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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. But DLC don't have to get the woods, they get instant woods so that is why they should be limited to only blue 3/5 ships with perks.
  2. yah I'm half a sleep and left the AI part off, I don't cap AI ships so don't think of it much. and that is why I said 4th rates and below, which would include 5, 6, 7th rates that aren't permited can be captured from AI. Only player ships of 4th rates and below that aren't DLC or rare ships cane be captured. Bah I'm going to bed before I make it more confusing lol
  3. On PvP server none except players, only on the PvE sever you can captured AI. On PvP you can only capture 4th rates and below as long as they aren't DLC. And only permited player ships of 4th rate and below
  4. DLC should only be blue 3/5 ships with a chance at perks. Crafted ships should be the only ones with chance to have extra perks and slots. This would be one way to make them more equal specially when you start looking at time to craft and make a 4th rate over the DLC. Hell even the 5th rates seem to now be hard to craft compared just popping out a DLC. I'll be honestly if I get back activily in the game I"ll prob after relase only run DLC ships for a good while as I stock up for better ships but there really isn't a point to craft anything other than SOL's if you have DLC's.
  5. Clans should also get back Doubloons from others that buy it from there port. This way they can pay for it with part of that and or sale it on the market. Even if they gain 10% of what friendly clans spend on the missions it's better than nothing.
  6. But even after the wipe, why do I have to switch from a ship I like playing to one that is not locked behind secret drops on magical chest that is so random I prob got a better chance to win the lotto than to ever get a Reno permit to craft another one? It's not like it's some super special rare ships like the Santa Cecilia or something. Oh and I actually like the Suprise, but I have it unlocked on a diffrent char than the one that has the Reno completely unlocked. That char I play in shallows and do solo hunting in light frigates but never unlocked the Suprise and I agree I'm not going to be unlocking any new ships until after wipe since we aren't keeping ship knowledge. I just don't have the time right now with work keeping out of game. I'll wait until release to spend more than a few hours a couple times a week on the game right now. To many other new games out right now to play any way.
  7. When I use the windows mode of the game it keeps wanting to use the resolution of my monitors. So it shows 1080 on one and tries to do 4k on the other even though I have the game settings to 1080. I remember it did this before and either they fixed it with a hotfix or there was some other work around, but right now the small text is way to small for me to read when I play on my main monitor (the 4K one) even though I have game setting to 1080. It does work fine when I put it in full screen mode though, but I like to use my second monitor while watching the game and not have to alt tab back into the game all the time. What the two screen size compare when set to fullscreen or not
  8. The other week or two I was playing and over a few days I lost several ships: Indianman, L'Ocean, Herc, LRQ, Reno, USS United States. I got one assisst in all those fights but no CM's. I only have a few Victory Marks from the short time I defended a port. Of these ships I was only able to replace the trade ship and the DLC since. USS US I need 5 VM's and it's only been 3 weeks since that port battle I defeded in so I only have three (maybe 4 this week). The L'Ocean I need CM's, well I been workign long hours so don't have a lot of time so haven't been in crap for PvP so no CM's earned and I didn't get crap for my one assist cause there was to many in that battle. So how am I to repalce my ships? If I was some casuals and didn't have 120 ships saved up between 5 accounts I would be stuck to only playing the Trade Ship and Two DCL (well Pandora now with them). Cause loosing 5 ships in 2 days is prob half most folks fleets. And we haven't even gotten into the wood types. Yes I can make them all of Fir, Oak and such (can get my hands on WO and LO if I want). What pisses me off is I can't replace the reno to keep fighting with a ship I have completely unlocked. Instead I have to go make a Surprise and start unlocking it instead of using the ship I like better. Wel that is if you could actually craft one....can't even craft Reno's.....but the LRQ should of been made a 5th rate a long time ago with the Herc and Pandora which all have like crew.
  9. Remember the days on global, “there is 175 players online they have to be some where. Me counting who was all on BLACK and how many alts we have on, “ we or like 75 of that number.” Maybe not that bad but there was times lol
  10. Except you forget you still have to be on friendly clan list. Folks aren't going to add some random solo alt to the friendly clans list if they don't know that person. So you can't get the rare woods that away. Avoid playing 10% tax? You do know every one pays that same tax as what ever the port owner sets. This just proves you don't have a clue how alts work. lol I really think a lot of the anti alters actually have no clue how it is to use and play with alts. I'm not getting easier game cause I have alts, I'am actualy having to grind and support each of those chars. It's not the old Tobacco days where we made millions a run.
