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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. That there is no new and confirmed "official" statement. The numbers in the game files can't be trusted, admin said so himself.
  2. Somehow the euro hours became sparsely populated, and I never cared for "Winning the war" or doing bombing runs, so yea, it became less fun when there were few players out there to fight. Kinda like PVP in Naval Action right now. It's there, but it is pile-on PB, ganks and running, mostly. That's why I'm here looking for ways to encourage fighting. The Americans are still doing ok during their primetime, it's not like AH is dead. Maybe you consider AH a failure, but they started in 1999 and are still actively developing content today. I think that is a fantastic longevity for a game. Fighting other players is like the nourishment in my dinner, the other things are like gravy. Some are nice and some I pass on. I live for The Fight, The Fight keeps me alive.
  3. We'll have to see how it affects player behavior in the OW. Whatever encourages PVP is good imo, I have no babies I'm not willing to kill.
  4. Hah! Brutal honesty, I like! I'm an asshole too, as you may have noticed, but I'm wondering if I'd enjoy 5 fights (alleviated fear of loss) per arbitrary time unit more than 1 fight (full on devastating loss) per unit.
  5. I was pointing towards your threat of quitting the game as a way of reinforcing your views.
  6. Post 2 in a serie, Post 1: OP makes a well thought out and clearly worded post and follows up with questions and challenges raised against his ideas. Then he has to deal with stuff like this: Everyone's entitled to an opinion. However, misquoting, spergs, personal attacks, lol-did-not-read-disagree-anyway, demonization, don't-agree-please-go-away, misrepresentation, and this level of shitposting is not helping anyone, especially not your own "cause". I understand that it is hard to argue with someone who is able to sort his thoughts and have full command of the written language. Right above this post Hyperion demonstrates how it is possible to disagree but still acknowledge the "opposition". He even throws in nonsensical humour at the end. Stuff like that defuses strife and lightens up the discussion. Thank you, Hyperion!
  7. Stuff like that happens when you come in contact with Doran, like you did. I used to make my mother proud, now look at me! Doran is like King Midas in reverse.
  8. So you're saying I'm special? Wait! Short bus or "A beautiful mind" special? 2001 was the last time I played a single player game or RPG. I've done nothing but , as you say, combat mechanics since then. I had a fantastic 10 year run in AH before the euro hours became lonely. I never tired from it, if you learn to love the fight the fire never dies. Naval Action already has what it takes to be such an eternal flame (giggles) game. I do pick up on players being dazzled by fluff and context, it's fine, but it wears out real quick for me. The Fight never fails you.
  9. (Redacted content lost context when Doran was modded4fun) Pls, no bulli. Posting on mobile. Kaos, going nekkid anyway.
  10. They did a test with some ships being only available as 1 dura ships a while back, noone wanted to use them. Look at my sig for an official statement of what the server numbers told the developers. Then they made all the big ships have 1 dura - outcry on the forums. Making the biggest ships in game have 1 dura curbed their use as casual grinding machines, this is good, the SOL fever was silly. So there are actual numbers that reflect player choices in regards to the fear of loss. Yet here we are in a thread filled with big words about the greatness of loss. The loudmouths still run like little girls at the prospect of losing their shit, like the rest of us. I'm just wondering if a better balance can be achieved between the glory of the loss mechanic and enabling PVP? And now we have threads popping up about new and creative ways of abusing bots... Yes, loss is grand. I get it.
  11. That can be done in an hour for the swedes. How much xp to you feel you spanish should get for visiting all your ports? Or do you want to enable some macro clicker to afk crisscross your basic cutter around the map while you sleep and get xp for it?
  12. Kaos. I am running on a wish and a thought for NA PVP. I don't pretend to know all the answers, of all my sins that is not one. My heart is not as broken as yours, because I've seen great PVP in Aces High. AH gameplay is more related to NA than tanks. There was a very low ratio of derp in AH, I just assume OW ratio of derp will be below the threshold of pain. Besides, pubbies and derps are there to be farmed, just like we did in tanks. Anyway, it's not about taking away all consequence. We know how it is now, non-stop running, ganking and pvp aversion. How can we make it a little better, maybe quite a bit better? How can we remove the timidness and enable people to take a fight they might lose? Come, Kaos! Take my hand and let us run naked through a field of timothy and whisper words of hope and PVP to eachother.
  13. People are out in traders all the time, all over the map. People need stuff for crafting, so the crafting xp materials from trade runs enable you to get would fit the bill, no? In that other thread you're all "the modern generation can't handle a real MMO, they must have a theme park care bear resort that caters to their every whim...". And now you want cookies for showing up at a port? Exploration is unknown at this point. It might come, it might not.
  14. But you said you read it all?! If you do something clever with how players perceive loss, making it so they don't run by default unless they know they can beat their opponent, making it so they don't feel like they're being punished for losing against a player and so on... Well, then we run the risk of having more (ok, semi-)consentual and fun PVP in the open world. What better thing to BRING and ADD to this game is there?!
