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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Steam does have a refund policy if you haven't played a game more than so many hours, but like @Ink asked what is wrong with your game? There can be many things that can cause problems in games. Updateing your drivers, system specs, your internet, bad files. If you list what is wrong some one might be able to help you.
  2. I just wanted to add to @Ink PvE server did not get an XP wipe upon release so if your just wanting to play and not PvP your char should be what ever level it was before the release of the game. That is if you had played any since the 2017 wipe. As for PvP server though if you do the Tutorial and finish the final exam it can boost you up to Mid Shipman status which helps for leveling up faster. I always advice returning players to do this as it gives them a brush course of some things that might of changed since they last played. Welcome back.
  3. Hell didn't PvP2 go like 9 months before we ever seen a mod show up? Only reason they started showing up was talks of merging servers and such. Though I agree for most things the moderators should prob deal with there own nation problems, unless it's a big time break in the rules.
  4. Since we have the word Mortar mention, is there any plans to give the Mortar brig any love. I tried it out a while back with an alt in a PB after we cleared the raiders. I couldn't hit crap, the aim circle still can't be seen on land, the accuracy is just so bad and one little bump and it's all over the place so you have to start all over trying to zero it in. I think the main thing that will help on the for/towers is bring back the red dot in the aim circle for center of it. That not promise your going to hit that, but it lets you know where your center is at least. I also didn't have the ship knowwledge as I had no slots open on the mortar brig, but will try to open some some time in the future, specially if we ever going to get some loving to the ship. It's the slowest ship in game pretty much that most 1st rates can even out run so it's dead in any battle and with the useless ness cause Forts have so many hit points it needs a puprose once more back into battles. Hell maybe even have a bigger one for deep watter liek use the Indianman frame work to put them on and have in PB's of bigger ships. Just give it a big BR so it takes up a the space of a bigger ship.
  5. I said it before and think even suggested it once. ALL BATTLES SHOULD BE FFA pretty much unless you are of the same nation. Than that is the only time Green on Green counts. You are a British guy and some US player join your fight on your side, they can fire upon you or the Spanish your fighting if they like. This will solve 99% of the Green on Green cases. Pirates of course don't count as every one hates them including other pirates. All battles they are involved incuding other pirates should be FFA. So that way it's more a clan thing than a nation thing with them.
  6. As much as me and @Christendom have butt heads over the years. I'm 100% behind this post right here. I think we all have agree that this should of been done a long time ago and even still now should do like most other MMO games, there is not just one or two active Moderators, they have several of them. I would also strongly add. IF YOUR A MODERATOR YOU SHOULD NOT MODERATE WITH THE CHAR YOU PLAY. This can make it very bias when some folks are, "yah I'm RP right now" Actually had a pass mod say that on PvP2 when some violated a very big rule in global and was caught red handed abusing the rules. Also if a moderator is caught doing something they shouldn't than the other mods should be there judge and jury and if they are found guilty removed from moderation status. I also have logs of a moderator that is very much still active doing just this and never turned it in cause of the bias nature betoween devs and players and there best buddy moderators. I also think that moderators should not play on the server they moderat, but that might be to hard to find enough PvE guys to Moderate on PvP or vise versus, but I know if I was a moderator I would stop playing on one or the other as to not be bias or have conflict of interest when things might deal with my own nation.....
  7. Don't plant the flag where deep water ships can join I would say. Though never planted one yet, but isn't the front of the island shallow for to the most part so maybe hug the coast a bit more? They still had to sail those ships all the way over there once they found out some one was trying to set the flag, you could of had a fleet waiting to intercept them. Though all honesty I agree a shallow port missions should be done by a shallow ship that is allowed into that PB not any ship that can carry the flag, but as stated above you could of done thigns yourself to better place that flag and won the missions. Had to look at the map, this would explain why they have Atwood....maybe time to clean them out of your back yard? Or you could of just blockaded that port while the flag was set.
  8. @admin so this was first posted in June and we had several patches since than even of stuff that wasn't posted to come, but what is up with the Kharma system? Also sine the Frist half of 2020 thread is locked. What about these ships? Wrecker - crafted ship (February) Rotterdam - Combat Indiaman 1st half of 2020 Yes we all know the fate you choiced for teh Wrecker even though promised to be a crafted ship, but some of us still wanted to hope that it could still be a crafted ship since I been waiting on this ship since it was first announced ages ago (how many years ago was that? 2-3?) cause it would be the first ship to have 32's on second deck and you could run 32's on both decks like most of the more modern early 1800 war ships ended up with. Hell just make the ship a DLC ship cause so some of us can enjoy something we wanted and waited a long time for but cause of RL couldn't be in the gang bang event other than on the raping side of battles. Well second would be what the hell is up with the Rotterdam? It's way past first half of the year and not a word about it? While this be a DLC ship, will it have the same fait as the Wrecker? Will it be craftable? (please since there is no combat trade ships in the upper tiers). Can you please give us some sort of update about these ships.