  11. [Unfounded speculation resulting in abusive comment] Warning issued. mod team ...Instead of spending the DLC money on a full time coder so there is more than 2 on the game they given us very little of any improvements. You have to keep it a flag system cause you can't do true PvP or RvR. It has to be consensual between all parties. RvR can be done with map reset and as for folks bitching about what if my stuff is in there. The game has 300+ ports, capture that port for yourself and you clan and no one else can capture it until map reset. Simple as that. They also can leave all ports open to all and only have port owner ship effect the econ port control part only. Off question...where are all the rare wood ports on the PvE server, just the perm ports like NO, San Agustian, St George (bermuda)? Ports like that or they have it spread out more? Asking cause PvE tends to get the short end of the stick any time something new is changed in game on war but not on peace server. Getting warning by staff that never even log in and never seen....for speaking our mind. Go figure.....lol I still stand by my view they aren't going to do anythign to help PvE server become better and where is the money for all these DLC's going caused it's not in a new coder to help get things done I assume?
  12. 1. Leave it 10 ships, we don't have many clans or groups that can do 20 vs 20 fights right now and well other than shallow waters when was the last time you seen something so big? 2. The only way I can see PvP to work on Peace server is flags. You have a PvP flag and can only attack other folks with PvP flags. Any one else can't be attacked or can't attack you. That makes it mutual consent for all parties. 3. They keep saying they will bring AI aggression but the Hard core PvP guys keep complaining they don't want to fight dump AI. Well guess what half the guys that farm aren't any better than AI so what is the difference? That you destroyed a players ship and put him back a week or two? Really think they just want to troll other players and never fight each other. To be honest with the direction they are going with the War server and there not being any in the middle option for the average causal players I really don't give a crap about the War Server any more if there could be an option that interest more players. It just will show that hard core PvP is not what the majority of the players want.
  13. One of the many reasons we need port wipes too. We have folks sitting on ports they own for over a year now and many of them are inactive but who do we know is what? Not to mention the ports locked behind odd timers that might be important or might not. Honestly can't wait for release and full wipe. At this rate I don't think we will see a wipe with the next patch that suppose to bring port stuff. They should just push through and release the game. Spring will be over before they know it and it will be a winter release.
  14. I would buy you some but I’m not on the friends list for Turn. Cause I know you prob got the doubloons. You could always go flip Gran Turk, isn’t it still teak?
  15. So I been working a lot lately and haven't been on much mainly cause I been playing other games too. The one thing I have found in the last two weeks is that I have lost 6 ships: L'Ocean, USS United States, Rennomee, LRQ, Indiaman, Herc. Of these ships I can replace two of them instantly so it really didn't cost me anything except cannons and mods. The Reno I can't replace cause the permit is locked in RNG chest which I haven't had the time to grind out missions to get. The USS United States I did get 55851 reals back but that is nothing for a ship that will cost me 5 VM's (I only have three cause I only been to one port battle and didn't make it back to do the last defense for it). So here I am stuck with only 3 VM's so I can't replace this ship. The L'Ocean I did get 168336 reals, no where what it's worth when you add up all the permits and doubloons. I need 50 CM's for a permit...oh guess what in all those battles all I got was one assist and was paid ZERO CM's. So lets say I'm a typical unlucky US player that gets sunk over and over and over again but never get kills. I'll never have CM marks to replace my ships. Might as well just sail DLC ships and say screw crafting. Better yet I might as well just go play a game that doesn't screw over it's causal players to make a few Hard core PvPers happy. Right now loosing these ships mean nothing for me cause I have 120 other ships between my 5 chars with about half a dozen 1st rates and over a dozen 3rds so I'm set until wipe. If we where going off after release though I would not have this luck and lets say this was my fleet. I just now got stuck to only my two DLC ships and hoping I get time to make it to a PvP event or get some luck kills with my 2 hours here and there in the week I can play. How exactly does this help the average/casuals out and how is crafting some how not DUMB DOWN @admin but instead been made extremely hard and useless. Do I dare say maybe it cause you don't want any crafting but instead you just want us to buy the over priced DLC instead?Which wouldn't helped me to much on those 6 ships cause I lost 5 of them in the same day. If that was all my ships I would have no more play until 24 hours later if that was an on going thing of me loosing ships daily. Oh and out of all the ships the trade ship was the easiest to replace. I hadn't set up my econ since the econ wipe, but within two days I made one to replace the one I lost and was back to being able to make those trade runs if I wanted too. Reals aren't to much a problem if you just want to AFK sail all day all over the map or do mindless AI grind. It's the RNG permits and lock wall that we have in crafting that is the major issue.