  15. Because you wonder if you have what it takes to beat me, if you best me you have the bragging rights of having beaten a raker in a fair fight. Maybe you learn a thing or two. People here pretend they learn something from bullying bots, you're better than that. Because you like to have fun trying to outwit an actual person instead of letting your brain rot clicking at bots. Now you're just being mean for the sake of it. If you ever see me in a big ship it's because someone is forcing me or "my country needs it". (Full disclosure: You might find me grinding gold in a big ship. It's the most efficient way of gathering currency, crazy... I know. I hope they change that and make mid to low level ships the sweetspot of the money grind.) You're in for a surprise, buddy. Never underestimate the powergrinders.
  16. 1994 -> now is enough time for you? Air Warrior -> Warbird -> Aces High. Some of the players that started in the nineties in AW are still to be found in Aces High today. All you have is PVP, RvR, strategic bombing and airfield capture, yes, you can even win the war. They have no loss and no economy. I think you underestimate people's love of a good fight and how that can be an endgame that keeps you going for more than ten years. Naval Action's combat mechanics are more than good enough to be all a player needs. When you're tired of winning or losing the war, tired of hauling materials and clicking buttons in port, you can still go out and have a great fight. edit: Leaving this here for posterity. I left a rather terse but funny reply early in this thread, but was modded due to colorful language... or modded for fun. Been there, done that... Besides missing the point almost entirely, this is the attitude some of the pro loss dudes bring to the discussion: I'm not even mad. I wish I could bite back and have a bit of forum fun, but I get modded for forum PVP so all I can do is quote them and let them simmer in their own fat, figuratively speaking. OP isn't trying to kill Naval Action, he is trying to help PVP. So am I. Some of us have been saying these things for almost a year now, but never as eloquently and thoroughly as our beloved OP. Bless him dear pig cloud! Instead, let us hear your thoughts on how we are to get Naval Action OW PVP back to full health. Loss or no loss, idc. I just want OW hunting to be a thing simply because I, as an individual, find it more enjoyable in in the long run than port battles and Trafalgars.
  17. Sure thing! If found this anecdote describing running and the sorry state of OW PVP this last year: Instead of finding ways of shoving loss down the throats of people who don't like it, I'm trying to find ways of making people want to fight.
  18. I'm sure many of the old hands have made the same observation. There is almost no loss outside of portbattles (I wonder how much loss is happening even there, enough to be statistically significant?) in this game, if we filter out new guys still learning the game. In order to have loss at all we need to encourage PVP and to do that we might have to dress up loss differently. There are tons of ways to make RvR work without forcing loss on players. Ship cooldowns and/or port battle cooldown would take care of constant PB spam, just to start the list. I don't like loss because it has almost killed off PVP in the open world (observation, not opinion). In a manner of speaking loss is it's own worst enemy; The fear of loss makes people adjust their play so they incur no risk and no loss. This is something I've never seen the pro loss guys deal with. We have an OW where people play PVE in parallel and the PVP part, where all potential loss exists, is insignificantly small. You say you don't want a no loss OW economy? Sorry, honey, you're living it right now. EVE is always brought up in these discussions, but I suspect the pro EVE/pro loss guys haven't followed through with the thinking. EVE has a working economy, good for them. As things stand now, we can't have that in Naval Action with the split servers. We won't have enough volume, not even close. So until we can unify the playerbase somehow and somewhere in the future we need to set realistic goals of what the economy could be with our limitations. The upshot is that EVE has shit fighting mechanics and we have some of the best I've seen. Eco is pretty much all there is to do in EVE because the fighting is lulzy at best. I Naval Action PVP is more important than the economy. (Qualified opinion)
  19. btw, who are you Aetrion? ... The Messiah?
  20. No hate, baby. Only love! I will support you in your righteous struggle!
  21. This is just beautiful to read! I got a crush on Benass and Aetrion. I feel the same way. I came for a fighting game, I've forced myself to accept the eco part of it, even if I think it's a major pain. Some people like that shit! Who am I to judge? There is a growing sense of desparation with this for me, though. Eco and glorious PVP seems to be mutually exclusive. I see premium ships as a small scale possible emergency fix for PVP lovers. Then the eco guys can abuse themselves with that drudgery they profess to enjoy, while we go out actively looking for- and giving others fights. I wish I had a plan that didn't include paying for the PVP experience. But with the way the eco guys talk on these forums I can't come up with anything. It's all "Take away this, take away that, take away teleport, take away deliveries, make PVP cost and no carefree fighting fun for you!" If you know some other way out, please share! I'm just a frail brother who is scared he's losing faith.
  22. Agree, Farra. Though, I don't expect. I just weakly, hat in hand, hope and beg. ????
  23. I went into crafting this time knowing there might be a wipe of crafting xp. It's the worst grind I've ever done in any game. People who crafted before tried to warn me, but like an idiot I went "pfft, I've ground before...". It's all my fault. Still... Please, please, please, please, please, don't make me do this again. If at all possible, please! Take my gold, my ships, my materials as many times as you have to. I will just smile. I will not be able to take a crafting xp wipe like a man, forgive me.
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