  9. I actually been keeping my eye on that game for some time, but i refuse to pay a dime until I see any hard true game content which they don't have. While I won't mention what I have spent in a certain space game being built, but it's way more than I have spent in NA for sure, but at least that game I have ships to fly and can go around and test things out as they develope them. This said other game sadly I have to agree with you, they have way to big of a list and nothing to show yet and they expect to be ready some time in a year or two? They better get there butt in gear cause they are not going ot be the age of sale SC I"m sure. Oh and I did finally do the math and I suppoted this game with well over 2K....dnagit I think you beat my old retired WoT accounts.... While I don't always see eye to eye or agree on things, I have enjoyed this game over the years or I wouldn't had spent that much on Accounts and DLC's.
  10. J is still used for the bell, but to get your point maybe have something more like move the Bell to something else and do K as the uncouple key with J and L for direction. Wait K is used in mortar brigs, but they suck and still haven't been fixed so no really point of using that key any more for them ( @admin‌‌‌ when are mortars going to get looked at?). What is the brace key? H or I? I think it's I cause when it was H to many folks keep hitting it by accident. Either way I'm sure we could figure out some key combo to use. Maybe even have that key just means to alk which mast the z/c keys work on. Hell could even use the x key cause I don't that is used for anything is it? Just means folks will hit it all the time like the raddom fire option lol
  11. While I don't mind changes, but the problem I have seen is when you removed doubloons from crafting and bumped up Reals cost and now the cost of cannons are bumped up. DId you raise the rewards to match them? I think this is the issue a lot of folks have. Grinding ships does not give you hardly any rewards unless you do it way above you ships level, which is pretty much suicide specially with newer changes to the game. You need to do things on a balance scale across the board. You raise cost of one part of the game you need to raise the rewards on another. Currently I mainly get all my reals from trading cause rewards for combat still hardly pays the bills for repairs at times. Weren't we having this same convo like a year or so ago? Also ships still sink way to fast. I love the loot at the end of battle option cause a lot of times when I'm grinding out an AI fleet I just don't have time to turn and loot ships that went off and sunk, the problem is just about all them except the last two ship have fully sunk by time the battle ended so you can't even get the loot than. Oh and like the hotfix for today, it finally gets battle sails to be used like it should be and one of the things I been wanting for ages in game. I always hated that some one can go full sails, repair and act like nothing when that should be the easiet time to demast/foul rig some ship cause they are going full sail/rig and there is major stress on all the rigging cause of it. Thanks.
  12. Maybe some day y’all can expand on the water depth some so that we had deep harbors and battles, normal where SOL might be limited cause of shallow waters And than the true shallows. I like how shore and land effects some battle areas along the cost. Would be nice to see more of this.
  13. An extra Tack? LOL I get a feelilng you don't fight in big ships much? Some ships if the wreck is even partially up wind your never going to get to it with spending a lot of time and than it's sunk. I'll be honest when I'm grinding out my SOL/big boys I rarely loot cause it's to much a pain to try to get to the ship when the retarded AI desides to once more turn into irons and away from me. It seems worse with smaller ships like 5th rates.
  14. Could be a good thing with the karma system, but I'ms sure we won't see that until next year any way. Maybe take it to the suggestion section? We had something like this back with alliances. Maybe allow clans to have a clan diplomatic channel that they can put friendly clans on from other nations? Kinda how PvE guys can do so to allow other nations join there PB's and fights?
  15. They didn't do anything of what they suggestd they might do. Community Reps that we pick upon release, moderators that where less bias, unilke the few we had over the years that pretty much sucks there D"s and have been caught abusing powers or they do exactly nothing when things happen and they are very much online cause they are RPing (yah you know who you are) Than they talked about letting clan leaders displine there own members, which I thought was bad cause all you have to do is be clanless or what if the clan creater was active or even worse he is the problem? I know you would of been a good one if picked. I know my name came up a lot when I was in US, but I done and while I would prob do it again but I will not play on a server I moderate so I would prob either move to PvE or stop playing all together. As that how it was on other games I modeded, I was not playing on the server I was a mod so I couldn't be bias towards a faction there. They seem to say they want to try, than do nothing and than totally change something that was all ready working. Hell how the hell are we suppose to help new players if the help channel is removed? Battle chat can be turned off, how about make it so that others can too if folks don't want to hear it. Cause the same toxic players will still be toxic just in their nation chat too. So they didn't change anything.
  16. Why would you defend a port owned by a dead or alt clan? As far as I know a lot weren't defended mainly so they can change hands from who owned it before. Cause than you can just flip it back to new owner. Hell we still have many ports that are owned by dead clans that never have been hit. Would be nice if they had something we could trade them in for....
