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Sir Texas Sir

Royal Society Member
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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. So I checked all three servers this morning and I had exactly 812 hours on all them since I last posted on this. So I waited for the hour to be up and my crafting was at 872. If I'm correct we get 40 labor hours every RL hour right? Well That is 60 per hour and it's the same on all three servers. Is it still 40 an hour or has it been raised up? Either way that isn't a 20% mark up it's more and either it's not working on the server I have it or it's working on all three servers.
  2. Yah I'm going to compare them later today and if I got more hours on one than the others we know it doesn't effect the sync hours. If it does I'll make a report.
  3. That and like tonight we where heading back to a port after a shallow water port battle and I wasn't paying attention and some one tagged me just as I was about to port in. Well he got a bad tag and I out ran him. I had been in two port battles for that last two hours and needed to get off to make dinner. I didn't have the time to sit there and get tagged again and play with this guy. So I left myself at the log out of battle screen and went to make some dinner. I came back hopped out and into port and than went on to play some other part of the map with a different ship. Some times we can't just keep fighting hours and hours and hours on.
  4. Ok I was sitting here thinking about something and wonder if any one has tested this. We all know labor is shared across servers right? So if you got an officer on one server with this perk would it increase your labor out put on all servers? How about the other perks that deal with labor hours and cost? To me I was thinking some one can put certain perks like this on one char on a server they don't play on and than put more combat perks on the officer that they use on the main server they play on. Just wondering if any one has tested this out or not? I put it on my EU officer since I don't play on there any more and I'm going to check my hours and see if they have changed any from what I have on my US server char. That and do the math and see if it looks like I"m getting more labor per hour compared to my crafting level.
  5. I was doing Wreck hunting early this week and it was coming down pretty hard and my little Trade Cutter felt like it was about to go under and just as I thought I was about to get to a Freetown to port in BOOM I end up face to face with a Rat and he tags me. I run like crazy and get back into the storm and just as I pull in port I can see anouther rat was trying to block the port but cause of the weather he never saw me fly in. Just as I was clicking on port there was some poor brit that shows up and he gets tagged instead. Yah I know what your talking about looming trouble out there in hostile waters.
  6. Yes they half the speed of the master skills cause they where to OP apparently. Yah I was thinking this would be how they do it and put a number that you can have as you rank up. This way your 1st might be higher rank and older than some one else in your crew of officers. If he goes down to much you might have to advance some lower rank officer into his place and he starts over with his skill pools while another officer might be just half way up his ranking.
  7. 30 mins of rain in game was to much for you. Last week it pretty much stormed and rained all night when I was doing bottle/wreck hunting. You couldn't see your hand before your face. I'm going to take it many of you have never been at sea or worked offshore. It rains all the time when I'm out there for work.
  8. Man are you on a potatoe? I would go mad if I had to play it on low and get only that FPS. Feel sorry for you man. I'm running GTX 980 through a alienware graphic amplifier (980M on board the laptop) and I still getting about 60 FPS average and it kinda bounces from 58-62 and that is on ULTRA/HIGH settings. While it wasn't my game but something else was acting up (teamspeak) and I had to reboot the whole laptop this morning when I got up. Something was causing my TS to be real choppy like a bad connection. Once I rebooted it was back to normal.
  9. [uNKN] UnKnown We are up to 40 members and growing. That is twice what we had when I started. Just though I'll add that since you have about the number of members when I joined a few weeks ago. We are doing some heavy recruitment of newer and older players.
  10. Don't think there is much you can do. Just don't make every one and there brother an officer.
  11. Ok I know if you do a major crew shock by like killing half the crew it's pretty much an auto win in a boarding. Though I noticed lately that if you don't do this, but you still get the moral to "O" they fight to the last guy. This kinda doesn't make since. I mean you have no will to fight, your out number and you fight to the last man? Shouldn't they give up when there moral hit's "0" no matter what? It kinda makes "Press Gang" pointless unless you get the CREW SHOCK instant win for large crew kill and moral drop. Other wise if you have to fight to the last man there is no crew left and no one to press to replace the ones you loose. I keep noticing this when I hit Traders and don't do the crew shock/kill half them in one attack. With the new crew changes and such you think this would happen when Moral is at zero and there is pretty much no way for the Trader ship to win the fight. Again this is only AI ships not PvP.
  12. This is why I like press gang perk. Many times you might just become part of there crew too. Some times it was a better deal than the ship you where on before that you might of got pressed gang in the first place in some port to join.
  13. Clan mate has one so now we are going to make fun of her for having a special ship no one else in clan has lol
  14. I mean how are ya'll to test them and see which ones need to be reworked and which ones are fine as they are if there aren't a lot of them out there to compare? At least that is the way I see it with the different drops and such. To many people forget that we are basically the testers of a game that isn't released fully yet.
  15. How much has been sold in those ports? When it's at 1 gold it's been over sold and it has not used up enough of the product. Stop saturating the market and than you can sale items.
