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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by qw569😳

  1. I did not see the reaction on my messages. So I thought I was creating useless content and stopped publishing.
  2. In my opinion increasing the cool down is a good idea. But there can be a problem when two friendly clans from different nation lose each other port battle.
  3. If the attackers wrote in the global chat that they are going to perform missions at a given time, then it would form more PVP content. I don't know any clans who did it. If you look at the Mishka tweets, you see that the defender sometimes does not have the ability to intercept missions. some of them [18-07-2018 19:10 UTC] The hostility level of the clan BCC (Great Britain) on the port Great River (Pirates) increased to 54.9%. The previous value was 0% [18-07-2018 16:15 UTC] The hostility level of the clan 7UP (España) on the port Little Cayman (Great Britain) increased to 45.9%. The previous value was 0% [16-07-2018 20:30 UTC] The hostility level of the clan BF (Russian Empire) on the port Caño Macareo (France) increased to 75.3%. The previous value was 0.8%
  4. Could you tell about the characteristics of your colleague? I think this information will be useful for obtaining quantitative change data in the development process.
  5. Голандия заявила права на датский Vieques. Чтобы слова не расходились с делом была сформирована портовая битва. К назначенному времени в данный регионе скопилось значительно количество игроков. Поляки, испанцы, и огромное количество шведов. Последние и атаковали голандский флот, выходивший из Fajardo
  6. Maybe you can meet them at Vieques
  7. btw I learned about Naval Action from forum.worldofwarships.ru
  8. Срочно на переэкзаменовку. Вверху Бермуды, в центре Багамы. Тоже вчера простоял у порта 2 часа, никакого ПВП То есть чувствуя тоску от разлуки с кем-либо или чем-либо, вы ищите смысл вернуться. Да уж русская душа загадка
  9. ничёси недавняя битва. как минимум 3 века назад
  10. An hour before the maintenance great storm destroyed a large fleet in the West Indies. I'm sure it's not good
  11. I hope this war will affect the entire server. Some clans will help the French, others will help the Russians. I'm afraid that the Russian quickly get bored of playing in the RVR
  12. Fleet have only one advantage it is unlimited chain shoots. Imagine what can do 3 alts with fleets. btw The author of video is @Ленин
  13. I found ship which will be OP
  14. I do not see fall of online
  15. thx. Maybe i wrong translate post of @z4ys But Le Requin is 6 rate and brake Cerberus bowsprit. What another ship of 6 rate can brake bowsprit of 5 rate?
  16. If Le Requin lost foremast then she lost 33% If Cerberus lost foremast then she lost 47% If use rig repairs without any modules and skill books then Le Requin restore till 92% and Cerberus till 78% Call me another ship that loses less than 33% when the foremast is lost.
  17. Дорогой друг, мы очень рады что вы решили вернуться в такую замечательную игру как Naval Actions. К сожелению, нас очень огорчает, тот факт, что вы ленитесь почитать об изменениях в игре Тем не менее, отвечаем на ваш вопрос. Durability(прочки) теперь на все кораблях 1. Изменения были введены в патче 10.0 год назад.
  18. Here are some simple tips that give less chance of becoming food. 1. If you do mission or sink NPC in reinforcement zone then first 10 minutes sail away from NPC in battle. If hunter enter in battle then you will be too far away and will be able to exit. 2. Try to describe your position in the world more accurately. Do not forget to use the coordinates from F11 3. If you were attacked in the reinforcement zone, then call the reinforcement key F8. Stay close to the bots. 4.Study the routes of NPC. There is a more safest places outside reinforcement zone. But don't forget rule 1. Except 10 minutes wait only 3. P.S. Perhaps it makes sense to make a separate topic with tips for beginners and publish a link to it in the national chats.
  19. The Guardian have interesting article by this question. Never get high on your own supply
  20. В апреле, и бутылки ловились (1-2 за 6 часов).
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