  17. We all know they will still run with no guns and 4 ships and most of them at min crew and still cry when they get tagged and tagged and tagged. Every one of my trader has guns on them. Last time I was tagged a Dane player help me sink the russian. Than he tagged me after the fight and sunk my main ship. Letting the rest go. If the Russsian player didn't disengage I would of beat his Trinc in boarding. This was vs my main indy, which all had guns but it carried 18 lbs while I keep only 9's on fleet to shoot sales. I have two slots open with barricades and marines on my ships, trying for a third so I can add more marines. and I have board mods. Maybe stop making ships to flight and make thing to fight too....your not going to get any where on the OW faster with that extra knot of fir fir. The things are slow enough it would be best to get some movablitly and HP in them. Though I'm really really wanting this ship, been watting the Rotterdam for a long time, even longer than the De Ruyter......I just hope it's craftable or DLC, and not some hiden private ship only a few will get.
  18. Might as well go play on PvE server than, trade ships is part of war and the game. It's a risk you take.
  19. A better way to do prize crew/cargo would be to have AI ships around capitals have special cargo that can drop some times. This wieghes a lot so wouldn't fit on most raider ships. So you would have to sail the trade ship (assume in fleet) back to a safe port to get rewarded for your capture. But to many folks complained that it wouldn't be fair so the rewards for PvP was made so that just sinking the ship was more reward than most cargo ships.. I have suggested in the past having it drop loot box's that are worth a good penny to encourage being brought back to port. Just make it so you can only redeem them back in a friendly port (none nuetral actually nation owned port). Than I bet you will see a lot more of the raiders not just sinking trade ships but actually trying to capture them.
  20. I would say also allow shops to sale 24lb Carros. Though I honestly think Obuisiers should be craftable since they aren't so widely used. They could be like the longs are to the Mediums. A lot of the dropped guns aren't use cause of there crappy states other than the Navy and the Bloomfields. I also with stupid ships would drop more than a few or if you actually captured ship they came with other guns than just mediums (elite ships that is). That would give guys a chance to hunt for cannons if they don't want to pay for them.
  21. and you missed the point where I said it pauses the actions from out side during the boarding game. It's prob a bad glitch that needs to be looked at as we normally don't have that happen in ever fight.
  22. Think of it this way, Boarding kinda pauses all things that happen outsdie. You can sink a ship fully while some one is in boarding, but until they come out of that boarding the ship won't actually sink. Like I said above I done this before where I quickly took the other guys ship since mine was pretty much sunk. Than I proceded to go after other ships with a full health ship and crew (it was back when we had press gang). So I assume that is what the AI did. He beat you at boarding and took your ship. So the TAB shows it in the new ship, but than the explosion killed his crew and both where dead. This is also why you never go loot a ship that is still sinking that has more crew than you. Wait until it's fully sunk.
  23. With ship building costing reals now shouldn't reals rewards be boosted up too? Just wondering? Really man some folks enjoy diffrent things, some folks like to just sale around and trade, others kill NPC's. Just cause it's not your cake, , doesn't mean it's not others.
  24. It didn't turn into one, it took your ship than was kiled by the explosion. I seen this before in other battlees and also done it myself when I taken other players ships in fights cause mine was sinking and than later get sunk in said captured ship (it was back when we had press gang and could do mass boardings in one battle). I actually got credit for the kill too of my own ship when it sunk.
  25. I assume he posted his prime time of play. Being in NZ that is like the most dead time of the server for players. Even right now not being EU or US prime time there is way more players on line in Pirates when I look at the same list. You still need to solve the problem with the balance of the nations. NO one is going to fight a nation that numbers prob the total of the other nations put together. There is no incentive and you have what has happend to those that tried. They either get totally crushed or they get burned out (Swede most recently) with the constant fighting. If we could have some sort of alliance system that would help with the inbalance. We have said there needs to be more uses for VM's, like paying for notes/permits and other things. Let us trade them in for things instead of just using them for investment. The issue is that you can only invest some things so far as it's very costly for most clans to do so without help of other clans. VM's aren't the limit on this it's the other things they cost. We have NPC traits on ships, would be nice if they brought the regions back as a way to play these traits when you craft ships. They can only be gotten by owning and crafting in certain regions. I'm going have to check, but isn't that the only way to get to Kidd's and Bermuda? Is you have to go through that port only? If US can attack them from there ports on the coast though no wonder why they keep them as vassals. Which comes to another problem, why are we allowing the most powerfull nation to dictate who can and can not attack them. All nations should be at war with impossible nations and any one that is on the top of the list. The issue is most nations can't fight Russia cause of it's numbers or fear being crushed to pretty much nothing or made a vassal nation of it.
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