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Everything posted by admin

  1. Hotfix is being deployed to servers Fix of combat and hostility orders entry. Fix for losing ships in port if you lost a ship in the tutorial Contracts for copper ingots can be placed now Port battle timer ONLY affects attackers of the port. Defenders can enter the port battle right from the harbor. PvE server fix is still under way, it will be started a bit after the pvp server.
  2. yes a long overdue change but it can wait? if we assume that half charge is a normal charge then a full charge is theoretically a double half charge (or double normal charge).
  3. We prefer players to surprise themselves and find out it in game by playing because its exciting to learn new things yourself. sorry but it was like this for 2 years or more. we are huge dark souls fans and dark souls series does not explain half of the things happening in game.
  4. With the improvement of powder navies mostly used half charge or 1/3 charge. But they could use full charge and did use it from time to time to give more power to a shot (increasing the penetration and distance of the first graze) Some sources say that the difference in powder quality and size of the charge was indicated by color ribbon on the cartridge (red and blue)
  5. We added a great potential benefit for the crafters, that will make them matter more (just like it was after release). Crafters can build a much better ship occasionally.
  6. pve server is having problems. going to be stopped soon for a fix.
  7. carronades DO more splinter damage
  8. carronades have realistic trajectories and drops - they were overnerfed some time ago and had to come back. they still dont penetrate anything serious after 500m and have bad accuracy
  9. Yes indeed. it is happening will quickly check
  10. please report this in the combat tutorial feedback section
  11. First rates thickness was overdone. Everyone here knows it. Playability will be better now
  12. @rediii little help with the first rate thickness explanation?
  13. we already replied in another forum Width of planking for Victory ws between 60 to 70 cm in real life 3rd rates were slightly thinner Constitution was built as a super frigate with a hull of a third rate.
  14. ships no longer drop blueprints most ships are available to players from the start or can be acquired from the admiralty.
  15. maybe even faster.. there is a point that defenders are already in the harbor.. we just wanted to give fair terms to both attackers and defenders. Lets try it until next wednesday
  16. Name change is not going to happen until release. too complex.
  17. it is not double instance speed. Speed = Distance/Time. The speedometer you see is adapted for psychological reasons, people think 275 knots speed is not realistic but if we divide it by X - 20 knots suddenly become ok and more realistic (even if it is the same distance/over time).. So 7% speed is nothing for OW - almost nothing.
  18. Paid DLCs for consumables existed in MMO games since forever. We also know it will not affect existing ones, as those who do not change nations do not care and those who used all 5-6 forged papers we gave before will gladly pay for changing nations in the future because it gives them the flexibility they want.
  19. Yacht is premium content. Its safe forever. All premium content will just be moved to a separate place.
  20. What excuse. We never use excuses here at Game labs as we always say as it is and are always truthful and honest with everyone. If you never lie you will never have to give excuses. All unused redeemables will be removed eventually including forged papers. It does not have to make sense to you. It has to make sense to me. I dont want to keep items for players who do not even play. As keeping them is slowing me down. Redeemables was always a feature that was used for testing only (to quickly give out items to testers) and is not efficient and redundant. Forged papers will be a paid DLC it was mentioned some time ago
  21. discusion of moderation is not allowed and can cause a permanent ban nobody here is interested in your amazing database skills and your opinions on our database skills all old redeemables with the exception of xp and crafting xp will get removed as they are a headache for me. Forged papers will be a paid service discuss the patch.. if you have nothing to say about the patch, read and reflect.
  22. hull speed is maximum speed in the age of sail (theoretical) But i think he meant the final speedcap.
  23. there will be an announcement of course that will give players 30 days to redeem the old gifts.
  24. Well.. It is just your opinion.. man.
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