  16. There is an intereviedw with Chris Robertson about PvE and PvP where he talks about why the servers will be 20% Players and 80% AI (I also heard 10/90 mix). It's cause while PvP is fun you also always have a looser. When your the same looser over and over it becomes not fun any more. That is why we are making the servers majority of PvE AI and you won't know the different from players and AI so it can be more fun for all intested of having the same guys always be winners or looser. Peace server can keep this aspect by allowing a flag for PvP only if both parties has the flag. Some players can run permanently with a flag if they want or only turn it on when they want to go duel a friend or have a good brawl with some other players. By making it a choice, they removed this from the war server where a lot of players wanted to only PvP on there time/terms. Now they can't grind AI in peace and are force to have to PvP 100% of the time. We have no middle option, just the extreme PvP or PvE The Extreme PvP should of been NA:L but we all know how bad that failed or just having lobbies, but there is no middle option for the average players that just want to enjoy all aspects of the game and not forced to PvP every time they log in. So why not have a flag system where you can only PvP if you have the flag turned on? This doesn't hurt the guys that only want PvE as they don't have to ever turn the flags on and can keep doing what ever makes them happy. Back to OG the port battles can be keep simple where we can attack neutral ports and fight the 10 AI (20 is to much cause of server pop and small clans). This allows clans to own ports and give more meaning to them in game. Reset the map every 4 months and folks will have to recapture ports from AI again. If you want ports for mission just capture a port or use one of your nation. There is no reason to have every port used by every one. Give the players something to do. As for loosing players from PvP/WAR server? So what they wanted to go hard core direction on PvP and that is fine, but give the majority of the players that like this game something they want also. The numbers on the servers will tell you what the most of the players really want. Hard core or something in the middle.
  17. He also doesn't understand that some players actually like to do econ/trade/craft and play this game for that more than just the PvP or PvE. I play all parts of it and I think crafting has been so screwed up that it's almost pointless to craft any more. Every ship should be craftable in game except super rare ones no matter what. And he's still wrong about a DLC having an in game crafted equivalent....we still have nothing compared to the LRQ that can be crafted. I made a suggestion of allowing a trader version be a Admiralty shop reward (BLUE PRINT PLEASE) for those that like to do trade and want something special. That will give a none combat trade ship version to be crafted. I actually know several crafters/traders that have stopped playing the game cause no there is no ships for them to craft without having to pay out the arse for permits or expect a luck of a draw from chest drops. WE DIDN"T DUMB DOWN CRAFTING LIKE I FEARED WE MADE IT 10 TIMES HARDER. We also have the problem of certain large clans claiming all the important ports and no one fighting over them. There should be a limit of 10 ports per clan. Yes alt clans can be made, but this means that you cant have one clan own half the map. They actually have to work with other clans to do so. BR on ports also need to be fixed cause we have to many small BR ports that are important ports where a small elite clan can hold and keep a port vs a large nation that can fill 25 man ports being able to hold and take a port. We should be able to increase ports BR if we want and can field bigger fleets than others. DLC should be only blue 3/5 ships with chance of perks. Only way to get anything better is a ship has to be crafted by a player. Give crafting a meaning. We use to have to get to level 50 to make mastercraft stuff. Do something like that now where it's only the crafters that can produce those exceptional ships not some random note or DLC. Also allow all ships pretty much to be crafted if you get the BLUE PRINTS. Lock some of them behind special or rewards, but allow pretty much every ship to be crafted if some one gains a BLUE PRINT.
  18. Honestly these two perks should be free to players just like we have limited chain shot and now the free fleet perk. Maybe have it where you learn double ball at level 5 or double charge at level 7 etc. There is no reason for them to be perks if AI gets them for free and it's a limited use item so they should be something that all ship captains know.
  19. You still got to level up to crew her remember and not every one will want to pay to own her up front.
  20. That is why dlc should only give you blue 3/5 with perk. Anything better has to be crafted by a player.
  21. @Ink is aware there is a bug of some of the folks that bought the game before steam (paypal and you have the yatch) didn't get it. It's been checked on and hopefully fixed quickly for ya'll.
  22. DLC and note ships should only be 3/5 with chance of perk. All other quality ships should only be through actually crafting them. All DLC ships should be craftable even if you have to do a special missions to get the BP. So that way there is no ship that is OP that you can't just craft and get a better quality. The conveinet of DLC is instant ship, not promised to be instant GOLD ship after all so folks should be fine with a 3/5 ship with perk. This will give crafting more meaning if you can afford it over just using DLC's.
  23. Actually it's almost twice, I bought most my alts while it was on sail so I never paid more than 19-25 dollars for my copy of the game. Oh and those are the sale price I listed since it's 10% off they are actually 39.99 and 29.99.
  24. It's 35.99 for the Rat and 26.99 for L'Hermione in the US version of steam. And why no Pandora?
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