  16. Wait there is a "T" command for certain sails? I just learned something new. Oh and I got a gold set of these the other day from a wreck and asked this same question and no one could really tell me what they do lol
  17. I think they comp you for the less fish as I tend to catch bigger fish (sharks and such) in the open sea deeper waters. Oh I been bitching cause I have yet to get a bottle and I got one tonight after a battle. I open it and just as I did I got another bottle. Time to do some speed runs all over the map.
  18. I noticed I was getting some pretty bad PING/LAG issues on the US server and logged out and back in and notice a few times the EU was down. This was all before the server maintance so I just took it that there was some issues. It's expected with the stage the game is in right now. Hell I just came back cause I was wanting to check out the new update and been loving the new stuff. I take breaks between patches so not to get burned out. Now to figure what to do with this big ship i can't even crew yet. If we don't redeem them right away will it stay on the redeem tab? Other wise I think I need to move some ships around to make room for it and just use it for a storage ship until I level up.
  19. Than I'm screwed cause since I switched from playing on EU to US I have yet to get a BP from crafting or breaking a ship apart. I pretty much gave up trying to craft on this server cause of it. Wish your BP's carried over with your crafting level.
  20. I'm Master Com and my crew max is 250 but I use a Surprise and it has a crew of 240. That is 10 extras, but if I have a bad battle or even boarding it cost me what 1K per crew to get my crew back. That is 30K if I loose 30 crew. At this time I'm not in a clan and I'm just not making the money some of the big guys can make fleeting or even doing crafting. Basicly the credits I earn every mission I been doing to level up is going towards buying new crew. I love to board since I play more like a privateer than a Naval Officer and like to capture ships to make money too, but when you make me spend all my earnings on crew it's pretty much wasted for the pay out. I might as well just sink the ships (I capture a lot of traders not so much normal ships). I agree the cost for crew should scale a bit with your ranks not be the same across the board or it needs to be lowered a bit to be more manageable for the players still trying to level up. It be different if I had a big pool to work with or something, but I don't if I loose crew I loose ship handling.
  21. While I'm only Master Com right now and recently got my Surprise. I'll be honest even when I level up I'll prob stay in the Frigates as it's more style of play as a Privateer. BIG SLOW SHIPS are a bore to me.
  22. Are do like some other games and have a server reset once a month or something. That way if you want to keep using those ports as your home base your clan has to retake it and keep it every month instead of just sitting on it cause the other nation isn't strong enough to take it back. As for the low population nations, give them an XP/Credit boost like other games do to lower populated groups. I hate the concept of giving the more populated nation a penalty cause I'm a slow player in the US PvP2 and only Master Com so that would hinder my casual slow play. How about you guys in other nations actually listen to us when we try to help you and set up truces so you can grow. Instead you join with alts and pirates and try to make alliance with the wrong folks. To be honest NO ONE SHOULD BE MAKING ALLIANCES with the Pirates. They should be the hard mode not the easy catch 22 mode. If they are allowed alliance than make it a contract like privater for that one pirate and it's tagged that he's working under that nations flag. I know this is going to piss folks off, but why is there even a PvE server for the US? I mean I only been hit twice since the game came out and both times kinda was my fault they where even able to tag me. It's not like your getting ganked every two seconds unless you are hauling your trade goods in a very active areas.
  23. For a solo player I wouldn't mind having the fleets for help. Some times it's hard to get a team together when you just want to grind. I solo lower rank fleet/missions for that reason. I don't even mind them keeping it to only cutters. Cause I would more use it for my trader protection when making runs or low level fleet grinding. The issue I have is that you rarely see any higher level ships out there solo unless they are just traders. That and like the OP I went from playing on PvP1 to PvP2 and had to start my grind all over with a higher rank but only basic cutter, but I couldn't buy the fleet ships to help with that grind. Wouldn't been to bad if my crafting BP's got shared too as than I could of made some decent ships early to help with that grind.
  24. Yah I played around a little on the PvE server and got bored. I keep to PvP2 for a good while until I moved over to PvP1 since I live in the US. To be honest I have only been attacked two or three times with two of those being gank in a trader ship and I just gave up the fight as there was no way to run from them. Would be nice if they had a ransom option to let the ships go after you attack them taking there ransom and maybe a little cargo. The third fight I was 9 vs 1 and out number them all. They even hit me twice and I out ran them a second time. So really I don't see a reason for PvE server. It's like the easy/noob mode.
  25. And don't be stupid. The bigiest thing that has been keeping some of the nations down is when told stay out of our newbie area's and traders in a certain zone they still come and attack them. Yes I know that you can't get to all the players and not all of them will agree with cease fires or off limit zones, but hay it helps. I do think there should be some sort of ticker of influence or active governor for none starting ports. This is ports we all started with for each nation. Those ports should be able to easly capture back or revert back to the Nation they started with. Even have a set time they revert back. Like POTBS had an end of conflict and ports reverted back to original owners. If it was a port you used ECON out of it was the first ports we captured when the map reset. I'm pretty sure we will see something like this later on.
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