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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. I crossed the finish line overnight in my Multi-50 in 3,275th place (out of about 20,000) with 18 days, 18 hours, and 17 minutes elapsed. Overall, not bad. My Clipper Round the World 70' is currently running in the low 2,000's.
  2. So you want a system where one person you just added last week is able to clean out all of the Clan's assets? As mentioned, the basic idea behind joining a clan is to pool resources to help everyone do better in the game. In order to ensure clan resources aren't wasted or scammed from the group, you place your trust in the clan leadership and their assigns to manage those resources responsibly and for the good of the group. If you don't like the way they're managing it, presto, you leave and go somewhere else. Nobody is forcing you to give a clan anything, you're there voluntarily.
  3. We're testing here. Part of testing is complete weather systems, including fog and haze. There's no guarantee the map that will be used on release is the Caribbean, and if that is the case, fog and other effects not normally found in the Caribbean will be important to have in the game. Personally, I'd like to see them add capabilities for snow as well for future compatibility. Let's focus on testing fog as if we're off the coast of Boston or in the Channel, on how it affects game play, performance, etc, and focus less on whether or not fog is realistic in the testing map that we're currently using.
  4. As Msr. LeBoiteaux has pointed out, there is a thread where this is already being discussed. Please feel free to add any additional ideas you may have there. Thanks! Locking as a duplicate.
  5. No problem at all. Good hunting madam!
  6. Bear in mind that while Game Labs would like this game to do well, the idea of making it the World of Warcraft on water, generic, easy, simple, a-historical, simply to give it mass-market appeal....isn't actually their goal.
  7. Depends Obi. Multi-hulls, foils, there have been a lot of very interesting things done to modern boats. They do publish Polars (there's a graph available by clicking the button at the bottom of the screen on the web version of the app that lets you see your current wind direction and speed, and what the different sails will give you speed-wise), but they also might be "handicapping" the free Spinnaker to ensure it's competitive with the paid sail sets. An example for a Multi-50 (Trimaran) in the Jacques Vabre: And an example for a 70 foot monohull in the Clipper Round the World:
  8. They aren't required to find a port to log out. With the new code that lets you sit and wait until it logs off while keeping a watchful eye out for an attack by AI or another player, you can be logged out safely inside of two minutes. If, on the other hand, you're just annoyed that you can't sail anywhere, any time, without having to account for the wind, you're basically trying to remove the need to actually sail correctly from the game, which I don't like. You're also crippling the advantages to fore/aft rigged vessels have over their square rigged cousins, not to mention the different wind/angle curves on each vessel. Tactically, the wind is just about the most important thing to sailing a vessel of the area. Taking that out of the game, even in open world, removes far too much of the reality of the era. If the port you want to operate out of is difficult or impossible to enter at certain wind periods, I might suggest choosing another port from which to operate. There are plenty with almost entirely open approaches.
  9. Please don't take sailing out of the sailing game.
  10. I made a couple of bad choices, drifting too far to the west, and have fallen to 3,162nd. Not too bad, but I think I could have done better. Meanwhile, I entered leg 3 of the Round the World Clipper race, Africa to Australia, and am running about 2,990th. I think my positioning is decent, but it looks like the southern route boats are putting in a strong performance for now.
  11. Let's continue the discussion here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7577-feedback-on-the-current-progession-system-patch-8/ Thanks!
  12. Please provide your constructive feedback on the current rank progression feature in the following thread to keep it all in one place: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7577-feedback-on-the-current-progession-system-patch-8/ Locking this thread so we can use the new official one.
  13. There's no real "solution" per se - the game needs those ports in order to communicate correctly with the server. The solution is to configure your network/firewall to allow the game the access that it needs. The game can't work otherwise. Regarding getting the problems only after a server restart, that is more of concern to me. Please use Google for your particular brand of anti-virus/firewall to figure out how to tell if particular traffic is getting blocked. If you suspect it's your network, try using someone else's network (someone with a different service provider, not someone in the same building/dorm/etc if applicable) to see if it works there. If it still doesn't work there, it's more possible that the problem is in your local computer's setup.
  14. I believe I saw a similar issue reported a few days ago, though I hadn't yet seen the overlay being an issue as well. Thanks for the heads up.
  15. I saw your post this morning Mr. Speirs and appreciate your candor. I raised the purpose of the current progression system with Admin and received the following information, which I'll provide here for discussion amongst the community. The Developers feel that there needs to be a system that provides more usefulness for some ships. The general idea right now is - everyone sails one of five ships, and some only long enough to get to the next largest "good" ship. The progression system implemented in Patch 8 is designed to put more players in other ships on the water. They're not saying this is the "right" way to do it, nor is it the "final" way this feature may look, but it is their initial attempt to create a system that will cause players to sail more of the ships more often. I know this idea is quite unpopular with some folks, yourself included. So our role now as testers is to provide well thought out alternatives with the above goal in mind. If we absolutely want to sail whatever we want whenever we want, then the alternative may be to stop creating new ships - why create a ship that nobody will sail? It's a waste of time and a waste of resources that could be put to other uses. Creating a ship that only three people sail and only because they're die-hard lovers of that ship and don't care about its drawbacks compared to, say, Trincomalee or Frigate (for example), isn't a good use of resources. Please provide Progression System Feedback at this link: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7577-feedback-on-the-current-progession-system-patch-8/
  16. Make sure you F11 that error so the Devs can take a look at it. I'm kidding of course, thanks for reporting the problem. Moving to the Support forum so it gets the proper attention.
  17. Ahh! Welcome Ms. Coventry. Best of luck with the new rig.
  18. I wondered why the bot didn't just escape today Sterner. That's a great compromise, I like it a lot! Thanks for the quick update.
  19. Your English is great, no worries. It definitely sounds like something on her computer is the problem. It is hard to say what that problem is though.
  20. When you say "on your girlfriend's computer", is that computer also located on a different internet setup than the computer you have where it works? If not, does she have any firewalls or aggressive anti-virus/malware applications running that may be blocking traffic? The problem you describe is most often caused by a firewall or antivirus blocking packets.
  21. Please see the Guide on dealing with Trader bots here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7541-brief-guide-to-catching-traders/#entry142813 Thanks.
  22. There are no plans to remove NPCs. Please slow down and create less topics sir - there is a lot of good information on the forums and creating a new topic should be something you do as a last resort. Thank you.
  23. Let's drift away from mentioning specific religious bases/books for our views please.
  24. And please, please, please load chain during the battle countdown. Your first few broadsides on a trader should always be chain to slow them to a manageable speed.
  25. Mr. Calico, please restart steam/your computer and see if that helps. That sounds like more of a Steam Login failure than anything else.
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