books. I haven't had a good book drop in ages, basicly just scrap mods for the most part. not sure what they done with the loot tables, but I haven't had time to try to get some of the new chest and test them out lately. For me it was exactly this, how they presented the info to us and how they reacted. I actually been wanting more wipes leading up to the relase to better test things, but seems they are going to drag this out and keep makign changes and not get it done. Make some final announcements, drop the patches with proper good detail notes. Give time for feed back or bug finding and get this game released. At least to a beta stage or soemthing to be even more ready for final release. Which still doesn't look like any time soon at this rate. So I'm guessing witner time release? Oh and I still think the Pandora DLC thing is wrong, that was suppose to be something special for all EA players not any one can buy it. They could of codded it diffrently like give every one EA the BP of the ship as a perm redeemable that once you learn it you know it. Oh well what is done is done. I'm just going to sit back on the side lines for now until the game releases and see where things go from there.
  14. Either way the pavel needs it's other lay out of 18's instead of the 9's that we have now to make it fit better with the 2nd rates. I would like to see other type of guns like the Edinorogs in game for other national ships we have. That and the dang 42's should only be on ships that actually used them and the other 1/2 should be force to use the 36's not both, but with this team your never going to see historical or balance any more at this rate.
  15. Inger and Aggy our out dated 3rd rates is why they are moved to 4th rates. Well more the Ingermanland was.
  16. I'm going to bet it's prob not folks that actually have the most feed back from other players of nations, but instead a bunch of there....well lets not go there.
  17. Yah I tell folks all mine is nothing more than a small clan I don’t have to argue about who is doing what. Plus those hours was back when I wasn’t working for a year and half and had a lot of free time for gaming or the bar. I can hardly get 5 hours in a week now on one char.
  18. But is it updated? It’s useles if it’s not updated with recent hotfix/patch notes
  19. So some one posted else where about a dedicated fishing boat and I got to thinking. With the new trade missions being 800 cargo size than what use do we have for the Lynx and Cutter? I still think these goods should be 500 cargo so you or a new player can take one with the smallest trade ship. You never really see any one use the Traders Cutter though. Maybe the Trader cutter can be turned into a dedicated fishing boat is some one wish to do that? While the Trader Lynx will still be the small smuggler ship.
  20. isn't that pretty much what 7th rate trade ships are? Though minus the bonus but you can get that with a perk.
  21. Any doubloons spent in port just like Reals should be taxed in a means. Maybe not out right, but part of that should go back to owner of clan.
  22. Patch notes should always be posted on the log in screen when they happen. The other day when they dropped the R zones most of the guys had no clue and was just easy for the pickings. This is even active players. We are constantly posting them in chat and on discord for folks to read. 9 times out of 10 we have to just tell them in TS cause they don't want to go look them up. Notice could give those players a chance to move to Peace server and not just out right quite the game. I swear they have a stupid recruitment model for this game. Thinking they can just replace any lost players. It doesn't work like that in the real world.
  23. Best thing about that screen shot is seeing ya'll actually sink KoC lol....ya'll where very heavy stack that day with that large of group and ships. Honestly when I see ya'll go up the coast I make econ runs else where lol Nice to see CKA is some what alive now. Maybe we can see a bit more of them in US prime time when the game releases? I really would like to see a more spread of players among more than just two or three nations. Maybe we can get some active US, GB, French, Swede in our time zones so it's no all stacked in one nation.....which seems pirates is very heavy stacked with active players right now. That is a problem new players got pride in the nation and want to fight, they don't understand it's best to leave the capital areas and fight else where. So instead they run out there to be slaughtered while pissing off Vets cause they think we are cowards or stupid for not wanting to fight. All the while we know who is out there in in what ships and it isn't a fair fight skill/or BR wise. You think when they see combat news they would just avoid the coast line as Pirates come up it, but instead there is still a group that rush out in crappy ships that have no business in such fights to get sluaghtred. Even if they sink a few it's not hurting the hunters cause they have so many CM and Doubloons it's nothing to loose a ship.
  24. I said it many times in the past they need to do in game surveys cause most of the players never get on the forums. You want the best feed back than ask in game. Just have a pop up when they log in and ask a few questions and be done with it. There is a little saying I been hearing a lot in debates between certain political groups which goes something like this. "I don't care about what hurts your feelings. What I care about are the facts and your feelings are no fact." We need to remember this when debating on here about game mechanics and also remember not all of us are native speakers so there is a very big chance of lost in translations when talking with one another. I'm just a stubborn former Navy and Oilfield hand so I tend to be very blunt and to the point. It's gotten me in trouble a few times with the devs when I don't think I deserved it, but even other times I had to keep myself in check so not to get any one butt hurt. Keep the discussions to facts and not your feelings and things will go a lot more smoothly.
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